Noise Complaint(Part 2)//Josh

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Word Count:1771


After that first encounter with Josh, I got to know him pretty well over the next few months, and I had to admit-- I had fallen for the drummer next door.

And for a long time, I'd hoped he returned the sentiment. I even thought it could be possible that he had the same feelings for me that I had for him--

That is until the night I heard him bring a girl home with him. Then, I discovered just how thin the walls were between his bedroom and mine.

Two days later, I passed him on my way back in from grocery shopping as he and a girl were leaving. I immediately recognized her voice as the one that had been carrying through my walls for the past couple of days.

That was when he introduced her to me as his girlfriend, Debby. I did my best to smile politely at her-- I hoped I didn't come across as rude. She seemed nice and they both sounded very happy together. I had just never realized until now that Josh was even in a relationship, but it seemed like they had been together for a while.

I did my best to hurry the conversation along so I could get inside as quickly as possible. When I finally did, I closed the door behind me, sliding down it and doing my best to wipe the few tears that had escaped, rolling down my cheeks. I felt like a stupid high school girl with a silly crush as I sat there, moping over that fact that Josh was in a relationship with someone else.


About a week later, I was over at Josh's, watching as he and Tyler battled each other in a Mario Kart race, Debby sitting directly by his side.

"We see it, you know?" Jenna leaned over to me, talking quietly so only the two of us could hear.

"Who sees what?" I asked, frowning.

"Tyler and I," she smiled softly. "We see the way you look at Josh."

"W-What are you talking ab-bout?" I stuttered, miserably failing at trying to hide the crack in my voice.

"[Y/N], it's obvious you like him. He's the only one who can't see it," she took my hand and squeezed it. "If I had figured it out earlier, I would've warned you about her. They've kept it hidden from the media pretty well, so there's no way you could've known."

"Yeah," I muttered, giving up on the facade as my voice broke again.

"I'm really sorry, [Y/N]," she pulled me in for a hug as I blinked back the tears.


One night, I was hanging out at Josh's house with him, Tyler, Jenna, and Debby-- something that was a pretty common activity for me. Everything was normal apart from Josh, who seemed on edge until he broke, and it seemed as if he was going to spill some secret he had been trying desperately to hold in.

"You know, I was going to wait until we were on some romantic date, or walking at sunset or something, but I bought this this morning, and I can't wait any longer," he rushed after returning from his bedroom with a small felt-covered box.

My heart skipped a beat as Josh knelt down on one knee in front of Debby, opening the box to reveal a glistening diamond ring.

"Debby, I;m not the best with words-- that's why Tyler writes the lyrics for our songs," he laughs, trying to pull his thoughts together as Debby stood in front of his with both hands covering her mouth. "But I want you to know how much I love you-- like I haven't loved anyone else. i want you to know how happy you make me. And I want you to know how much i want to spend the rest of my life with you and take care of you, so... will you let me prove it to you and... marry me?"

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