11 | coconuts

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Michael and Sybil were summoned by the two men that had promised Michael to restore Miss Mead to her former state, but in robotic form

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Michael and Sybil were summoned by the two men that had promised Michael to restore Miss Mead to her former state, but in robotic form. Sybil was still infuriated with Michael, but she let it go as they had bigger plans to tend to. "240 terabytes of memory. Over 11,000 processor cores. Badass." One of the boys, whom had recreated Miss Mead, explained.

The two had coconut shaped haircuts. It was horrifying. Sybil tried not to stare. The two coconut heads then revealed Miss Mead in her robotic form. She laid on a table. Every detail was perfect. She looked exactly human. "This is amazing. Why is she so cold?" Michael asked as he touched the robot's hand.

"Oh that'll change with the flip of her on switch." One explained.

"She's got a nanowire-based lithium ion battery. Basically the energizer bunny's wet dream. We fire her up, she goes on forever." The other added.

"Just don't tell her she's a biomechanical humanoid. At least not at first. It'll send her into the mother of all existential crises. She could end up killing herself, maybe others. Seriously, I've seen it happen. Not worth the headache." The first one, which Sybil figured out his name was Jeff, said.

"And now... Kineros Robotics proudly presents... the Battle Ax— Miriam Mead 2.0. Now, don't expect her to be her old self right away. It's gonna take her time. She needs to learn from you. Build a rapport. Like any relationship." Jeff informed. Ironic how he was mentioning rapport in a relationship when clearly Michael knew nothing about it.

Soon enough, robotic Miss Mead came to life. She began to wiggle. Then she sat straight up and look Michael straight in the eye. "How I've missed you, Michael." She smiled.

It was quite strange how lifelike this new Mead looked. It was actually quite incredible that two coconut heads could produce something so well using hunks of metal.

* * *

The next day.
Michael wanted to instantly go after the witches and kill them. He thought that once he'd kill them, his mission would be near complete to dominate the world. Sybil knew he was wrong, but refused to speak directly to him as she was still furious with him. She tagged along because she knew if she didn't, Michael would suffer or leave her out of their plan to conquer the world.

She, Michael and Mead were all at the Witches' school ran by Cordelia Goode. The girls were chanting nonsense, trying to keep our negative energy from the school, but Michael had gotten a voodoo witch to unbind the school from the girls' attempts to keep Sybil and Michael out. The trio entered the coven's dining room, where most of them were sitting at, effortlessly. They stood over the witches, unwavering in their stance.

"Clearly that mantra's bullshit." Michael announced to the women, referring to their chants to keep out evil spirits.

"Oh, come on, you can't be that surprised to see me." Michael smirked.

"Fuck no, you were prophesized, darling. Up, yours." A new, older, face shouted.

"I told Cordelia what I was gonna do to all of you.  I have deaths to avenge." Michael sighed, and with the wave of his thin arm, he managed to fling shards of glass at the women— the shards came from the glasses and plates laid out on the dinner table. Each shard found its way, deep in the witches' throats. Those that survived, Mead took care of with her machine gun arm the coconut heads had installed on her.

"Mead, how the fuck are you here?" Queenie exclaimed, attempting some magic on Mead to kill her, once again. But, she failed as Mead shot Queenie before she could even try to perform any magic on her.

The voodoo witch that unbound the house went to speak with Michael momentarily before scurrying out the house. Michael and Sybil then walked upstairs to Cordelia's room. But, when they entered the room. No one was present.

* * *

"We failed. Again! The witches we actually wanted to kill got away. Cordelia fucked with me and my people, and for that, all I wanted was to watch her die, but instead—" Michael began.

"You're angry, and I understand, but this is still a victory. And besides, your destiny is to end the world with a rain of fire. Killing those witches ain't gonna go that." Mead told. Sybil sat away from the two and simply listened in.

"You were the one who said the way to end the world was with magic. You said either the witches and warlocks stood behind us or we kill them." Michael was becoming irritated.

"Well that was our plan before, maybe we need to change course?" Mead suggested.

"What's that even mean?" Michael asked.

"It's time to burn the sucker down, and you don't need magic for that. And besides, when you end the world, you end the witches. Come on. Michael, think bigger." Mead encouraged.

"I've actually been thinking abut some other possible avenues." Michael informed.

"See, that's great. Like what?" Mead inquired.

Michael sat up in his chair and lifted his chin proudly. "Maybe I could run for president."

"Okay... yeah, that could be problematic for a lot of reasons. You look barely old enough to rent a car." Mead chuckled.

"Sure, but I could start out as an ambassador, then I could become one of the presidents most trusted advisors." Michael smiled innocently.

"Michael, that sounds like the plot of the Omen III. Is this where you're getting your ideas?" Mead asked.

Michael threw his arms in the air. "Well I don't know where else to look. It's not like there's a bunch of reference material on how to be the Antichrist."

"Okay. We could go to the guys who brought me back to you. Maybe they have the answers." Mead told.

"Really? They seem like a bunch of coked out nerds to me." Michael scoffed.

"No. They're very smart, not to mention good looking." Mead told.

Michael came very close to Mead and scanned her face. "Okay. We'll go." Michael said. And with that, they were back off to Kineros Robotics to the two coconut heads.

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