9 | mila

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9 | MILA

The next morning

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The next morning.
Sybil woke up to Michael's bright blue eyes staring down at her. His thumb was running over her soft hand. "Michael?" Sybil called out his name.

Michael nodded at her to continue speaking. "Where do you come from?" She asked.

He was hesitant at first to tell her about his strange childhood, but, he knew he could trust her. So, he went on to tell her all about his grandmother, Constance, who raised him then abandoned him after he became too difficult. He told her about how she wanted to control him so much and how he'd have these dark waves overcome him where he'd want to kill and dismember living things. He told her about his father who never wanted to claim him as his child because he was "evil" and "horrible." How his mother never even spoke to him once in his life, the only interaction she had with him was trying to kill him. He even told her his inner struggles as a child, wondering why he felt the need to do such horrible things. He told her how much he hated himself for it— but, saw everything clearly after three people came to his doorstep telling him that he was their messiah. One of those people were Miss Mead.

He discovered himself through them and learned that he was Satan's son. He learned his task in life: to bring about the apocalypse.

* * *

❝the devil is real. and
he's not a little red
man with horns and
a tail. he can be

Michael had a strange feeling about Miss Mead over the next few days. He told Sybil to stay somewhere safe while he went off to go check up on Miss Mead. Sybil stayed back in her apartment in New Orleans while Michael went on his little trip. He was gone for over a week and didn't call her to let her know what was going on, but Sybil knew he'd be fine. He was powerful enough to take care of himself.

* * *

Sybil was laying about in her New Orleans apartment when there was a knock at her door. She shot up to go answer the door, and when she swung it open, there stood two unfamiliar faces. A woman and a baby. She could feel magic radiating off of the two. The woman had light magic and the baby had extremely dark magic. She could sense the baby was a succubus, like Michael but a female, she was certainly no witch.

"Please help us, our coven burned down and my leader sent me here." The woman pleaded.

Strange. Sybil thought. It was quite interesting that a witch would send her people to be saved by her in particular. There was no good in Sybil at all.

Perhaps it was fate. Sybil continued to think. Not long ago she learned that she could draw energy from Michael, thus she was strongest when she was around Michael. As if, the two were meant to be together. But, now, there stood an infant before her that could provide her the same use as Michael did. She knew instantly she could draw from the baby.

Sybil creepily twisted her head to the young woman who wore a shirt red wig. "What's your name?" Sybil asked.

"Alice. And this is Mila." The woman frantically spoke.

Sybil reached out the for the baby, and Mila willingly reached back out for Sybil. Alice allowed Sybil to hold the infant. Mila giggled in Sybil's arms. Sybil began to siphon magic from Mila and pointed to Alice. "Incendia." Sybil whispered, and the young strange woman went up in flames. She shrieked and ran back and forth in the hall like a mad woman, but Sybil simply ignored it and she shut the door.

She was truly just wicked.

* * *

The next morning Sybil was sitting at the baby and stared at the beautiful baby. "You truly are a miracle. You came to me when Michael went looking for answers on what to do next. You are my key to unlocking my full powers. Though, it is strange that I will have to be carrying around a baby now. I never expected to be a mother." Sybil admitted as she scanned the gurgling baby.

"I'm sure Michael will be excited to meet you, Mila." Sybil couldn't help but to squeeze the baby's cheeks until they turned pink. She supposed it was the lingering humanity in her that made her also swoon for the cuteness of the baby.

author's note: haven't made one of these in forever wow. anyway, ooooooo... a baby is in play now. will it be Sybil's key to success or her weakness and lead her to her downfall? what do y'all think?

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