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Sybil gasped. She knew exactly what Cordelia, Myrtle and Mallory were going to do. It hadn't been done except for once in history, and even then it was a failure. Yet, Sybil somehow knew that Mallory was going to manage to go back in time. Sybil snapped her fingers and through her magic it snapped Cordelia's neck. Her body sagged to the ground, it was entirely lifeless. Sybil knew she had to act fast, now that Cordelia was dead Mallory- the suspected next supreme would rise instantly. She ran into the room Cordelia was standing in front of previously- it had seemed she was protecting it.

Just as expected, when Sybil hurried in- there was Myrtle and Mallory. And Mallory was laying in a bath, trying to time travel. Again, Sybil efficiently snapped Myrtle neck. Then, she hurried to Mallory and yanked her out of the bath. Mallory fought back strongly, she clawed, kicked and screamed. But, Sybil overpowered her and ripped her heart from her chest. She tossed the organ to the side and made sure that Mallory was dead. When she knew that she surely was, she turned around to face a lingering Michael. He was impressed but also shocked. "She was gonna kill you, in the past." Sybil spoke in between her gasps for breaths. She wiped her hands on her face, leaving bloody streaks on her cheeks.

Michael helped her up and cradled her face with his hands. "You saved me." He spoke in awe and pressed a cold kiss to her lips.

Sybil pulled away and looked down at her shoes. "Michael, I'm pregnant." She admitted.

"How do you know?" Michael asked, quite surprised actually.

"I just know..." Sybil shook her head, unsure as to how she felt about having a baby at the end of the world. Michael smiled brightly and squeezed Sybil tightly.

Wicked ▹ Michael Langdon Where stories live. Discover now