4 | a kiss

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4 | A KISS

As time went on, Michael and Sybil had their fun teasing other students at their school together and they grew quite fond of one another

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As time went on, Michael and Sybil had their fun teasing other students at their school together and they grew quite fond of one another. Michael felt like Sybil truly understood him and Sybil felt like Michael could satisfy her desires to grow powerful. The two showed exceptional powers in class and were highly praised by their peers for their abilities. Of course, Michael was significantly more powerful than Sybil, but that was only because he was not truly a warlock. Sybil on the other hand, was talented in her craft. She could outsmart and outshine any man in her class with a wave of her skinny hand.

It didn't take long for Sybil to catch onto the fact that Michael was definitely not a warlock— he was too powerful to be so.  So, she went to confront him about it. She found herself at the door of his quarters and she rapidly knocked on it.

Within seconds, the door was opened. "You." Sybil shook her head at him, then squeezed under his arm to slide into his room.

Michael furrowed his brows in confusion at her then closed the door. "You're a cheater!" Sybil whisper-yelled at him with a smile, she was happy that she had discovered something about him that he thought he could hide.

"I'm not following." Michael told.

"You're not a warlock. I saw you in class today, your eyes rolled to back of your head when you did that spell. After all this time I've spent trying to compete with you..." Sybil trailed off.

Michael's face darkened. "You're going to report me?" He questioned, suddenly viewing Sybil an obstacle to his goals that he'd gladly take out.

"Hell no." Sybil scoffed. Michael felt relieved.

"You'd think I'd do that to you? You think I'd sell you out? We're Bonnie and Clyde, remember? We're sticking through it 'till the end." Sybil reminded.

A light flickered in Michael's eye. He felt something other than anger in his soul. It was a sort of admiration for Sybil. He felt like he could trust her, and he didn't even have her sired to him. He swiftly grabbed her arm and pulled her into a soft kiss. It sent butterflies all throughout Sybil's chest. His lips were smooth and seemed to glide over her own lips like butter.

Michael pulled away from her to take a breath, their foreheads were leaning on each other. "Now I know I can trust you." He spoke blatantly, then resumed their kiss. He led her to his bed and one thing led to another...

A month later.
It was the day both Sybil and Michael were to be tested to see what level warlock they'd come out as. "Now that you two have had time to settle and you have immersed yourself in the study of magic here at the coven, it's time to evaluate and see where you stand. Mr. Langdon, please go first." Augustus told, and Sybil took that opportunity to sit down in a corner to simply observe.

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