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De'miur'gios had killed so many of them before and currently. His tough skin was only adorned with small scratches but his green abnormal blood still trickled along his scaled husk. He'd enjoyed his fight with them, the kiande amedha, or what the oomans used to call them 'Xenomorph.'

He wasn't a bit surprised at all. He had been guessing ever since his children encountered humans, and why two have been abducted. This could be one of their experimental exploits. To use those two as geana for sick experiments, or for weaponry advancements. Either way, both would result in catastrophe. Humans are inferior in technology and everything else. The thought of crushing human skulls boosted his strength and he body-slammed one Xenomorph before ripping its limbs. He was used to its acid, his armor is tough, and so was he.

More than a dozen of Xenomorphs later, De'miur'gios sheathed his spear and collected a few trophy for himself, mainly the tail tip. It would make a great ornament in his dwelling, or a strong acid-resistant weapon. He cared for none towards the shiny oval heads, he has hundreds of them in his trophy room. After he gathered quite a few from his fallen enemies, his mask made a fuzzy sound and he heard the rattling croak of Dia'vios.

"I found an entrance."


How many times had Sahara thought she was going to die? She never cared for her safety before, she cared more about what was out there. But now the adventure she yearned for willingly came to her, she felt fear. Ever since that day, ever since they arrived at the swamp. No. Ever since Malory resigned, everything went to hell.

She wondered back as the metal door caved in more into the room. The rusty sound of the door echoed throughout the halls. What if she had run away with the others instead of staying behind, despite her sprained ankle, would she have survived? Or died along with them? What if the Yautja didn't pity her, or if Zen'nogre didn't communicate with her? Would she be one of those trophies, the skinned human bones?

She sat still as she anticipated the creature that kept banging on the door. There was nothing she could do but hold her breath as the door gaped open, enough to fit herself. The banging stopped and there was a moment of silence before a human head poked into the room. A wave of relief washed over Sahara as she called out to the person.


The man returned a happy smile and completely slid himself into the room in order to embrace the woman. Sahara caressed Dan with her one free hand, returning the gesture.

"I'm so glad we found you!" He said with pure joy.

"I thought I was going to lose you..." A series of wet droplets traced the texture of his skin.

The door gave way with another loud bang and in came Zen'nogre whose scaled, green-colored body was covered in green ooze. He was injured, badly.


A quick look at the two humans before him before turning his attention back to his punctured body. If he didn't tend to his wound he will immediately die. Although he thought back, none of his actions had any flaws, he didn't make any mistakes. He growled to himself, it was his weapons. They were too vulnerable to his enemies.

He melted to the floor, too weak to cross his legs. A few seconds of rummaging in his kit and he found his syringe. He had to stop the bleeding. Injecting the substance into him, he started to slow down, the pain and blood loss was too much for his immature body to handle. Before he could barely move his right hand back into his kit, Sahara called out to him.


He jolted his head to the small feminine voice.

"Let me help you!"

Zen'nogre was unsure of what the woman just said, but he was too weak to even question or complain, not that he has the linguistic capabilities to anyway. A few taps on his wrist gauntlet and the gauntlet cuffs deactivated, freeing Sahara.

She glanced at Dan who was hesitant towards the situation, "we can leave him behind. This is our chance." Dan whispered quietly so as to not make the preditor hear.

"I have to help him, Dan. When I was captured, he was the only one who actually kept me from becoming insane, from giving up. I want to repay my debt to him, " Sahara smiled gently and gave a small pat on Dan's shoulder.

She crawled towards Zen'nogre, who was rattled in pain. To him, it was getting worse, opening the door didn't help. He could see Sahara moving closer to him until she stopped on his right side.


She examined his arms, they had wounds but it wasn't as bad as the ones on his abdomen, she also noticed his body armor was gone which made her gasp for air in order to calm herself.

She was no doctor so she didn't know what she was doing. Her touch suddenly caught a strange, his blood was starting to clot, it was probably the injection he gave himself. What bothered her most was the severe injury on his stomach. It was taking too long because it was too big.

"Hang in there, big guy..." Sahara whispered silently as she rummaged through his belongings.

She took out a couple of items and picked them up to show to Zen'nogre. She picked up a small blue, glowing object, Zen'nogre nodded his head.

"How do I use it?" She asked.

Zen'nogre signed at her, he held a clenched fist up to resemble the container and motioned a pressing movement at the bottom.

"Okay, so there's a button on the bottom..." Sahara examined the blue cylindrical container turning it to the bottom. Yes. She pressed it and the small dome on top separated into four, creating an opening. The substance inside started to drizzle out but Sahara was quick enough to steady the container in her hand.

Zen'nogre motioned again, this time pointing to his injury, "you want me to pour it on your wound?"

Sahara carefully hovered the container over the Yautja's abdomen then, with care, she evenly covered his wound with the goo-like liquid.

The predator roared in response and clenched his fingers into a ball. Sahara, on the other hand, couldn't stop but worry for the young hunter who was growling in intense pain. She scrunched her face, fully aware that Zen'nogre was hurting badly.

"Almost done, keep it together!" Sahara encouraged him and brushed her hand and fingers across his rubbery hair to calm him down.

After what seemed like a traumatizing experience to Zen'nogre, the blue liquid hardened on his stomach, halting the blood from leaking out of his body.

Sahara heard him breathing one after the other. She moved her hand to feel the smooth metal of his mask, then down to his shoulder.

"You'll be fine now, " Sahara smiled and kept brushing her thumb crossed the thick hide of his shoulder.

Zen'nogre turned his head toward her and lifted up a hand to feel her smooth cheek. A soft smile plastered its way on Sahara's lips.

"You're strong, for a kid. I hope you grow up and become even stronger, like your father."

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