Plans,Plans and Plans!!

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Sam was having his tea when his phone rang.Sam picked up the call.It was Ronald's call."Hey Sam,what's up?"he sounded very cheerful.

"Nothing,just chilling.You say?"

"Well actually I have been invited in a party thrown by one of my new friends.Wanna join?Actually I want you to join because these parties and all..I don't feel comfortable being alone in a party and this is also here and I am new here Sam,I would get bored.Please don't say no."

"Okay okay relax dude,I will join you."

"Today in the evening,okay?"

"Today?"Sam remembered he had to meet Kate that day and he had called her.

"Yeah,any problem Your Highness?"Ronald said in a dramatic tone.Sam laughed.

"Well,I am supposed to meet one of my friends this evening..and-"

"No problem,you can bring your friend to the party as well,we will enjoy."

"Umm,okay,let me ask her first."

"Okay,but make sure she comes,I will come to your house at six,right.And yes,Jack can also come."he sounded excited.

"Then again,let me ask him and I don't have the slightest of hope that he will agree to come."

"You can try at least,right?"


"Thanks Sam."

"You are always welcome,Ron."Sam smiled.

"Okay,I am gonna go ready."

"Right now?It is only three.The party is at six,isn't it?"

"Yeah,but I have to clean up and I take more time to get ready than girls,dude."he laughed.


"See you in the evening."



Sam hung up and then dialed Kate's number.She picked up the call within seconds."Yeah,Sam I am almost ready and I-"

"No Kate,it's not that.I have called you to tell you that Ron has offered me to join him for a party this evening."

"Oh.."Her face fell."So,we are not meeting today?"

"Well,I want to take you to the party.We will enjoy there,I bet."

"Oh really?"Her face lit up."Wow,that's really sweet of you,Sam."

"So,are you coming?"

"Sure,why not,at what clock anyway?"

"I will pick you at six."

"Hello?Do you even know where I live,stupid?"She laughed aloud.

"Oh,no.Shit,now what?"

"No problem,I will be at our favouriate restaurant T-plus.Fine?"

"Okay,I will pick you from there."


They talked for a while and then hung up.Sam was deciding what to wear for the party when he heard a slight knock at his door."Yes?"

"Sir,it's me."

"Come on in Jack."

"Sir,those men from Twinkle Eyes came at noon and I gave them the cheque you have signed for that orphanage."

"Oh,that's nice Jack.And yes,Ron invited me to a party this evening.Do you want to join us?Ron has specially told me to ask you also to come."

"I wonder why.."Jack muttered.

"Because Ron is a sweetheart,Jack.He cares for everyone and he thinks you would get bored alone at home."

"Yeah,Sir,but you know I don't go anywhere.I don't feel like.You have given me shelter and that's enough for me.I don't even want to step outside."

"Oh come on,Jack.You won't get bored there."

"Thank you,Sir for asking me.That's really sweet of you to care about me but I won't go."This time Jack's voice was firm.

"Fine,it's your choice."Sam shrugged his shoulders and stretched himself on the sofa to read the newspaper.He was planning what to wear for the party when his phone rang again.


"Sam,I am..kind of really confused,man.What are you wearing for the party?"It was Ron's voice and he sounded irritated.

"Umm,not decided yet,maybe something formal."

"Formal?Good idea.I too will try something formal."

"Okay man,why are you getting so worried?It's just a normal party,man."

"It maybe normal for you, man but not for me.I am a middle class working man okay?This party means a lot to me."He rolled his eyes.

"Ron,relax,man.You are my friend now.I will take you to each and every party wherever I will be invited,okay.You will get used to it bro."

"Now this is tooooo much Sam.You are a famous writer,you will be invited to lavish and fancy parties and all.I can't go."

"Ron,don't talk like a stranger.There is no class difference between us,fine?"

"Okay bro,now let me try some formals,talk to you later."

"Bye."Sam smiled wondering how simple and innocent is Ron and he was starting to like him a lot.   



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