15. Just Saying

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Dizzy's POV
Ash pulled me aside to talk more about Toni and Alex. I'd rather have him help me make dinner or cuddle with me but that's not what on his mind. "I don't like this.", "I know you don't like it but your kid sister is an adult. She can do whatever the hell she wants.", "You know how hard it was for me when I found out my little sister was dating my best friend? It was pretty damn hard. Now, this guy comes in, making her think she wants him.", "You haven't even met him.", "I don't need to meet him to think like him.", "Babe, you're being paranoid." "I'm not being paranoid. I just love her. She may be an adult but she will always be my baby sister. She doesn't even know what to look for in a husband. Our dad left right after she was born. I don't want her to marry someone like him.", "She's not. You know why?" He shook his head and looked at me. He looked genuinely scared for his sister. "Because she had you. Your father might have not been around but she had you. She's not going to be looking for a guy that will leave when times get tough. No, she's going to be looking for a guy who will love her with all of his heart. That will protect her no matter what and she's going to be looking for a guy who will support her through everything. Because she knows what a real man is, thanks to you." Tears fell down his face and he smiled a little. "You mean that?", "Of course. Baby, she's going to be alright because she has you to look up to and cry on." I held his hand and kissed his tear soaked cheeks. "Come on. You can help me make gumbo.", "I fucking love gumbo!", "I know, it's fucking delicious!", "Hey don't fucking cuss." I hit his arm and we walked to the kitchen with his arms around me.


They've been dating for a month now and they still don't like him. They met him on their last date! Sometimes, the guys are just... something else. I was hanging out in Toni's room after she was done telling me about where Alex and her might go to next. "That sounds romantic." I said. "I know right! It's been awhile since I've been on a romantic date.", "Well, I think Alex is great. I'm sorry that the guys don't think so.", "I don't care. Alex is a sweetheart and he pays for dinner. What more can I ask for?" She sounded a little rushed when she said it. And she looked like it hurt to say it. "Are you okay?", "I'm fine, why do you ask?", "Well, you seem like you don't believe what you just said about Alex.", "Of course I meant what I said. Alex is really great.", "I'm not saying he isn't, I'm just saying that maybe you're not into Alex as much as he." She looked at me and bit her lip ring. I knew it. "It's okay if you don't like him.", "No, I like him. It's just that...", "Luke just can't seem to get out of your head.", "I fucking hate it too. I'm trying so hard to get over him but... he's still there.", "It's okay. You sure you want to keep seeing him?", "I can tell Luke doesn't care anymore. He's over me." Or so she thinks. "Okay but I'm going to give you some advice. The worst thing you can do is lead a guy on. Cheating, lying and stealing is all bad, of course. But leading him on, making him think he has a chance even though he doesn't, that's a slap in the face. Just be careful and make sure that your happy." I hugged her and walked out. Cal, Mikey, and Ash were leaning against her doorway, all smiling at me. "I knew you didn't like him." Ash said. "I do like him, I just like Toni and Luke better." Ash smirked, all the boys nodded and we walked downstairs to go out to buy some groceries. I promised Mikey I'd buy a shitload of Cadbury sweets and Cal wanted to drive. Ash is my boyfriend, that's why he's coming. I just couldn't help but think of the conversation I had with Toni. I want her to be happy. She deserves to be happy.

Toni's POV
I got into my lazy clothes and crashed on the couch in the living room. I was wondering why everything was so quiet. Then I realize that the guys and Dizzy were gone. All of them except Luke. He sits next to me on the couch and asks, "What are we watching?", "Well, I'm watching New Girl.", "Never heard of it.", "Really? You'll love it. Jess is my absolute favorite.", "Why?", "You'll see." I put on the first episode and we watched it together. All snuggled in a blanket.

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