Pale and Feverish//Tyler

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Word Count:771


I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead on my sleeve for the millionth time, continuing to clear and wipe down the kitchen counters. Tyler had left to pick up his brothers, Jay and Zach. The three of them were supposed to be hanging out that evening, and I had to get the house clean and presentable-- no matter how sick I felt.

When I had woken up that morning with a slight headache and a stuffy nose, I knew it meant nothing good. Throughout the day, it only got worse and worse as I cleaned and cooked, trying to make everything perfect for the boys tonight.

This lead to where I was now, leaning my shaking body into the counter as I stirred the food. Every part of my body ached with each movement, the pain only worsening each minute that passed.

When I heard I heard the lock of the front door rattle as it was being unlocked, I straightened myself up quickly, doing my best to act normally.

"Hey, babe," Tyler said as he asked in, tossing his keys on the counter, pulling me into a short hug, kissing the top of my head. A small frown appeared on his face, and he pressed his lips back onto my forehead gently. "Babe, you're burning up. Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine," I brushed him off, turning back to continue working on dinner. But in reality, I was not, in fact, fine. My head was throbbing, placing an insane amount of pressure just behind my eyes. With every step, my stomach churned, and my whole body ached with such intensity. I did my best to ignore the spinning feel with each movement as I adjusted the heat on the stovetop.

Tyler didn't leave the kitchen like I'd hoped he would. He stayed there, leaned against the counter with that same concerned look on his face, not buying into my lie.

"Ty, really," I sighed, turning to him. "Go spend time with your brothers. You all haven't hung out in a while. I'm sure they'd rather have you in there with them than in here worrying over nothing."

For a moment, he didn't say anything, just continued staring. With a heavy sigh and a small, "fine," he reluctantly turned and walked out of the kitchen, but not without glancing back at me several times.

Once I could hear him talking with his brothers, and I knew he wasn't coming right back, I leaned onto the counter, using it to support my weak body, wincing as the pain shot through my head as I moved.

I was determined not to ruin their night.

Finally, the food was done, and I called the boys into the kitchen to eat, my voice cracking in the process.

When they walked in, Tyler's already concerned face looked surprised, and even Jay and Zach's eyes went a little wide.

"Hey, you really don't look good," Tyler said, approaching you slowly. "You're really pale and sweaty. We should probably get you to bed."

"I'm fine, Tyler, really."

"No, you're not," he replied, lifting a hand to my forehead. "Your head feels like it's on fire. You're sick. You need to get to bed. Now."

"Stop it, I'm okay," I shook his hand off, taking a step away from him before stumbling into the counter clumsily.

Tyler caught me before I could fall, immediately picking me up bridal style before he walked out of the kitchen with me in his arms. "Bed. Now."

I accepted defeat, leaning my head into his chest as he stepped through our bedroom door, gently placing me on the bed, pulling the covers up to my neck. He walked out for a moment, returning quickly with medicine and a glass of water, which I accepted gratefully.

"I'm sorry if I ruined your night," I mumbled as he tucked me under the covers.

"Hey, hey, you didn't. Not at all, okay?" He knelt down next to me, so he could look at my face. "Please don't overwork yourself like that again. Tell me if you're not feeling well. I'll do what I can to help, okay?"

I nodded at him, and he leaned forward, kissing my nose and then my forehead as he stood up. "I'll be up in a little while to check on you. Try to get some sleep," he spoke softly.

"I love you, Tyler," I croaked before he left the room.

He paused to look back at me, smiling as he said, "I love you too, Y/N," and closed the door.

My aching body quickly found a deep, peaceful sleep.

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