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Sybil watched Michael peacefully sleep next to her

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Sybil watched Michael peacefully sleep next to her. She had a weary feeling creeping down her spine, and she didn't want to leave his side anytime soon. She watched as his chest slowly moved up and down as he took his exhausted breaths. She knew that their whole Bonnie and Clyde scheme seemed to have grown into a larger plan for Michael. She could feel it. As if she could almost read his inner thoughts. She knew his intentions had shifted to simply ruling over the witches and warlocks to a new goal— one that frightened Cordelia so much that she collapsed just being in his dark presence. 'It could've been an easy life, Michael.' Sybil thought to herself, pretending to speak to him in a patronizing tone.

'Who wants that perfect love story anyway? Who wants the hero that saves the day anyway? It's so cliché.' Sybil assured herself that she was enjoying his mysterious ways. The darkness Michael brought to the table excited her.

Soon enough, Michael began to awaken from his slumber. His eyes instantly drifted up to meet Sybil's and he smiled small at her. At that instant, Sybil began to feel something quite strange radiating off of Michael. It was a familiar feeling. It was one she had felt since she was a child. However, now, the feeling was extremely amplified.

It was energy.

Specifically, it was the dark energy she used to fuel her witchcraft. Sybil furrowed her brows and looked down at him. Because of the intensity, she immediately felt the need to absorb the magic. So, she went on the draw her magic from him.

The energy flowed into her quicker than Sybil expected and she was taken aback. Michael felt the power leaving him, making him feel mortal and worthless. He tried to do something to stop her, but his magic seemed to be diminished by Sybil absorbing his magic. A sudden flash of fear ignited in Michael and he grabbed Sybil's wrist. "Sybil!" He panicked. He couldn't even pry into her mind to see if she had any malicious intentions. He never realized until that moment he couldn't read her mind, and that only made him even more fearful.

Sybil snapped out it and widened her eyes in shock. She didn't know she could have done that. "I—I'm sorry." She sputtered out an apology.

Michael was relieved when he began to feel his power flowing back into him. He turned to look at Sybil, trying to pry into her mind to see if she had purposefully tried to disarm him. But... he couldn't see anything. It was as if her mind were blocking him out. He found it quite peculiar.

He sat up in the bed and cupped Sybil's face. "I knew there was something with you. I didn't know what it was that drew me to you, but now I do." Michael stated.

Sybil was puzzled. "I have to admit something to you..." Michael's stoic expression returned to his pleasant face, "I am the Anti-Christ."

Sybil took a moment to comprehend his words. She had heard stories of such a thing— a being of pure evil, crossbred from the undead and the living. Nevertheless, it was the child of Satan. It appeared as a mortal, but masked its horrible face of evil to lure their prey in. However, Sybil knew she was no prey. In fact, she knew, now more than ever, she was his equal— and they were destined to turn the world into a wicked place together.

* * *

2 weeks later.
Michael was set to go through the seven wonders the next day, and he anticipated Cordelia to change the rules— as Sybil warned she would do. Before Michael was to begin the trials, Augustus wanted to gather the students and staff of the Hawthorne school to bless Michael. "We gather at the cusp of the blood moon to anoint and protect our brother, before he undergoes the rigors of the seven wonders. Let the blessings begin." Augustus announced.

Then, Chablin began by putting salt in a bowl. "Salt, from the earth."

"Water, from the sea." Moore nonchalantly added water to the bowl as it was passed to him.

Augustus then slit his hand and squeezed some of his blood into the bowl. "Blood from the body."

Then, the other professor poured the mixture in a circle around Michael. "Let the fire illuminate our hearts, spirits and minds. So that all darkness and cold retires here."

Sybil watched Michael tense up and the ritual that seemed to want to cleanse darkness from him. The circle of salt, blood and water then was lit into a blue fire. "I conjure the circle of power to be a place of protection. A circle to confer the blessings of all warlocks. May you be imbued with wisdom, perseverance, strength and courage." Augustus announced.

"I accept the blessings. May I be worth the test." Michael told.

"To our champion!" Augustus shouted, then the entire room went ablaze. The hot fire then instantly died out.

The students of the school cheered for Michael, and the circle of fire around Michael went out. Michael smiled and tried to control himself as his dark magic was attempting to retaliate against the blessings. Sybil could feel it, and she instantly noticed that Moore could feel it too— he had a skeptical glare plastered onto his face.

* * *

The moment Michael and Sybil had a moment alone, Sybil pulled him into her quarters. Michael understood her actions and lustful and inviting ones— when in reality she just wanted to inform him of Moore's suspicions. Michael smiled down and her and quickly pressed his lips to hers once she closed the door behind him. Sybil broke away from him and shook her head. "Moore's onto you." She instantly stated.

Michael's face dropped. "I know. I've taken care of it." Michael was disappointed that his advances were denied by Sybil.

"Already? How?" Sybil inquired.

"My mother. She's already on her way as we speak to take care of him. Moore left right after the blessings." Michael explained.

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