Expedition part 1

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She turned again towards the man, "who's going to be leading us then?" She questioned, her brows curled in worry.

A silent ambiance filled the office.

"You're going to lead the field research team."


The sudden declaration of her new position made her stumble uncomfortably in her footing. Johnson had dismissed her, shocked and confused like a student who was just given a last minute assignment by the teacher. She eyed the small cracks and dents on the aging metal walls of the facility, tracing every small signs of rust and a glimmer of reflection from the white light.

"Dammit Malory, you can't just throw your baggage at me," she murmured underneath her uneven breaths. Her heart was racing! Pounding like uneven drum beats! She was supposed to be excited, no, very proud of her new position, but something was dragging her down, stone weights and chains. She wanted to earn her new role independently not through someone else's resignation letters. She had hope she would lead her own team alongside Malory, as equals, but yet again the senior has proven Sahara's incapability to stand on her own two feet.

Sahara arrived at her quarters, the door automatically sliding open as soon as she swiped her card. She plopped her drained body on her bed releasing a distressed moan as she shifted on her back. Dust and sweat formed a messy glaze over her skin, but she didn't care. What was bugging her? Is she just imagining the feeling? Her head started to ache due to all the questions in her mind. How will she lead her team? She's barely getting along with her group now and to think she would lead them.

Her hand reached for her pillow, covering her face with it and letting out a scream of frustration.


Malory packed most of her belongings leaving the things she needed for her team's expedition in a few days. She gasped for air nervously, thinking of a way of how to reassure her successor. Sahara would need to learn more about teamwork and leading if she was to become the head field researcher. She especially needed to teach her the ways of teamwork.

The woman stacked her bags of possessions at the foot of her bed. She directed her eyes towards the wall clustered with documents, sketches, and pictures. Family, friends, and coworkers were all alike on her wall of memories. Particularly, she eyed the picture of her and her field group.

She smiled at the sight of seeing Sahara in the group, the latter's smile was as mature as she could possibly make her facial muscles do.

"Sahara...you were so young back then. Look at you now, a grown woman," she briefly whispered to herself earning a few prickling sensations in her eyes.

The tears rolled down her red cheeks. She was going to miss them, her friends, coworkers, and more importantly her responsibilities. She was hopeful of course. Sahara learns quick, all she needed was pure guidance and she'll be leading them just like she did.

Her face a mixture of emotions.


The next day, Sahara stretched out her limbs, the small window right beside her bed allowed the sunlight's entrance into her room. Her body groggily rolled to find comfort and hide her face away from the light but a certain knocking noise distracted her beauty sleep.

She squinted her eyes towards the door while sitting up. Scratching her corkscrew hair as she pattered her way towards the bothersome noise.

"What now?!" She screamed as soon as she opened the door.

Her face suddenly lightened up as she noticed a fair skinned brunette in front of her. She lightly rubbed her eyes and straightened her hair and attire.

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