Redemption part 1

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"We're gonna need a sperm sample."

Hudson and his shrewd scientists had taken separate measurements of the two young Yautjas. After hours and hours of constant torture, both creatures are spent.

"Exactly why do we need to collect their semen?" Hudson inquired.

Johnson scorned a sinister laugh before he answered his curious scientist. "This is the future, Hudson. Things change, people change. Weapons evolve." He said dramatically.

Hudson crunched his eyebrows together. What is in his boss' mind?

He gestured some of his subordinates to restrain the bigger fella. "We'll start with the crazy one," he said.

Two in suits stepped up carrying two small bottles labeled with a number. One of them stopped just above the covered area of the giant. They started to remove the simple loincloth that was attached to his belt, successfully revealing an alien organ.

" should we start?" One of them asked.

Hudson ambled over, "amazing...isn't it? The structure is completely different from a human." He closely inspected it.

Yeyin-twei glared at the three beings, what were they going to do to him? He watched to see their intent only to be surprised when one of them started to stroke his length.

Growling at the action, Yeyin-twei shook violently at the unwanted pleasure. What were they doing?! He shook in ecstasy as the scientists continued to stroke his twitching length. It was amazing, the slow and tight limb of the creature engaging with his sex was pure bliss. Though he had conflicted feelings.

"Sir! Nothing is coming out!" One of them stated.

"Maybe if you do it faster?"

The action felt uncomfortable for both of the party, but the scientists didn't stop. The pace quickened, a hand wrapped harder around Yeyin-twei, stroking, squeezing. Finally, the male gave in and a large amount of clear viscous liquid erupted from the pore. Although the majority of it dripped to the floor, the rest that drooled down the penis were scraped off with clear plastic tubes. Yeyin-twei flared and growled, but he couldn't do anything.

"Okay, now the other one."


Gra'vios fumbled aimlessly through the spacious corridors of the ship. He took a serious beating for his actions which he had gladly allowed. Agnak-tör and Dia'vios followed silently behind him as they headed towards the med bay. He stopped in front of the door before hitting a button on the side. It hissed open, a cloud of mist forming from the bottom.

The three warriors were greeted by a surprise when all they suddenly see is the human and their sibling in deep conversation.

"The hell is this?" Gra'vios stepped forward his eyes slitting.

Zen'nogre turned to the agitated Yautja. "Communicating. Why?" He rattled sarcastically.

Gra'vios heavily padded towards Zen'nogre, a brief flare of his mandibles before pushing the smaller creature violently. In turn, the petite Yautja clawed the already mangled predator, which in turn sparked a small wrestling match. Of course, the other two just watched and Sahara scurried to the corner of the metal slab in order to avoid getting hit.

Though injured, Gra'vios overpowered his small kin, pinning him against the steel wall and pulled his very short locks in a threatening way.

"Halt you insolent brood!" Growled a towering giant. De'miur'gios pushing aside the other two and intervening with the messy fight.

Gra'vios released his much weaker opponent and faced his intimidating sire, the same goes for Zen'nogre.

The almighty giant glowered before switching his attention to the fearful creature.

"You! Ooman!Where is their location?" De'miur'gios, unlike his younger hunting party, spoke?!


Sahara searched the room for the low inhuman voice but was very much able to understand the language that resonated from the humanoid creature. English?!

"What?! You?!" Sahara started, "h-how did you...?" The bewildered woman stuttered.

He talked, in her own language. She unraveled from her curdle, cautiously shifting forward to get a good listening to the strange voice.

"Where are they keeping them?" He asked again, this time a lot calmer as to not scare the female.

Sahara jolted back in disbelief, he was actually talking which she did not expect from a creature that communicates with clicks. She stayed silent, face wore an eye-opening mask.

The large male grew impatient. Grumbling lowly before reaching his hands to the sides of his helmet pulling a couple of hoses by the edges, rapid smoke gushed out in a hurry. He then placed both hands carefully over his helmet and slowly but steadily pried the headpiece off.

In bafflement, Sahara held her hands over her mouth to hide the powerful shock that now engulfed her whole features. A human-like body... but with a head of a strange, unbearable and, overall, ugly son of a bitch.

She gasped rapidly, trying not to mewl over the fact that it had mandibles, two pairs to be exact, and a fanged mouth. A large dome forehead adorned with long white horns, and below the ridges were the locks, the grey dreads sharply dangled down to his waist.

"What... on Earth... are you?" She asked, slowly backing away again.

Sahara is then disturbed from her trembling fear of the monstrosity when a hand snaked its way onto her shoulder. It was Zen'nogre. He was putting pressure on her back lightly as to not hurt the woman, it was a way of him encouraging her. As soon as her muscles relaxed a little he let go.

Turning her face towards the alien while sliding slowly against the smooth and cold surface of the metal slab. She stood and was completely obliterated by his overwhelming height, standing at almost eight feet.

She whimpered as the giant relaxed his body, ready to communicate with her.

"My knowledge of you...oomans... is limited. I am unclear of what you oomans call your offsprings, but that is not what I want to know. Where have they taken my spawns?"

Although Sahara has known of the science department to harbor biological lifeforms for research, she wasn't sure if they keep Yautjas, she didn't know where his children are, and if she did they would be kept in a security tight room somewhere deep under the science facility. She scrunched her face in thought, where could they hide giants who have high quality and advanced alien technologies?!

Looking up to face him, she gave him an unsure smile to indicate that she had no clue. The giant gave a frustrated growl, thinking that it was just a waste of time.

Before he could move to leave the room, Sahara yelped a victory, "I think I might know where they are keeping them!" She said in confidence, hopping off the metal bed to show her readiness.

"And where is this place you talk of?" The big male perked his prickly eyebrows up to show his interest.

"My people might be keeping them in that room."

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