Can't Sleep//Tyler[BLURB]

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Word Count:557


I yawned for what seemed like the millionth time since I sat down to listen to some of the ideas Tyler had been coming up with for lyrics and melodies. I shifted my position, trying to keep myself awake and make it through.

"Is it that bad?" Tyler joked, a small laugh following his question.

"No, no," I reassured him. "I just didn't sleep too well last night, sorry." More like for the last two weeks, I thought.

"No, don't be sorry," he gave me a gentle smile. "Was there any particular reason, or was it just an off night?"

"No reason, really." Yeah, there is.

Tyler frowned at me, making me afraid that he wasn't going to buy my excuse. But with a small shrug of his shoulders, he returned his focus to the keyboard in front of him, working out a few chords before he ran through a potential chorus he had come up with.

About an hour later, Tyler had finished showing me what he had wanted to, and I was laying down on the couch, sluggishly browsing through my phone as he continued to work in his little "mini-studio" down the hall.

"Hey, you," Tyler walked up to the back of the couch leaning on it to poke me in the side. "So you're obviously lying about the whole sleepless night thing. How long has this been going on?"

I did my best to fake confusion at him, replying with, "Tyler, it was just one bad night. You really don't need to worry about it."

"But it wasn't," he spoke as he walked around the couch, picking up my feet that I had laying on the couch cushion, putting them on his lap after he sat down. "It's been going on for a while now, hasn't it?"

I didn't respond, trying to think of what I wanted to say.

"Hasn't it?" he pressed further.

"No, Tyler-"

"Y/N, you're a terrible liar, I know-"

"Okay fine," I cut him off he fell into silence. "I've been having trouble sleeping. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"How long?" he asked, ignoring my question.

"I don't know," I thought about it for a moment, placing my arms over my face as I lay there. "Two, two-and-a-half weeks?"

"What's the problem?"

"I don't know. I've tried to do so many things that didn't require medication, but none of them work." I sighed. "I can't see to shut my brain off, and I just lay awake for hours, just thinking."

A pained look was on his face as he asked, "About how much are you sleeping?"

"Four or five hours," I muttered. "On a good night."

"Y/N, you've gotta tell me about stuff like this," he looked at me, worry all over his features. "I'm right there on the other side of the bed. I can help."

"I don't want to bother you when you're sleeping."

"But you can't just not sleep, Y/N! It's not healthy, and it's been taking a toll on you!" he continued to watch me intently. "It's not good for your mental or physical health."

"I know. I'm sorry," I said, barely more than a whisper.

"Don't apologize," he smiled softly. "Just let me help, okay?"

I thought about it for a moment before accepting.


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