2. Independence Day

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Toni's POV
    "So tell me about the other members of my brother's band, 5 Seconds of Summer." I say as we board the one way flight to Sydney, Australia. Once we get to Sydney, we'll drive to Hornsby. "Well... Obviously you know plenty about your brother. The others are Mikey, Cal, and Luke. Michael is 20. He's the loud, crazy, 'punk rock' one. Michael is always dying his hair a different colour. It's beautiful. He's also obsessed with pizza, he's the perfect example of us college kids. Then there's Calum. Pronounced Cal-umm. Calum is 19. He's super shy and sweet but he's also a party animal. Quite the prankster as well... Or so he thinks. Anyway, he's also obsessed with dogs and he has beautiful tattoos all over him. God, he's so buff too. You'll see it. Lastly, there's Luke. He's 19. He's the 'Harry Styles' of the group. The heartthrob. Like you, Luke has a lip ring and has the cutest smile you'll ever see. I think you'll really like him, he's totally your type. Super tall, deep voice, and has a goofy face." I laughed and pushed her. She giggled and continued. "And of course we can't forget about the last members, Gus, the tour bus and Ketchup, the band's inflatable dog." I giggled when Dizzy told me all of this. "They sound promising.", "Yeah. They're the best. Michael once said that if the band wasn't name 5SOS then it would've been named Bromance or The Powerpuff Blokes. And according to the rest of the band Luke gives the best hugs but Michael gives the best cuddles. And Michael and Luke used to hate each other. Calum..." Dizzy kept talking while I looked out the window. This was going to be a long plane ride.

When we landed, I shaked Dizzy violently to wake her up. She groaned but got up and stuck her tongue out at me. I stretched my arms and legs inside the plane and smile widely. It feels so great to be home. Once we got out, me smiling without a care in the world and Dizzy lagging behind me, I heard someone squeal my name. "Antoinette!" The only person that calls me that is, "Mum!" I ran to her and she starts to cry when I hug her tightly. I hear Dizzy behind me, groaning for dragging our many bags. I released Mum and turned to help Dizzy. "Mum, this is my best friend Diane. The one I was telling you about. She goes by Dizzy." My mum extends her arms and embraces Dizzy in a tight hug. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Ms. Irwin.", "Oh, please. Call me Anne Marie. You're family now, ya hear?", "I'm so glad you feel that way. I always thought that you were the amazing mother I've always wanted." Mum laughed and told me, "No one knows you're here. Just like you asked." She takes some of our bags, leaving Dizzy and I the rest and we walk to the car. I get into the passenger seat. Mum stares at me and I realise I'm in the wrong seat. "Sorry Mum. I spent 3 years in America." Mum just shakes her head and laughs again. I move over into the passenger seat (left) and Mum sits in the driver's seat (right). As soon as she turned on the car, Dizzy asked she could be radio commander. Mum let her pick the station and I gotta say, Dizzy knows her stuff.

It only took us about 40 minutes to drive home. While Mum and Dizzy were talking on the porch, I sat in the car for a while. It's been 3 years since I've seen Ashton. What if he doesn't like me or hates me for not calling? All these 'what-ifs' were making my mind go bonkers. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. Mum said the boys were probably going to be in the kitchen or in the garage. Dizzy asked, "What boys?", "Oh, just Ashton and his mates." I saw Dizzy's eyes light up and she almost squealed if it wasn't for me covering her mouth. I didn't realise that Ashton had his band over. I dragged my bags upstairs and showed Dizzy her half of the room. My sister and I used to share a room before she got older. This also used to be the guest room. It probably still is. I was starting to catch up on Ashton's band and the new episode of The Flash when Mum checked in on us and told us it was time for the surprise. Harry and Lauren were still at school. Mum said the band was in the garage now. I ran down the stairs with Dizzy right behind me. I opened the garage door and peered in. Their music was playing so loud that I don't think they heard the door shut. They were actually pretty good, I always knew Ash was great at music. I snuck up right behind Ash and yelled out a loud 'surprise'! In his ears. I swear I've never heard a boy squeal like that before. I laughed and all the other members of the band turned around. "Dude, what the hell?" the red haired boy said. That's probably Michael, it was some pretty red hair. I waved awkwardly and smiled at them. Ash's eyes went wide and he embraces me in a tight hug. "Toni!! Oh my god!"

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