5 | hotel cortez

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Michael and Sybil confidently strode into the hotel and walked immediately to where Michael sensed where Queenie was

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Michael and Sybil confidently strode into the hotel and walked immediately to where Michael sensed where Queenie was. When he opened the door, it revealed James March, the owner of the haunted hotel in his ghost form, and Queenie playing cards. Michael instantly walked into the room, with Sybil trailing his steps, up to Queenie. "What a fascinating specimen." March gawked at Michael.

"Alive, yet so intimate with the dead." He added.

"Who the hell are you?" Queenie sighed, tired of the loop she seemed to be stuck in at the hotel.

"My name is Michael Langdon. And I'm here to do for you what your Supreme couldn't." Michael reached out his hand, offering for her to grab it.

Sybil only observed the interaction. She felt some power radiating off of Michael, as if he was doing something internally to Queenie. "Yeah, right." Queenie scoffed at the stranger.

"Take his hand, Queenie." March suggested. Queenie looked at Michael with a curious eye.

"And what if I don't want to?" Queenie rolled her eyes.

Michael sniffed, a subtle action that intimidated her. "I'm not sure you have a choice." March seemed frightened himself as he advised Queenie.

Queenie reluctantly took Michael's hand and annoyedly said: "Be right back." As she was anticipating for his magic to not work.

Fortunately for her, it did. And Sybil was quite impressed with Michael. She had some doubts if he could do it, but he proved her wrong. Once the three were out of the hotel, Michael smirked. "There's one person left to get. Let's go." He stated.

* * *

Soon enough, Michael seemed to have transported the three into Madison Montgomery's seemingly personal hell. She was stuck in some sort of department store, working. It was a peculiar hell, but, Sybil wasn't there to judge. Sybil and Queenie stayed behind some shelves as Michael went to approach her alone. The two engaged in some quick conversation that seemed to consist of Madison agreeing to allowing him rescue her— then Sybil heard "What's the catch? Do I have to blow you or something?" Madison asked.

"No." Michael chuckled.

"Oh... okay... well, when we get out of here, can I anyway? You're a snack, and I haven't had a good dicking in forever." Madison giggled.

At the moment, both Queenie and Sybil stepped out to reveal themselves to Madison. "I'm sure he's satisfied with what he's got." Sybil quickly commentated, as she took her place next to Michael.

"Damn. A hoe, even in the afterlife, huh?" Queenie scoffed at Madison.

Madison rushed over to embrace Queenie, she seemed relieved seeing her old friend. "Get off me bitch." Queenie pushed Madison away.

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