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Sahara jogged closely to Dan. They followed the large elder Yautja as he led the way towards a corridor of what seemed to be another way to another area. She couldn't help but feel a range of mixed emotions, however. It felt like hours ago when they left that injured Yautja sat against the wall to...to die. Also, the fact that she was carrying a child inside of her. It was all too overwhelming for Sahara.

Finally, they stood in front of the door. The big door at the end of the rectangular hallway. De'miur'gios felt the material under his fingertips which were similar to the rest of the underground maze.

It took about three of the strongest Yautja to pry the door wide open. They flooded in. They were faced with a few more caged Xenomorphs on the side. But at last, they found the two captured Yautja bound by their wrists on the metal slabs.

The Yautjas hurried to free their captured comrades. They pulled the thick metal surrounding their wrists and supported their weak body. The lack of nutrition and care had made them weak as well as the torture humans had inflicted on them.

"Yeyin-twei. Where are your weapons? And body armor?" De'miur'gios questioned.

"Up on the platform, over there." M-di-h'dlak pointed with his dark claws.

While the predators ambled away and ignored the hissing Xenomorphs behind the cages, the humans watched from the platform.


"Johnson!" Hudson panicked.

"Johnson, I think they're coming this way!" He said.

The boss with his arms crossed watched in vengeance as he eyed the large aliens walk out of the spacious box.

"We have weapons of our own. Hudson, once we have safely left this building, ensure that you release those below. I want none to survive, and I don't want any hesitations unless you'd like to end up like those two traitors?"

Johnson signaled his men. "We have enough data to start anew, we leave now."

The humans walked out of the room, "take the weapons too!"

Hudson wore a worried expression on his face, "I'm so sorry Sahara... Dan."


The predators reached the upper platform, the angry giants were fueled by anger for the humans that kept them. But what they found was an empty room with no humans, no weapons too. Only the sign of a flashing red light on the controls desk.

"Oh no..." Sahara leaned over against the glass.

The cages from below were opened, the creatures were nowhere to be seen.

"We have to leave now!" She demanded.

"We need our weapons, no predator will leave their weapons!" De'miur'gios demanded and pushed the woman to the side.

His gaze moved from shelves to shelves, from control to control. There was none.

"Where are they, humans!" De'miur'gios slammed his fist on the controls enough to dent the metal.

"I-I don't know! Don't ask me!" Sahara backed away.

"Sahara!" Someone shouted.

"Hudson?! What are you-" Hudson cut her off.

"Weapons. They're...boarding the weapons. On. The ship, separately. You can catch it." He breathlessly worded out.

"I will stay here and lock the gates. So those things don't get out." Hudson offered, but with a shaky voice.

"No! I'll stay!" Dan shouted from the back, "I will stay." He declared.

Sahara looked at him, thinking about what he was planning.

"No. No. No! Dan, you can't leave me alone! No, you're coming, you have to for our child!"

Dan gave a sour look while he held back his regret. "Sahara, I'm going to die." He plainly said.

A strong silence loomed the surrounding area. Hudson swapped his gaze from Sahara to Dan.

"One of them is inside me, those things that killed the others, the ones that busted out of their chest. I'm going to die soon. I should have told you. But I couldn't. I'm sorry. You have to go."

Dan turned to De'miur'gios who nodded, accepting their deal, "they will take care of you, now go!"

Sahara was carried by her waist, by a Yautja. Her eyes were focused on Dan who gave a cheerful smile before he turned around to get the controls.

"No! Let me go! I need him!" Sahara banged on the back of the Yautja, but her weak punches weren't enough to stop him.

"Dan! Dan! DAN!" She screamed. Her voice echoed loudly along the corridors.


"There, the ship!" Dartouga pointed out.

De'miur'gios aimed his shoulder cannon and fired at the lifting ship. His sharp shot blasted the engines of the ship which forced it to crash down on the platform but not enough to explode the vehicle.

"Retrieve the weapons, and kill them all!" De'miur'gios ordered, two Yautja nodded in response and dashed to invade the smoking ship.

"I will set off a bomb, to eradicate every abomination these oomans had created." He rattled as he looked at the female who struggled to be free.

"Gra'vios, put the female to sleep." He sternly said.

The latter nodded and with a swift movement of his hand the female blacked out. De'miur'gios turned to his wrist gauntlet and tapped a few unknown symbols.

A few minutes later, their ship had landed close to where they were. Each remaining predator boarded, Gra'vios with the female in his arms. The ship boosted away quietly from the human facility and after a safe distance, De'miur'gios threw his ticking wrist gauntlet and after a silent thud on the ground, an impactful blast quaked throughout the whole facility.

The man-made structures were wiped out completely and nothing remained but the shockwave that pushed the predator ship further into the atmosphere.

The spacious darkness covered the ship. The gleaming specks of light that veiled the space. The silent rattle of predators echoed in the ears of Sahara as she was left unconscious on an alien ship to an unknown planet, to the vastness of the universe.

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