12 | fire and reign

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Mutt and Jeff, the two coconut-head tech geniuses that had recreated Mead, sat before Sybil and Michael to discuss what the two could do to cause the apocalypse

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Mutt and Jeff, the two coconut-head tech geniuses that had recreated Mead, sat before Sybil and Michael to discuss what the two could do to cause the apocalypse. The boys slid over a piece of paper over to Michael with excitement glimmering in their eyes. "Putin, Buffet, Clinton—" Michael began reading the list of names.

"Oh, Bill, not Hillary." Jeff interjected.

"—Kim Pyong So—" Michael continued.

"General Kim. Dude controls all the nuclear weapons in North Korea." Mutt interrupted.

"I don't get it. How are all these people connected?" Michael sighed.

"That's a list of 100 members of the world's most powerful organization called the Cooperative." Mutt whispered the name.

"Yeah, except no one in the Cooperative would ever admit to being in the Cooperative. Also, "the Cooperative" is a code name. The real name is the Illuminati." Jeff smiled.

"This has got to be a joke. The Illuminati is a false conspiracy." Sybil snorted, crossing her arms skeptically.

"And actually, this list doesn't exist. Bye, list!" Mutt snatched the paper from Michael's hands and burned it with the lighter he had hidden in his pocket.

"You guys are in the Illuminati?" Michael asked, also quite skeptical.

"Well, I mean, were that group to exist, yeah, you might find some familiar names on the roster at number 69." Jeff chuckled and Mutt gave him an encouraging high five.

"The point it, the Cooperative controls the money, the arts, the armies, the thoughts, everything. They run the fucking world." Mutt told.

"And everyone in the Cooperative has sold their soul.. to the Devil, which means that you control the Cooperative. Daddy set you up bro." Jeff chuckled.

"They've been waiting for the Antichrist. You just tell them what you want and when you want it, and they have to do it. They're basically like your army, dude." Mutt explained.

"Wh-what am I supposed to do with them? Hmm? If magic wasn't enough to bring about the end times..." Michael inquired.

Sybil rolled her eyes. 'Literally, anything, Michael.' She thought.

"Oh, no no no no no. You don't need magic to destroy the world, bro, not when you have science." Jeff told.

"And humanity. People suck. They're selfish and short sighted. All anyone cares about is immediate gratification," Mutt added, then proceeded to ironically snort a line of coke he had laid out on his desk, "and that's why everything happens. One shitty self serving act at a time. You multiply one bad impulse by seven billion people, you get global warming, you get mass extinction, you definitely get genocide! I mean, it's sheer numbers, bro. Math is way more powerful than magic. We are totally read to give the middle finger to the world and restart mankind."

"It's the prophecy, bro. You will reign for a thousand years of fire. It's in the book." Jeff inspirationally stated.

"It's in the good book. You read this book? Revelations." Mutt asked Sybil.

"I want never the religious type." She hummed, forcing a small smile on her face to match their enthusiasm.

Michael opened the book and glanced at it. "What's next?" Michael asked.

"Okay, so Dead Hand is a Russian nuclear defense system set up for mutual assured destruction. In the event that a nuclear attack is detected, counter missiles will be launched automatically, even if all the commanders on the ground are dead." Jeff explained and Mutt laughed obnoxiously.

"With the people we know in positions of power, all you need for Armageddon, bro, are three people in the right places pushing the right buttons." Jeff finished, then he and his idiot companion proceeded to make explosion noises like little boys.

"Will it be enough to kill the witches?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. I mean, definitely. All you gotta do it talk to them." Mutt told.

* * *

Michael took Sybil to some prestigious location where all the most powerful people would meet Michael for their Cooperative meeting. "This place is so strange. Why would the world's wealthiest .1% choose to wear so much flannel and Patagonia?" Michael asked. They were at a park, they hadn't made it to the meeting room just yet, but there were plenty of wealthy people wandering about the park in the described flannels.

Sybil didn't answer, for she was still angry at Michael. She only stood by his side, her arm locked with his, at that very moment because they had a similar conquest. Michael suddenly stopped walking. "Are you really going to ignore me for the rest of eternity?" He turned Sybil around.

Sybil's eyes darkened as she shot him daggers. "Sybil, I need you by my side. You haven't spoken to me or even have really touched me in days. When will this foolishness end?" His eyes were begging, it was as if Sybil was depriving him of something he heavily relied on.

"You killed my baby." She choked out her words.

"Please, you only had that child with you for one day. And you were going to use it as an object to grow more powerful from. You didn't need that baby. And if it's a child of your own that you want, I promise you, when this is all over, we will have our own beautiful children." Michael pushed back Sybil's hair behind her ear. His words weren't enough for Sybil to forgive him. She had known he was a monster, but she never knew he'd become a monster toward her. Perhaps it was her human-like fantasies that deceived her from the truth— that Michael was purely evil.

"I love you, Sybil. I really do. I don't want you to leave me, to desert me like the others have." He looked down to his feet.

Silence overcame the two. Only the quiet chatter of the other people in the park could be heard. Sybil reached up to touch Michael's face, but took him by surprise when she grabbed his face forcefully. "If you ever hurt me again, I will slice open your belly and shove your guts so deep down your throat it almost returns to the same position they originally were in." She threatened. Michael gulped.

She let go of his face and intertwined her fingers with his. "But, I love you too, Langdon." She mentioned, then continued their stroll around in the park.

The two had similar moments of lashing out into their primal evil instincts. But, for some reason, Sybil seemed more dangerous when she lashed out. Maybe it was because she was particularly keen on torturing other or murdering innocents, or maybe it was because she was truly the succubus brought to the earth to end all of humanity.

* * *

Michael and Sybil then met with the faceless people of the Illuminati. They discussed what they needed to be done and how they needed it to be done. The members agreed without hesitation to accomplish the apocalypse with Michael and Sybil. They organized the outposts to allow the Cooperative members survive the apocalypse.

author's note: omfg. i named mutt jeff and jeff mutt. just pretend I didn't do that and go on about reading bc I'm not about to change it sksnsnns.

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