One King Bed//Josh

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Y/N had been with Twenty One Pilots since the beginning. As the best friend of Josh since both of their childhoods, she was ecstatic when she heard that he had gotten the opportunity to be the drummer of a band with someone named Tyler.

As the band began to pick up steam, playing a small "show" here and there at parties and get-togethers, the three of them began to hang out together a lot, and they all became really close. Y/N was there at almost every show, helping set up whatever they needed, helping with anything she could.

After years of work, the band finally received the opportunity to go on tour, and the first person they asked to go with them was, of course, Y/N, an offer that she gratefully accepted. Since then, tour buddies had come and gone, but Y/N remained, a bunk automatically reserved for her at the beginning of each tour.

Now the band was on their tour for the album 'Blurryface,' selling out arenas around the world, and Y/N was still there every step of the way, setting up mics and instruments or helping them with sound check each night before a show.

After one particular show, somewhere in the midwestern United States, Josh, Y/N, and Tyler with his arm slung over his wife Jenna's shoulders headed to their hotel for some much needed rest.

Before they had left, someone had informed them that Y/N and Josh would have to be sharing a room. There weren't any extra rooms available, and everyone was sharing with someone. Tyler and Jenna, of course, had their own room, and the crew had assumed that Y/N would be more comfortable with her friend of over 20 years rather than anyone else. Neither of them had a problem with it, assuming there would be two beds and no cause for anything awkward.

Boy, were they wrong.

Y/N's eyes went wide as she walked into the room, spotting to single king-sized bed next to the wall.

"Uh, Josh?" she asked as he turned around from closing the door behind them, spotting the problem. "Didn't they say there were two beds?"

"Oh...." he stopped from a moment, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "I thought they did... Maybe... maybe we accidentally switched rooms with Tyler and Jenna. I'll go ask them."

He turned back to the door opening it and walking across the hall, knocking softly. Y/N stood in the doorway, head peeking out as she watched Tyler answer the door. The boys exchanged a few words before Tyler retreated back to his room, and Josh turned back to his own room, shrugging his shoulders.

"He says they only have one bed, as well."

Y/N let him back into the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

"I'll just take the couch," Josh slid his backpack off his shoulders and onto the firm cushions. Y/N knew from looking at it that it couldn't be comfortable.

"Josh, no," she said. "You just played a show, you at least need a decent night's sleep.  Look, we'll just-- it's a big bed. We'll just share. I mean, it's nothing we haven't done before."

She referred to the sleepovers they had all the time as kids. They'd be lying to themselves if they said they didn't end up in one bed several times-- but that was a long time ago. Y/N mentally cursed herself for setting herself up to be sleeping in the same bed as the boy she'd had a massive crush on for years.

Josh shrugged, agreeing to her proposal and moved his bag over to the side of the bed. Y/n walked to the other side of the bed, getting out the things she'd need for the night while Josh went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When he came out, his basketball shorts hung low on his hips and no shirt covered his chest. She forced herself not to stare as she collected her pajamas and toothbrush, going to the bathroom to change and brush her teeth.

When she returned, she found him sitting up in the bed, leaning against the headboard as he scrolled through something on his phone. The heat rushed to his cheeks when he noticed the loose tank top and shorts she was wearing, but she didn't notice because she was too busy trying not to stare at his bare chest.

She crawled into the bed, plugging her phone into the wall, and slipped under the covers, turning the lamp on her side off. Josh quickly followed suit, and soon the room was covered in darkness, the only light coming from underneath the door that lead to the hallway.

They lay with their back to each other, and any thought of being tired had vanished. Both lay there, eyes wide in the darkness, trying to forget about the other person laying behind them.

Josh shifted, his elbow accidentally brushing against Y/N's back. He whispered a soft, "sorry," to which she replied, "you're good."

Several unbearable minutes later, Josh rolled onto his back, and it only took Y/N a couple minutes to do the same. They continued to lay there, eyes glued to the ceiling.

Y/N was the first to look over at Josh, admiring his soft features. When he noticed her staring, he turned his head to look at her as well.

"That was a great show tonight," Y/N said, trying desperately to relieve some of the tension. "You and Tyler did really well."

He thanked her with a small smile. In a short moment of bravery, he cautiously intertwined his fingers with hers. She squeezed his hand lightly, reassuring his that it was okay.

Before they knew it, they were being woken up by a knock on the hotel room's door. When Y/N came to her senses, she noticed a pair of strong arms wrapped firmly around her body, she realized they were Josh's arms, and her head was resting on his chest, which rose up and down in deep, soft breaths.

When she tilted her head up to look at his face, she caught a brief glimpse of his sleeping expression before he stirred, slowly opening his eyes. He looked down at her, a smile breaking onto his face, and she couldn't help but grin as well.

Neither of them said anything-- it had all been said the night before. She rested her head back on his chest, breathing deeply, and taking in that perfect moment, wishing she could stay right there for all of eternity.

A brisk knock at the door snapped her from her thoughts, followed by Tyler's exasperated voice.

"Are you guys alive in there? Hello?"

Josh sighed, laughing quietly at his idiot of a best friend, slipping out of the bed to go answer the door, but not without shooting a small smirk at Y/N.

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