Redemption part 2

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"Ooman!" De'miur'gios rattled horrifically.

The stern giant's elephant-like feet thundered across the room towards Sahara, walking past Dan. The elite warrior was certainly losing his patience, although the familiar creatures occupying the room filled in his boredom, he had finally had it with their sickening limbs and face.

"Where are they?!" He demanded, mandibles flaring widely at her.

Dan became idle, mouth slightly agape at what he just heard. Human words coming out of that creature! He scanned the other two, they were slowly converging with the group. Were they also capable of speaking human language?

"They're probably in the other building, in that room like I told you. Before, they were here, two males, one was smaller?"

De'miur'gios nodded, Sahara continued, "then they're in the science building, I'll show you, follow me."

She ran, out the room, hooking her fingers around Dan's and brought him along. The last thing she needed was the last person she trusted to die.

In a rush, they immediately reached the end of the hallway and emerged out of the building. As soon as Sahara and Dan saw the gore, the skin of several humans piled to form a hill, broken bones were thrown to the sides and nothing but the color red painted the sandy ground. Dan couldn't help but to turn away, so did Sahara.


Zen'nogre couldn't believe that she was still alive. He jumped off his piles of souvenirs and ran in a slow manner. His helmet shining now and then as the sun reflected brightly from it. He stopped, eye scanning her for anything harmful. His sight changed from infrared to blue to green, but as he switched to scan anything internally, he found something.

There was something different about her, Zen'nogre could clearly tell. He spotted the injury on her left shoulder, her body was also higher in temperature than before.

His caring instinct rushed in and he grabbed her by her left arm. Sahara didn't seem to like the way he pressured his muscular fingers onto her skin but in that state, she couldn't really overpower Zen'nogre.

As if the young male knew what he was doing, he peeled the bloodied material off Sahara's skin and watched as blood started to trickle down again. He rattled softly and looked at Sahara for approval. The woman just nodded.

Zen'nogre reached into a metallic container that hung on his hip, a metal box that hissed once he pressed in a code. There was a soothing air that came from the box as it opened. He held a tube-like item with an obvious protrusion in his hand, his thumb carefully pressed against the end without the needle.

Sahara could clearly tell that he was going to give her an injection, but she was worried about the contents. Dan seemed to dislike the idea of it but he had no choice but to trust in this 'injection' because from his view Sahara's injury looked really bad.

The process was quick and painless. Blood had also stopped to flow from the wound, and it felt numb in the surrounding skin. Dan sighed in relief as he watched Sahara twist her shoulders to test the effectiveness of the injection. Zen'nogre purred quietly, satisfied to see her well.

"Lead us to them, ooman, and we'll spare your life."


Yeyin-twei was woken up by outlandish noises that he heard before. It was those bipedal creatures, and they were clearly in a state of panic. He snickered quietly, he was too weak to let out full laughter. On the other hand, M-di-h'dlak struggled with his bound wrists. For a short young hunter, no older than Zen'nogre, he had a ferocious attitude.

"What if they find us here?!" Hudson questioned Johnson who paced back and forth, stress following his shadow.

"They can't! This underground is protected by material stronger than any other Earth elements, those bastards can't possibly break through it!"

The worried CEO glanced at the black snake. It had suddenly grown a few inches from the looks of it, almost 6 feet in height. The other ones were larger and taller, it seemed that they grow rapidly.

"What about those?" Johnson pointed towards the wailing, eyeless aliens. "Can we use them?"

Hudson shook his head, he was against the plan of using those creatures as weapons, "No! Johnson, have you seen what happened when we tried to let out one of those things?! They could kill us before they kill them!"

Johnson was irritated, furious he pulled the other man by the collar, "I want them out! That's why we increased their numbers, to use them as weapons! Now, do as I say! I'm the boss here!"

The rest of the men, Johnson, Hudson and the other security guards flooded into the control room. Buttons and levers were displayed, and a series of small square switches with numbers similar from the ones over the aliens' cages.

"What are you waiting for?" Johnson interrupted Hudson.

The scientist started to shake uncontrollably. If he releases them, then the remaining people will be wiped out, their growth was also very fast which means they could be facing a danger even greater than those humanoid creatures. Johnson couldn't wait any longer, and without stopping to think, Johnson switched all the toggles and the cages started to open. The serpents liked the freedom they were given and each hissed loudly to find an exit.

"Open the door, Hudson!" Johnson growled, the scientist hesitated but did what was ordered.

The doors opened and the sleek pack of domed-head creatures rushed out to look for their enemies.

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