Trees, Galaxies, and Tattoos//Josh

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Word Count: 1629


"Mommy, I don't like the doctor. It's scary," Lizzie, my daughter whimpered as I helped her climb from her car seat onto the pavement.

I glanced nervously at Josh, silently pleading for help. I was just as terrified, if not more so, than our daughter for this visit. Knowing she would have to get a shot, I'd convinced Josh to come with us to the appointment—he always knew how to help in these situations.

"It'll be okay! Mommy and Daddy are here with you and..." he trailed off, leaning down toward her, loudly whispering, "I hear they have toys in the waiting room!"

Lizzie's face lit up at those words. "You want to go find out?" Josh asked excitedly, and Lizzie nodded quickly. The two of them raced to the door, hand in hand, squealing giddily as I watched with a massive grin.

Josh pulled the door open, letting Lizzie speed through, waiting behind to hold it open for me to walk through. He gestured for me to pass, muttering a short, "M'lady," as I passed, causing me to giggle, rolling my eyes at him.

Lizzie was inside, trying her hardest to pull open the second set of doors, but they were too heavy for her small self. I pulled it lightly, and she gasped, thinking she had finally gotten the door to budge herself, before racing through and straight into the waiting room.

Josh followed in behind me, placing a hand on my back, and I spun around, planting a long, firm kiss on his lips. When I pulled away, he had a massive grin on his face. "What was that for?" he asked, still smirking down at me.

"No reason in particular," I shrugged, holding back a grin of my own.

"Well, whatever I did, I should do it more often," he leaned in, pecking my lips once more.

I swatted his chest, gently pushing him away. "You have a daughter in there that has been promised toys and playtime, so you better join her. I'll sign her in," I said, pointing to the door of the waiting room.

"Yes ma'am," he retorted, and I punched his shoulder. "Okay, okay, I'm going!" He grinned from ear to ear as he quickly joined Lizzie in the waiting room.

I turned around, heading to the front desk to sign in, receiving a clipboard with papers to fill out.

I sat in the waiting room, filling out the papers, occasionally glancing up to watch my husband and daughter playing enthusiastically with the toy cars.

Eventually, a nurse came to the door, sweetly saying, "Elizabeth Dun?" even though we were the only family there.

"That's us!" Josh smiled from the floor. He stood, taking Lizzie's hand and leading her toward the nurse as I followed. The fear on Lizzie's face was back as she clung tightly to Josh's arm, but she seemed slightly more confident as we walked.

The nurse weighed her and measured her height, and Lizzie jumped up and down when the nurse told her that she'd grown 3 inches since last year.

The nurse took a couple more measurements before leading our little family into a small exam room, letting us know the doctor would be there soon.

Josh and I sat in the chairs, and I gripped his hand tightly, still worried for my daughter, and he ran his thumb over the back of my hand to sooth me. Lizzie wandered around the room pointing out the various animals painted along the walls of the room.

Several minutes later, a young female doctor walked in, stethoscope around her neck and computer in hand. Josh lifted Lizzie to sit on the exam table before settling back into his seat next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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