8- Loki's Chambers

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I silently followed him inside his chambers. His chambers consisted of mainly of green, gold and silver. But i couldn't focus on that because soon Loki's hands made their way to my waist pulling me into him. I looked up at him "Loki, what are you doing? "I breathlessly asked him, knowing well what he was doing.

"This." He whispered as he leaned forward, connecting our lips.

At first, I was stiff, but then I kissed him back and our lips moved in sync. Loki's tongue grazed my bottom lip asking for permission to enter, I opened my mouth slightly to let him in, a moan escaping my lips as our tongues danced together perfectly.

Loki's hands made their way around my waist as mine made their way into his hair.

I don't know what came over me, but I felt like I was in another realm. I felt as if the world around us had disappeared.

We eventually needed to breathe and pulled away from the kiss. We looked into each other's eyes breathlessly. Longing another taste I connected my lips with his once again.

Loki immediately responded by pushing me against the wall, one hand against it and the other resting on my cheek. 

He deepened the kiss with his tongue as his hand left my cheek and roamed around my body.

Before we could go any further Frigga's voice was heard from outside the door, "Loki? Katherine? Are you two in there?"

Loki and I quickly broke apart and went to answer the door, fixing our hair and clothes in the process.

"Is there something wrong mother?" Loki asked Frigga.

"No, nothing is wrong. I just wanted to let you know that you two do have fittings tomorrow at noon." Frigga informed us.

"Why didn't you just get a guard to inform us?' Loki asked her curious.

"I did but they couldn't find you two. They said they knocked on your doors, but you didn't answer." She stated clearly knowing what we were up to.

 I'm sure I resemble a tomato right now. She must have picked up on it, I mean our swollen lips are a huge giveaway. Ugh, this is so embarrassing. 

"Well, we must have not heard them." Loki told her.

"What were you two doing that was so compelling that you couldn't hear the guards?" she asked a small smile playing on her lips.

"I was showing Katherine my books" Loki easily lied, not that there was any point. She already knew and was obviously enjoying seeing us suffer. I'm sorry I misspoke, seeing me suffer. Loki seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Well, I will let you two get back to it." Frigga said as she left.

"I should probably get going." I told Loki nervously.

"No, stay." Loki begged.

"Loki, I'm betrothed to your brother." I started, "It's just not right."

"So what? He's still with that Midgardian woman." Loki pointed out.


"Please Katherine, be mine." Loki whispered as his hand made his way back to my cheek again. 

"I can't." I argued wishing that I could leave behind the marriage arrangement and be with him.

"We can run away together." Loki suggested.

"Doing that would start a war between both our kingdoms."

Loki sighed, his hand falling to his side.

I went to my chambers, tears threatening to spill. Of course I fell for the wrong guy, what else would I expect from myself. I scolded myself countless times before deciding to take a bath and rest.

After a quick bath, I went to bed. I can deal with my problems tomorrow I told myself before drifting off into a deep sleep.


You finished another chapter! I was so excited to write this scene, they are one step closer to becoming an item! Should I bring Jane into the book? or should I keep her out of it?

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