One last word part 1

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De'miur'gios paced back and forth as he watched T'ric and Dia'vios tend to Zen'nogre and Agnaktör's wounds. The others were patient enough to wait, some made insulting remarks which De'miur'gios hissed at.

"Whatever excuse should I present your progenitors when they find you disfigured at the front of their dwelling?" De'miur'gios threatened which was enough to silence the rascals.

His attention switched to his young pups. Zen'nogre could live with his wound, although the way it was patched up was repulsive and unprofessional. Though, it will leave a memorable scar. On one hand... Agnaktör didn't stand a chance of survival. The elderly Yautja frowned behind his mask, he was to lose another one of his children after many others before them. He couldn't bear to lose more of his seeds that would continue his bloodline, but if it was what nature intended it to...

"He's not going to make it..." His voice had a weak sign of grief but maintained the same intimidating tone.

"What are you saying, just abandon him here?" Dartouga questioned, reluctant to accept his brother's fate.

De'miur'gios turned to him, "many of your siblings had already lost their lives, Agnaktör will be one of them."

"But we can't just leave him here, we must take him back to our homeland!" Dia'vios jerked up from beside Zen'nogre.

"Our matriarch will not be pleased, " Gra'vios added in.


Sahara and Dan watched silently in the background while they listened in awe for the shrieks and rattles the predators produced. She couldn't help but be tense after what just happened. Her eyes rolled from the arguing Yautjas to the suffering reptile a few meters away from her. Another glance at the noisy crowd and Sahara was met with the shiny visors of the same Yautja that almost killed her.

She shuddered as he said something in his alien language which caught the attention of the other males. She curled even closer in Dan's arm as she felt their intense gaze at her.

"Dan..." She started in a whisper.

"Dan... I think they're talking about us. They're looking at us!" She silently yelled.

Dan, on the other hand, was a little too quiet to be himself. He had been ever since the Yautjas arrived to aid the injured two.

"Dan...?" Sahara shifted to look at him.

"No... I-I'm fine!" He pronounced, a small struggle in his voice could be heard.

Sahara was suspicious of him, she twisted her body in order to face him. "Dan, is something wrong?"

The man smiled weakly and placed a trembling hand on Sahara's shoulder. His face was a little pale which Sahara had immediately noticed. The way his voice was a bit shaky and throaty also disturbed the woman. Her hand hovered above his forehead but felt no sign of a fever. She checked him externally but wasn't able to find injuries that may have caused him to act differently. His breath was uneven though, but Sahara dismissed it.

"No Dan, I don't think you're well enough to move!" Sahara protested when he struggled his way up.

Another weak and disturbing smile crept quietly on Dan's face before he weaved his way to talk to the elderly Yautja of course with a reluctant Sahara who followed him behind.


The humans walked slowly and glanced with cautious eyes at each predator. Gra'vios got the longest, which he expected, he strangled one of them to the point of near-death, surely they would resent him very much. Though he can't figure out their facial expression, he could tell by the growing temperature in both humans. Once they were close enough to communicate with the biggest alpha, the other tensed up, prepared to advance an attack if harm was ever inflicted on their leader.

The human said something, "I need... To talk to you, please?" He said breathlessly, "I know you can understand me."

"Dan!" Sahara tugged at his shirt while she shook her head in disagreement.

The man turned his head slightly tilted down to face Sahara, "I'm sorry... Could you stay here for a bit? I want to ask him something, I'd rather you don't hear it."

The female tried to protest but was cut off when De'miur'gios grunted heavily which shook her to the bone. The human and the Yautja strutted off to a corner, Dan showed the way while De'miur'gios came in pursuit. Sahara stood in awkward silence as she was surrounded by hulking beasts. But fortunately, most of them had their focus on the injured children.

She inched herself closer to the wall to lean against it, worried about her lover, and tired from all that had occurred. Her face traced the white floor and her breath shallow, she was so tired. Her back, neck, legs all felt like breaking at some point. Her small concentration was then disturbed when a shadowed figure came to break the perimeter of her sight.

As she looked up expecting it was Dan, she instead, faced a Yautja no larger than Zen'nogre. His coloration was a dark green but was still adorned with scales and small looking spikes like the others. He gestured with his one index finger. Sahara hesitated first but reluctantly followed knowing that she might get choked out of her body...again.

The alien predator nudged his head sharply towards the fallen Yautja. Her original captor. She was confused at what the green predator wanted from her and as if he lost his patience, he pointed roughly at Agnaktör who's face was directed at them.

"What do you want me to do?! Help him?! Last time I did, the big guy over there almost killed me!" She raised her voice while she crossed her arms in disappointment.

Her anger was stopped when a rough hand grazed against her skin. She flinched towards it but was relieved to see that it was the injured Yautja. Not Zen'nogre who was supported comfortably by one of the others, but the one that started all of this for her. If he hadn't kept her alive back at the swampy marsh, would the outcome still be the same? Would Dan be dead? And would HQ  be attacked?

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