Protective and Overbearing//Josh(Request)

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Requested by rxgionalroleplay !! Thanks so much for sending in a request!!

Word Count:1651


I always enjoyed family gatherings. I truly enjoyed being around my family. We were all very close, and I loved each one of them. I was the middle child of 5 kids—only younger than my brothers Tyler and Zach. I was one of only two of us that weren't married yet; Tyler, Zach, and Madison had already found themselves a husband or wife.

Our family gatherings continued to grow over the years—my siblings got married and had kids, our group growing with each addition. From holiday celebrations to just having dinner and watching a movie, we all got together whenever we found the chance.

Gradually, my boyfriend of (now) 5 years had started joining us. Josh was Tyler's best friend, and our whole family already loved him, so when he and I started dating, most of my family was ecstatic.

Most of them.

Tyler, ever the overly protective older brother, was extremely suspicious of Josh from the moment we started our relationship, even though he had known him for years. I had expected this from him—though I hadn't had much experience with this side of him (I had barely been in any relationships up until that point), Madison had gone through this with Tyler already with every boyfriend she'd had. Even with the guy she ended up marrying.

It took a long time for Josh and I to convince Tyler to be okay with our relationship... a long time. But eventually, we did. He and Josh were able to move on and still be friends, and he accepted that we were together.

He still had his moments, though. Moments like tonight when everyone was sitting in my parent's living room together, watching Nightmare Before Christmas. Josh and I sat together on a small couch meant for two people, and I laid down, back propped against the armrest with my legs laying across Josh's lap. I could see Tyler out of the corner of my eye, staring intensely at Josh as he ran his fingers up and down my leg, occasionally glancing back at the TV before refocusing on us. I could almost see the gears turning in his head as he stared holes into Josh, who was totally clueless to the whole situation.

About halfway through the movie, Jenna noticed Tyler's staring, and she snapped her fingers directly in front of his face, breaking him out of his trance. She gave him a stern look, to which he responded by sheepishly focusing on the movie. I made a mental note to thank her later.

Not five minutes later, I glanced over at Tyler, and once again he was staring at me. He seemed fidgety, shifting in his seat every couple of minutes until he finally stood up, walking behind all the furniture around to where Josh and I sat.

He leaned over, quietly muttering, "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Josh and I exchanged a concerned look before I nodded, standing up and following him down the hall into what had formerly been his bedroom until he moved out.

He slowly shut the door behind us, muffling the sounds coming from the living room.

"So what's up?" I asked, worry already running through my veins.

"I don't..." he started, hesitating before he finished his sentence. "I don't like it, (Y/N)."

"You don't like what?" I continued to question. I knew the answer, but I wanted him to admit to it. I hoped that when he said it out loud, he would realize how ridiculous he was being.

"You and Josh, I-" I sighed loudly, and he became more frustrated the longer he spoke. "You two are way too..." He paused, squinting slightly and shaking his hands in front of him, a frown across his face. "...touchy."

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