2 | prologue

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Before Sybil Crane could even try to join Miss Robichaux's Academy in New Orleans, she was shunned by the coven for the rumors they heard of her

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Before Sybil Crane could even try to join Miss Robichaux's Academy in New Orleans, she was shunned by the coven for the rumors they heard of her. Sybil was infamous for her wicked use of her powers. Something about drawing her magic from the darkness excited her. It was not something a usual witch typically condoned.

Sybil, ever since she was a mere child, was drawn to the darkness. The darkness seemed to be limitless and extremely powerful. The darkness fed her deepest desires and it fulfilled her needs whenever she needed. This was something the light could never do for her.

Because Sybil was shut out from Miss Robichaux's Academy, the Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men was quite quick to find her. Mr. Augustus was eloquent with his words and concise with his persuasions. "Miss Crane, I apologize for intruding on you in your home— however, I've gotten word that you were rejected by Supreme Cordelia Goode."

Sybil leaned on the rotted doorway, looked at the man with disinterest. "Yes?" She was irritated that she was disallowed from joining the coven, and she didn't particularly liked being reminded of it. The only reason she wanted to join was to perform the seven wonders and snag the title as Supreme so that she'd become the most powerful and respected witch. But, with no access to the coven she couldn't be tested— therefore she is left with no title and a bad reputation.

"I'm here to propose to you, Miss Crane, that you come with me to the Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men. Although we train warlocks, I'm sure we can sneak you in and train you in private. What Supreme Goode has done to you was unjust. She treated you as she has treated our sect. Disrespectfully. She fears that you are more powerful than she, so she taints your name with lies that you have malevolent intentions. In my opinion, she has made a severe mistake due to her selfish behavior." Mr. Augustus seemed to have prepared his speech for that moment quite well. Unfortunately for him, he had done all that work trying to convince Sybil as if she wasn't already sold by the idea.

"I'm in." Her face twisted up into a devilish smirk.

Mr. Augustus paused. "Wait, really?" He inquired.

"Really." She nodded.

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