7 | supreme

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Later on that night

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Later on that night.
Michael and Sybil went outside of the Hawthorne school to greet his mother whom had killed Moore for Michael. "Oh my dear boy! Look at you! You're skin and bones! You're wasting away, don't these people feed you?" Michael's mother, Miriam Mead, hugged him tightly.

"I'm fine! Just tell me you took care of the problem." Michael huffed.

"The problem is now a stack of over cooked country barbecue. They can bury him in his shoebox. If they can find him." Miriam assured.

"Good. These people are the only ones who can pose a threat to me. Once I become Supreme, I can destroy them from within. Eliminate their whole fucking coven. Then the road will be clear for me to do what I was born to do." Michael was relieved. He intertwined his fingers with Sybil's.

"So stop worrying," Miriam turned to Sybil, "and who is this pretty lady, Michael?" She asked.

Michael squeezed Sybil's hand and smiled at his mother. "This is my girlfriend, Sybil Crane." He introduced her. Sybil wasn't expecting the word girlfriend to ever come out of his mouth, so she was slightly taken aback.

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Sybil." Miriam pulled Sybil in for a hug.

"Pleasure to make yours as well, Miss Mead." Sybil spoke.

"Look how easy it was for you to win their trust, to get into their school. They may be wizards but they're not exactly whizzes. Everything is going beautifully." Miriam continued her conversation with Michael after parting her hug with Sybil.

"I still have to pass the Seven Wonders." Michael looked worried for once.

"You will own the Seven Wonders. And then all of their covens, and then the world." Miriam reassured Michael.

"What would I do without you?" Michael sighed out of relief and squeezed Miriam.

"Well, that's something that you're never gonna have to worry about. And the best part is, I'm not the only one who's got your back." Miriam told.

Michael turned to smile, appreciatively, to Sybil. "Not just her." Miriam interjected, then she pointed out into the forest. Then, out came Augustus. Sybil and Michael tensed at the sight.

"He knows about John Henry Moore, just don't talk about your father." Miriam whispered to him as Augustus approached the three.

"Ah, you think we'd let that fool blow our chance to have our own supreme? Not in this lifetime." Augustus shook his head.

"Ariel was the one who told me Henry was leaving so I could intercept him and do the deed. We couldn't have done this without him." Miriam told.

"I for one can't wait to see those bitches squirm with a man in charge. Finally on top where we belong." Augustus smiled creepily.

* * *

The next day.
Michael performed six out of the seven wonders effortlessly. All he had left to do was Descensum. "Today, I'm not asking you to perform this task. I'm asking you to conquer it. I'd like you to retrieve my dear friend Misty Day, who lost her own battle with this very task." Cordelia spoke.

"That's impossible! Those who don't return from descensum are gone forever. Property of the underworld!" Chablin shouted.

"No other supreme has been made to do this. Ever. This is not only unfair, this is suicide." Pennypacker complained as well.

"Enough! Cordelia! I need a word." Augustus stopped the bickering. Then, he and Cordelia went to another room to dispute the conflict.

Before long, Michael interrupted them and told them that he could do it. Within minutes, Michael was laid out on the floor and every witch and warlock in the room surrounded him. Then, Michael began his incantations. The moment he breathed out the word descensum, Michael descended in hell to retrieve Misty Day.

It only took him about an hour before he woke up again, gasping for air. "Well, that's that." Madison seemed unimpressed, as Michael ascended without Misty.

"This was not a fair test!" Augustus exclaimed.

"What happened? Where's Misty?" Cordelia asked.

"Isn't it obvious dear? She's right where she's been—" Myrtle began to snark, but was interrupted as a cloud of smoke appeared next to Michael on the floor. And there, Misty Day laid.

Cordelia gasped in shock and the other witches jumped back in fright. Sybil helped Michael up and led him to a chair to rest. Michael leaned over his legs to catch his breath— but something told Sybil he was acting to make it seem like the task was difficult. While Misty and the other girls reunited, Sybil watched Cordelia closely.

Myrtle seemed to be watching too, because once Cordelia's nose began bleeding, Myrtle was the first to point it out. "What's happening?" Queenie asked.

"What always happens when a new supreme arises. The old one fades away. We demand what's ours." Augustus explained.

"You are a pathetic pompous ass." Myrtle shouted at Michael.

Sybil stepped forward, suddenly feeling the urge to snap the old wretched woman's neck, but Michael instantly stood up and pulled her back. "I did everything you asked. I descended into hell and did what you couldn't. I brought her back. I passed the Seven Wonders. Unless you wanna add another one." Michael's voice was strong and unwavering.

"No. There can be no doubt. You are the next Supreme." Cordelia then collapsed to the ground due to her newfound weakness.

* * *

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