17- Wedding planning

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"Would you prefer the Iris blue, Cambridge blue, Teal, Periwinkle, Columbia blue, Powder blue, Prussian blue, Royal blue, Tiffany blue, Carolina blue, Persian blue, Yale blue, Bondi blue, Air force blue, Capri blue, Navy blue, Marrs blue or Oxford blue?" the middle-aged women in front of me named every shade of blue in the realm while displaying several colours of fabric.

I was stuck in a small room surrounded by papers and fabrics. I had to choose napkins, plates and basically everything for the wedding. it was exhausting. Loki was supposed to be here helping me but he was twenty minutes late.

I can't imagine the looks on peoples faces when they received the invitations and found out that I had switched brothers. It was only a few weeks ago that we had a ball in honour of me and Thor, and now in two weeks, I will be marrying his brother. 

"If you do not fancy any of these, we have over fifty more shades. We can also switch to another colour." The event planner, Terra offered.

"That's not necessary, she should go with the Cambridge blue." I decided, pointing to the light blue fabric.

"Great choice!" she beamed, writing it down on her notepad.

"Now, we need to think food and beverage." She continued, "Which drinks should be served? "I internally groaned knowing that this could take forever.

Much to my delight, the door opened and Loki walked in.

"How is the planning going?" he smiled at me taking a seat beside me.

"It is fine. What drinks should we have served?" I asked for his opinion hoping that it would leave fewer decisions for me.

"Every type of alcoholic drink we have access to, of course." Why am I not surprised?

"Ok." The planer nodded as she wrote down her notes. "And for food? We need to have twenty different dessert options and about ten finger foods." She informed us, taking out a thick black book from her case and placing it on the coffee table in front of us.

"Wow, we have to go through all of these?" I asked dreading it already.

"Yes, I will give you two till tomorrow. Just add the finalised items on this paper, I will collect it at your cake tasting tomorrow afternoon." She held out a sheet of paper to Loki before leaving the room.

"Shall we start?" Loki murmured also dreading this little task we have been given.

After two hours of going through meals, we finally decided on everything. Loki sighed as he folded the paper and put it in his pocket. "So, has anything new occurred with the whole powers thing?"

"No, it is like it never happened." I leaned closer to Loki resting my head on his chest.

"So you have it under control?" Loki asked as he wrapped his arm around me.

"For now." I sighed.

"Should we tell anyone about it? Or shall we keep it on the down low?"

"Let us just keep it to ourselves for now. If it happens again we would have to tell Odin or at least your mother."

"Okay, if that is what you wish." He smiled down at me.

"We have to be at the cake tasting in twenty minutes." Loki said realising the time.

"Oh, we let's go then." I stood up with Loki as he held my hand.

We then walked to the kitchens to gain who knows how much weight.

At the cake tasting, we were given over forty different cake samples. They all looked so good, I don't think I am going to fit in my dress after this.

"Try this one." Loki offered as he spoon-fed me a hazelnut and almond cake.

Before I could give feedback on it, Loki moved onto the next cake excitement clear in his expression. "They have a whiskey flavoured cake!"

I laughed at his enthusiasm as he took several bites out of the cake. 

We tried several other cakes before deciding on a caramelised vanilla cake.

We were instructed to choose the outer decorations and structure of the cake which was more difficult to choose than the flavour considering the thousands of options we were given. We eventually decided on one that had vanilla buttercream frosting and was decorated with fondant flowers. 

"Great now that we finished our planning, can we go to my chambers?" Loki whispered in my ear.


I am sorry for the short chapter, I have major writer's block and it is very difficult, but I promise I will try to make the next chapter longer.

Here's a picture of the cake:

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