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Dia'vios had contacted the others already. When De'miur'gios arrived at the location, there were already a few hunters waiting. The small Dia'vios straightened himself from his leaning posture as soon as the large elder jogged towards the opened entry that led to a wide rectangular pathway. At the very end was a closed door. De'miur'gios was eager to use his helmet, however, the same material is used for the door as well.

"Have you contacted everyone, Dia'vios?" De'miur'gios growled impatiently and strutted back and forth waiting for a response.

"Yes. I received a report from Gra'vios not too long ago. He will be arriving soon. Raja and T'ric have only just joint and are locating their way here. Dartouga-"

"I'm here." Dartouga quietly panted his way towards the group, bloodied and adorned with fewer weapons from before.

"Agnaktör, and Zen'nogre?" De'miur'gios asked although it didn't sound as if he cared about the two but Dia'vios could tell he was worried.

"The little runt is badly injured last time I received a signal from him. As for Agnaktör, I am not sure of what happened to him."

"If I recall, the oomans accompanied them. I don't want to stir a ruckus, but what if they have plotted this from the beginning to abducted more of us!" Dartouga added in.

The elderly knitted his spiked brows together, "they dare not oppose us."

"Why is that?" Gra'vios interrupted as he arrived, T'ric and Raja followed behind him.

"The female is with child. It is unlikely that she would endanger her fetus for the sake of their plot. Her mate will not advance either. And if their leaders don't return both of our warriors, we can use them as trade." De'miur'gios responded.

The rest of the predators kept quiet, their leader didn't sound like a proud hunter at all, and would never resort to anything not seen as a warrior. But what they witnessed was a highly ranked and skilled Yautja resorting to trade instead of fighting. Was this what it meant to be a Yautja, to be a blooded warrior?

The young warriors looked confused and everything taught to them by their seniors clashed with the current situation. They turned to each other for confirmation but neither did the others knew what to do.

"Is it right? That is very much un-Yautja of you." Dartouga questioned the older male but was dismissed by a simple grunt of De'miur'gios.


"Come on! Use those legs and walk!" Sahara yowled.

The young hunter was draped across the shoulder of Sahara and Dan, who disliked the idea at first but due to the constant pestering of Sahara, he had no choice. One step at a time they went. Previously he was able to walk, but his injuries started to numb his body. The blue substance may have helped with easing the pain and stopped his blood from oozing like a spilled bottle of drink out of his body, but internally he had sustained some grievous damage. Every movement bruised his organs and every undetermined noise he pronounced choked him.

"We're almost there..." Sahara looked up at the staggering beast before paying her attention back to the gauntlet on his arm that showed a small holographic image of a pinging signal. "We're going to find the rest of your group! C'mon Dan help me!"

The small encouragement was enough for Dan to heave the giant with more power. To him, it was important to stay beside her until the end.

The three struggled to move forward but was sure they were moving...really slow. A twist around a corner and they witnessed a struggle. There were dead corpses of those black serpents and several broken weapons on the charred floors and walls. Immediately Sahara knew it must have been a fight between those things that were chased them, she paused. Where did he go?

They walked sluggishly until their path was obstructed by another corpse on the floor. They examined it, its face was similar to the others with the distinguishable domed head and awkwardly protruding appendages on its back. A few more glances and Sahara spotted a green glowing substance that coated the thing's sharp tail and evident lime green traces.

"" She gasped in the realization that it must be his blood painted on the scythe-like tail.

Dan and Sahara glanced at each other, then back on the bloodied tail and the very thick pool of green trail.

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