AvP part 0.5

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Sahara led the predators along the what used to be the golden patch of dirt, now a miserable red lane towards their death. The science building was still intact, however, no damages or human organs for decorations. Just the plain old building Sahara would go to for her team's daily morning assembly. As soon as they entered, Sahara scanned the building inside.

Everything was in the same place as she had last seen them, the day she and her team were together discussing the expedition. It brought back bad memories and to relieve the pain in her heart she held Dan's hand. The man immediately noticing her discomfort tightened his grip.

"I'm here for you." He said.

"Where are they?" The fearless leader asked.

"Underground, but I can't access that place."

De'miur'gios snickered, "ooman, your humor needs sharpening! I wouldn't pass it as a joke!"

Sahara glared at the big beast, "it's not a joke! I don't have the necessary ID to access it! As far as I know, that place is made of the super hard steel-like element, not even a grenade can blow it up!"

"Have you not witnessed our weapons ooman, or do you need to see more demonstration?"

Sahara rolled her eyes at the boisterous elderly, "you don't understand, do you? It's underground, too much explosion might force the building to collapse, and that would be the end for all of us!"

"I believe the other place did not collapse, and it was underground!" De'miur'gios was losing his calm.

"Yes! But we are at a disadvantage here! Johnson might have a squad already waiting for us! Think for once, you're the leader, aren't you?"

The atmosphere became quiet and De'miur'gios didn't like the statement made by the female, it was as if she was challenging him! A female challenge him? An ooman, challenge him?! His mandibles flared and quickly picked up the woman by the neck and lifted her up, her toes barely touching the ground.

"Hey! Let her go!" Dan charged at the giant, throwing in a punch, but the giant didn't even move an inch at his offense.

Zen'nogre pulled Dan away and roared. Zen'nogre eyed him to learn the human's body language. But what he saw was something out of the ordinary. Something he had never seen before. There inside the body of the male before him, something moved. He signed at his superior who was bewildered at the fact.

The rest of the pack looked at each other, seeming to debate on the matter. Then afterward, Dartouga, being the oldest of the young warriors, stepped up and pointed his cannon towards Dan's chest.

The three small dots were aimed at Dan's chest. A small gasp escaped Sahara as she tried to move her way out of the giant's grip. The uneven movements of Sahara's body forced De'miur'gios to drop her and as fast as she could run she came in between Dan and Dartouga.

Agnak-tör watched enraged, his body suddenly moved and put himself in front of Sahara to protect her. The two brothers glared at each other for a while, and a great silence fell in the corridors of the building.

"I don't care! You take us to them and we'll find something out!" De'miur'gios demanded and pulled Sahara in front of him to lead the way.

Dartouga lowered his cannon and followed after the leader. Agnak-tör turned around only to be faced with the human male. He grunted and looked down at the man. Clearly, he was superior. Whatever did that female see in him that he himself doesn't have? As he wondered for the question, Zen'nogre approached Dan.

He made a clicking sound and pointed at Dan's chest. Dan could also feel something inside of him. He brought his hand to his chest and looked back at the creature who was as tall as him.

"I know. But I want to be with her, I want to stay with her with the remaining life I have."

Zen'nogre couldn't tell what Dan was saying, but he knew it was something to do with Sahara. He cocked his head, his eyes widened as soon as he realized the truth. He silently kept a low, disappointed growl to himself before he walked off, without looking back at the man.

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