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 Within a week, Sybil was situated in the warlock school

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Within a week, Sybil was situated in the warlock school. She felt special, as she was getting all the attention from the boys of the school. But, soon enough— her fame had died down when a new person was announced to be added to the school. "As most of you all know, we've been welcoming new students to our private school. This afternoon, all students of the Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men must be in attendance to greet the new young man that shall be joining." One of the professors announced to the masses of students during lunch.

Sybil slowly drifted her eyes up to the professor. Although she enjoyed her popularity for being the new kid at school, she was particularly relieved that she wouldn't be stared at all the time— allowing her to cause mischief while no one was looking. As soon as the professor dismissed the students from lunch so that they may return to their quarters, she quickly pointed at one of the students in the room and made him trip and fall. She giggled as everyone stared at the humiliated boy and went about her day.

* * *

Later in the afternoon.
Just as instructed, Sybil was prompt to arrive at the welcoming of the new student. She stood in the center of the group, right behind the heads of the school. She peeked over one of the headmasters' shoulder to take a closer look at the new boy. The new student was led in by Augustus, the leader of the school of warlocks and the man who recruited Sybil. The boy seemed confident, his head was set high on his shoulders and his strides were long and eloquent. He held his hands behind his back, but Sybil didn't notice. She instantly caught sight of his electrifying blue eyes. He was attractive, she could admit.

"I'd like you all to meet Michael." Augustus introduced the boy. He seemed to be around Sybil's own age.

"Like many of us when we first arrived, he is not sure that this is the place for him. But in the days to come, we're going to show him that not only is this the only place he belongs, but that he's finally found his true home." Michael's eyes scanned over the crowd, but abruptly stopped when he spotted Sybil, the only female in the room.

Their eye contact quickly broke when the students began to crowd around Michael and greet him. Once everyone dispersed away from him, Sybil took the opportunity to introduce herself. Her signature smirk wiped across her face as she reached for his hand. "Sybil Crane, it's a pleasure meeting you Michael." She firmly shook his hand.

Michael couldn't help but to smile. He sensed her lingering darkness, and he knew they seemed to have somewhat of the same intentions on life: malevolence. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sybil." He intentionally ran his hand up her arm after their handshake to feel her skin. He noted that it was cold and extremely soft to the touch.

* * *

The next day, Sybil was in the library. She was fooling around with her magic, performing little tricks on her peers. She subtly flicked her wrist upward and made one boy's stack of books fall over. She chuckled to herself in amusement at her activity, but was suddenly stopped when a cool hand was placed on her shoulder.

Sybil shot her head around, defensively, to see who had caught her in the act. It was Michael. "You're wasting your magic on these petty games." Michael whispered to her, then took a seat next to her.

"Yeah? You think you could do better?" Sybil challenged him.

Michael twisted his lips into a mischievous smile. "Watch this." He told her, the simply shot a look to one boy who was quietly reading next to the fireplace.

Michael, somehow, managed to have the fire creep up toward the boy's sleeve and catch him on fire. The boy jumped up in fright and began panicking. A group of his peers then tackled him to put out the flame, and ended up slightly crushing him under all of the weight.

Sybil began snickering. "Oh, that was good." She whispered to Michael, who smiled back at her.

"So, assuming that you have to have done something spectacular to be in a warlock's school, what's so special about you, Miss Crane?" Michael was quick to pry. Sybil assumed he really didn't care about what others thought of him.

"Nothing. Well, except that Supreme Cordelia shunned me from her coven." Sybil was short, she didn't want any of her peers knowing that she had mal-intentions on using her magic.

Michael leaned in close to her, so that his lips were barely grazing her ear. "I know you're motives, Sybil. Why not just be honest with me?" He whispered into her ear.

His proximity to her face sent shivers down her spine. She quite enjoyed the feeling. "They want to use me. I'm stronger than Supreme Cordelia and they know it. They also know that if they use a male to challenge her, she'll deny them the right to pursue the seven wonders and take her place. If I represent them, I'll give them representation in the witch world." Sybil explained why she was in the school.

Michael pulled his head away from her and cocked his head in curiosity. "And you want the title as Supreme to dominate, don't you?" Michael whispered over to her.

"Aren't you clever?" Sybil winked at him, suggesting that he was correct.

"We seem to have similar goals in mind, Miss Crane." Michael stared right into Sybil's eyes.

"Mmm... What are you suggesting, Mr. Langdon?" Sybil obviously already knew what he was planning in his mysterious little head.

"A scheme of sorts. One that parallels the story of Bonnie and Clyde." Michael looked away from Sybil and began to observe the other students in the library.

"When do we start?" Sybil got excited and she jumped in her seat.

"Don't get too anticipated. I have to know if I can trust you." Michael replied calmly.

Sybil's excitement died down. "Well... when will you know that?" She asked.

"I don't know." He simply answered, then stood up and left her lonesome in the library.

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