Last man wins part 1.5

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Johnson watched in amusement as the ebony creature awoke from its frozen slumber. Frost fell like brand new snow onto the metal grates as it moved inhumanely in a feral manner.

"Interesting..." Johnson grinned.

"Can it see us?" Hudson inquired.

The boss wondered for a bit, he never thought of that before. But, looking at the creature, it doesn't seem to have eyes.

"The possibility is endless. Me and the group think that...that it might have sensors somewhere around its dome head. Tests were impossible when it's awake, tranquilizers don't work at all. We've also tried to physically seize it...but it ended up to two of my scientists being injured."

Johnson curiously watched the creature strike the glass divider consecutively. It is violent and uncontrollable, how is he going to make a weapon if a leash can't be wrapped around this serpentine creature.

"Couldn't you just perform tests during its cryo state?"

Hudson looked at the creature, then back at Johnson, "no, we've tried. The creature seems to be... very fragile during cryo state."

A sigh relieved itself out of Johnson. He looked calm yet he also looked bothered by something.

Hudson fiddled more with the technology in front of him. Pressing a couple of buttons to reveal another room with a glass wall so that they are able to see whatever it is on the other side.

Scientists wore gloves and white body suits. They roamed with different samples in racks and some were tending to egg-shaped objects.

"How many did you find?" Johnson asked, finally relaxing as he stepped closer to get a good look at the slimy spheres.

Hudson looked at the board in his hand. "Well, the retrieval unit found seven, but there were more according to the report. They weren't able to take all of them as they are pretty fragile to the touch."

"Did you scan it already, to see what's inside?"

"About of the people who retrieved it, had an unfortunate encounter with it."

Johnson jolted, an urge to ask the other man what happened was dying to burst out of him, but before he could, Hudson continued to tell.

"Apparently something like a parasite closely resembled it. Like a horseshoe crab, but thinner. They said that the creature inside latched onto his face and threatened to suffocate him when the others tried to rip it off," Hudson bore a worried look as he explained it to Johnson.

"Are they still in that state?" Johnson asked.

" just plopped off onto the ground a few hours later...but the creature was dead..." Hudson paused, horror was starting to crawl onto his face, "he's fine, nothing seemed to have happened to him... but I have a lingering feeling that there's..."

Johnson looked at his employee, "there's what?" Johnson crossed his arms impatiently waiting for the man to continue talking.

"The person's been acting strange lately...according to the others, he's been having irregular chest pains and a voracious appetite."


Dan heaved off the hulking beast. The unmoving creature felt like a rough, unpolished statue, crushing him. The green spew of blood oozed at a steady speed. Dan, with eyes wide open, felt relief as he breathed in and out in a vigorous manner.

"Sir! Are you okay?!" Someone approached him, kneeling down to check up on Dan for any injuries.

"No... I-I'm fine," he stated, clearly staggering as soon as he tried to stand.

Dan pulled out the sharp blade from the neck of the giant and grunted in disappointment. The monsters he thought were unstoppable, those high tech armor and weaponry, and their very robust build were just for show all along.

"Alright! Team Alpha - you strike them from the side, aim for two of them. Connor, you and your men strike at the back, and I and the rest will pound them at the front. Don't let them group together, try to separate them as much as you can. Otherwise...well- well let's say we'll end up like those back at the camp!"

"Sir... I don't think it's the right time to joke around," although the team felt at dismay, Dan's dark humor made them feel relieved.


"The fool! He underestimated them!" De'miur'gios roared in fury.

One of the young warriors had died under his supervision. What a disgrace for him, a noble huntsman such as him failed in an attempt to train these pups? This must be a joke!

"Dartouga." He let out lowly, "Show me your worth."

The said male gave a satisfied look, he and his small pack of ten will be able to demonstrate their varying skills. His helmet beeped a couple of times to signal his comrades. Another movement of his beefy muscles and his armor activated.

"No prisoners. Only trophies."

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