We meet...

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Sahara breathed heavily as the suffocating atmosphere clenched around herself. She heard gunshots earlier and a loud inhuman scowl. Her body trembled miserably at the horrific thought, she was frightened to think about whatever happened to Flora. She sunk further more into a ball, the darkness of the small lift swallowing her up every time it descended slowly.

The lift suddenly stopped. And with a whirring sound, the small door unlocked. Sahara wouldn't move however, she was frozen and stuck in a shallow state, breathing heavily, rocking back and forth softly and blinking away the tears that blinded her eyes. She didn't have time for this but her body wouldn't move, she was stuck.

'How many...?' She asked her self as she swiped the tears across her cheeks, 'how many is he willing to kill?'

After recovering from her low self, she lifted the door slightly open enough to see Charles stood in front of what seemed like the previous cell where the Yautja were and that black thing - now replaced with people buckled against chairs.

She carefully scanned her vision over the people sat on the metallic chairs... dead, unmoving bodies. She recognizes some of them... Kit, Neil, and Lucian. She widened her brown eyes as she watched the gaping holes in their chest.

She could feel herself trembling again, but the torturous sight of her close lab companions... and friends, forced her body to regurgitate a vile puddle of unprocessed food.

The sound of her sudden release gained the attention of Charles and many other guards, and they started to focus their attention on the small elevator in the corner of the vast room. 

The door lifted open revealing Sahara in her most vulnerable state. The senior was surprised to find her crouched down in the small space, he grinned signaling his men to take her, there was no resistance from Sahara. 

The woman got dragged by the men, forced to kneel in front of the glass where Charles previously stood. Her eyes wondered on the floor before moving her attention to the crystal window. 

Her friends brutally killed, and a closer look of what looked like dead crabs on the floor. Moving her gaze across the room in front of her, she sees more crabs, still and probably dead. Her eyes finally stopped at what looked like Dan. 

Sat on the chair, his hands bound on the arms of the metal stool, clenching the protruding limbs so tight that signs of dried blood were present on the shiny surface. What stood out most from his form was that thing that wrapped around his face and neck. 

It was one of those crab creatures she saw dead on the floor, but this one was still alive. A muffled groan from Dan caused her to flinch. 

Charles was saying something but she was too occupied with processing in her brain what she was seeing, with every movement from Dan made her shudder, wondering if he was still... no, she didn't want to think about that. Her breathing became shallow as she watched her lover... her former lover...? Friend...? What was he to her?

"You understand, right, Sahara?" was what she heard next as she was dragged across the room again. 

The men holding her led her around towards the entrance of the room where the deceased sat on their seat. They pushed her around until they reached the door, swiping their card which made the door hiss in a welcoming manner.

"Sit over there!" One man demanded, nudging Sahara's injured shoulder. 

As if by instinct she reached for her wound in pain. 

"Sir! I have an urgent report!" A panicked guard ran towards Charles. 

Sahara looked weakly at the man on the other side, although the sound was a little muffled, she could hear it well enough.

"They- They breached through the building! The report said that they were heading this way! About have of the men ordered to take the test subjects here were all killed! What do we do now?!"

Charles frowned, turning back his attention to the woman on the other side, "bind her, we'll continue with the parasite process later!" He yelled before checking his weapon and readied himself at the door with the majority of his men following him. 


The humans were weak compared to these warriors, Gra'vios was aware of the previous warning of his patriarch: not to kill unarmed humans. He had to calm himself every now and then in order to control his hunger for killing, otherwise, he'll end up butchering whether it be an armed warrior, or a weak, defenseless creature. 

On the other hand, De'miur'gios sieved through the crowd of weak mortals, picking off the armed humans and slaughtering them with no mercy. An experienced hunter whom the three young warriors looked up to. 

Although his agility was not the best in the group, the elder made up for it through brute strength, and with only a small amount of time, he was able to bring down the metal door that led to the large, secret lab. 

Agnak-tör and Gra'vios scurried inside while Dartouga stood in watch at the entrance. The predators scanned the room, in front of them was a group of well-armed humans expecting them. No movement was made in between the two opposing parties, they all seemed to wait for who engages first. 

Gra'vios and Agnak-tör were starting to shift, getting impatient with every low growl that erupted from their throat. They occupied themselves with the unfamiliar environment instead to keep cool. 

Reptile eyes shifted from the human soldiers in front of them, to the bubbling large capsules on the side, the scared humans pausing from their work. Both of them landed their eyes on someone they recognize, the female on the other side of the transparent barrier. 

Agnak-tör was so surprised to see her that he engaged in combat immediately, extending his spear and waving the tip at the unsuspecting humans. De'miur'gios growled, letting out a treacherous scream that was ear piercing. Gra'vios followed, hissing at his brother's thoughtless action.


Sahara gasped in shock as she eyed the three large beasts mowing down Charles' men, the other scientists in the room panicked and ran out through a different exit, leaving whatever it was they were doing. 

For the first time, Sahara was glad to see those familiar trios, and she fully knows why they were there in the first place: to rescue those captured Yautjas. 

She smiled in envy that even though they were born and bred to be killers, they still bear sympathy and bonds, she started to compare with how the humans treated each other like lab rats. Friends killing each other. 

She wriggled her hands trying to release herself from the chair, fortunately, the men guarding her left to fight as well. Looking over to her left, she wore a worried look as she scanned Dan... 

"Dan!" She called out, her voice quavered as she did. 

The man wavered, stretching his numb fingers and attempted to form a thumbs up. Normally, Sahara would yell at him for acting so positively at something similar to his situation currently, but this time she felt relieved... that he was still alive. She was still fearful of the crab creature and was scared of what it could do to Dan, looking back at the dead corpses.  

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