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"Veni, vidi, vici!" Sybil cheered to Michael as he entered the room

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"Veni, vidi, vici!" Sybil cheered to Michael as he entered the room.

Michael smiled at her small and held her wrists lightly. His eyes bore into hers. He seemed to be looking for something from within her, but he was having difficulty finding it. Sybil pulled her arms away from him then snaked it around his waist. She embraced him, her chest pressed up against his so that she could feel his heart pumping at a constant rate— she felt like he needed the hug, also she wanted to break away from his strange staring. Michael ran his hand down the back of her hand and took in her sweet scent.

He had been having a strange feeling bubbling inside of him every time he'd see Sybil since the moment she siphoned magic from him. At first, he thought it was respect and admiration for her powers— but, he was beginning to realize it was love. He had never experienced such emotion for anyone except his grandmother. Of course he cared for his foster mother, Miriam Mead, but the feelings he shared with her weren't ones that were unconditional. It only took him a few minutes to accept that he was truly in love with Sybil. She matched his wits and power. She was just as dark and complex as he was. She seemed to understand and care for him, something no one had genuinely done for him before. Somehow, he knew she would never betray him like others had. So, he felt comfortable in announcing "I love you." to her.

Sybil's stomach dropped. She didn't expect such strong words to come from him. She always thought that she'd be the first one to say I love you. Sybil looked up at him and placed her cool hand on his cheek. Her eyes were already telling him what she was going to say, but she said it anyway. "I love you too, Michael." She told.

Michael looked down at her lips and ran his tongue over his bottom lip. His eyes slowly trailed back up to her eyes. He suavely pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Without hesitation, Sybil welcomed his plump lips onto hers. The two began to run their fingers throughout each other's hair. Michael tediously ran his fingers past her jaw. Before long, Michael unzipped Sybil's dress. With ease, the dress slipped off of her body and fell onto the floor.

Sybil tugged off Michael's blazer as he began to lead her to the bed. Once the two were fully nude, they wasted no time sharing their bodies with one another. It was exhilarating and passionate; it definitely solidified their love for one another.

* * *

Sybil: age 7
The playground was always a scary place. There were all kinds of smells, loud noises and tons of children running around you constantly. Sybil loved the playground. It was a place where chaos and disorder was allowed. It was a place where she could wreak havoc in amongst the wood chips. And, most importantly, it was where she was the boss. Everyone knew Sybil was a force to be reckoned with. Every day at recess she'd sell candy to her peers for a dollar a piece. She knew it was a scam, but she was hustling for her future.

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