AvP part 2

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The atmosphere switched from dead silence to hectic. There in the middle of the wide corridor was Dan and Zen'nogre surrounded by what seems to be a couple of jet black aliens. Their sharp looking tails swiftly poking at them but never hitting Dan or Zen'nogre at all. Underneath his mask, Zen'nogre snorted, he may be young, but he was an excellent hunter. Although he wasn't one to boast his capabilities, he swung his combistick in an elegant fashion that it barely made any sound when it impaled one of the black serpents in the head.

Of course being a low ranking hunter, an un-blooded warrior, he would be no match against one of them, a kiande amedha, moreover, his weapons were the weakest. One drop of the dying alien's acidic blood corroded his spear, melting it to the floor.

Like a rattlesnake, Zen'nogre buzzed and studied the other aliens for weaknesses and blind spots. But without the presence of eyes, he couldn't read their swift movements. One second they were swinging from the ceiling, the next they were pouncing like ferocious cats. He'd have to think of something.


Agnak-tör was hurled across the floor. He killed the first one but it called out for its other parasitic friends before it perished. Now more than half a dozen of them gathered, each one lashed at him with their spiked tails and disturbing mouth. Some made small, but not too major puncture wounds on his armored body.

A haze of discomfort flushed into him as he jumped up with a roar from his throat. He aimed his charged up cannon and blasted two off the ceiling, both shrieking as they dropped to the floor dead. One hissed violently before jumping Agnak-tör, it clawed like an animal on his mask and left disoriented scratches on the headpiece as a whole. Another attempted to attack him with its flexible tail but was stopped by Agnak-tör's strong arms.

A fierce roar echoed throughout the hallway before Agnak-tör threw both black creatures to the wall. The remaining four surrounded him. Stalked him like prey, their wet mouth drooled from excitement. Agnak-tör sighed. Most of his weaponry had melted so he was left with his cannon, a few shurikens, and a net gun. With small time to think, Agnak-tör rolled to the side and threw a shuriken at one of them, it cut through a small piece of it, however, it wasn't deep enough for it to die. The corridor was also too narrow so he had to roll again to avoid the other aliens from reaching him with their powerful and life-threatening attacks.

He aimed his plasma cannon at one of them and successfully blew its head into a pile of green brain slime. Three left and another attempt with his shuriken sliced another one in half. With no time to think, he readied his net gun, aimed at the two remaining abominations and fired the net unraveling and pinning both of the remaining aliens. Within a safe distance, he aimed his cannon and blew off their heads, leaving a burnt white wall and corpses of those things.


Sahara was uncomfortable with the position he left her in. The red holographic light that bounded her wrist before sparked as she tried pulling away to free herself. She was unsuccessful. She couldn't believe he had done that to her. She vividly remembered the creature approached her, it slowly revealed its other jaw, its long claws reached for her, but Sahara was surprised when it just stopped.

The predator materialized in front of her with his back facing her. He was defending her and whatever he did made the ebony creature drop to the floor with a large squeal. Sahara was sure that there was something wrong with the new alien species, its blood started to disintegrate the floor. Without any chance to discover the thing, the Yautja locked her waist in his arms and bolted off towards nowhere.

The creature back there might have called for its comrades which Sahara didn't want to find out and so she kept quiet as the predator searched for a hiding place. The unknown material that enveloped the white corridors made it hard for him to see no matter what type of vision he used so he had to rely on nothing. He searched and searched, Sahara in one arm and the other feeling the walls.

"Over there!" Sahara yelped which caught his attention.

It was a rectangular door that blended in with the environment. Without hesitating the predator dropped the woman in order to examine the wall. It was locked. More tapping sounds echoed closer towards both of them and in complete frustration, Agnak-tör slammed his heavy fist on the controls and as if by magic the door slid open to reveal a small room with files stacked across the wall.

To Sahara, it was a storage area, to Agnak-tör it was a safe place to leave the female. He pushed her without a second thought, he reached into his weapons and found the handcuff which he gladly snapped around Sahara's wrist.

"What the- hey!" She screamed.

He knew they were coming, and before the female could snap at him again he pulled the broken door shut and left her in the dark alone. It has been almost half an hour, Sahara guessed, since she was abandoned. Hopefully, the Yautja didn't die and she was left there to rot to death. She heard a serious fight not too long ago, but now it was all silent and the eerie creak of the shelves that accompanied her.

She pulled harder and harder on the alien device, desperate to get herself free. However, on her third pull, a loud thud rang against the door that hid her from the outside. Whatever was on the other side of the door slammed consecutively on the metal and each thunderous hit revealed a slit of light from the halls, crack by crack.

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