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Okay so maybe letting Stark drive wasn't a good idea. I mean the faster the better, I get it, but when we finally park in front of the compound I feel like throwing up.

"I think I want my keys back now."

"Aw, come on, we had fun."

"Next time, just pick me up via jet. It's so much safer."

"No need, I've uploaded the location to you GPS." I get out and lean against the hood, finally taking in the building.

"It looks just like it was made for heroes."

"In the long building your left you've got the living spaces and the infirmary. The right is reserved for meetings and training. Parties are held on the building on the left whenever I feel like it."

"You guys got a spare room?"

"More than one, why?"

"Might just spend the night sometimes."

"You are going to spend the night with people who have night terrors? Are you sure? I mean the walls may be soundproof, but these people love walking around at night."

"They're just... gifted. Nothing wrong with that."

"I think it's possible you're crazy. I can recommend a therapist."

"Keep going, Anthony. See what happens." He starts speed walking towards the doors, so my heels clack against the tiles when I try to keep up with him.

"I took the liberty of making you an access card. This way, you can go just about anywhere, expect my lab. No one goes in my lab." I take the card from him.

"What about Pepper?" We go inside, the breeze from the AC apparent.

"No one goes in my lab except Pepper. Come on, bedrooms and the open plan living room are on the top floor."

We enter the lift opposite the entry doors and Stark pushes the button for the fifth floor.

The lift doors open with a ping, and he shoos me out quickly.

"So I'm guessing they know I'm here?"

"I'm a nice person, contrary to what people think. Of course I told them we had a guest."

"Remind me how many people live here now?"

"On a daily basis, including me, twelve. Then you've got Clint and Scott, who tend to come every weekend. Barton brings the family, whilst Scott brings Cassie. If Hope is in a good mood with him, they come over on weekdays sometimes. Oh, and then Peter likes to drop by every once in a while, talk shop with Shuri over video chat."

"That definitely sounds like a family to me. Complicated, but full of love."

"We certainly think so." It's not Stark speaking this time.

Now let me tell you, Steve Rogers looks so damn good with a beard. If he was America's golden boy before, he'd now qualify for Sexiest Man Alive.

"Captain Rogers." I extend my hand and he grasps it firmly. "It's an honour."

"Welcome to our crazy dysfunctional family, which we have no idea as to how it's still functioning."

"I'm sure there are compelling reasons why." I side step him slightly, towards the people standing behind him. I know them all by name.

Wanda and Vision are standing slightly off to the side, his arm around her waist. Natasha sits on the sofa, with Bruce sitting next to her. The two extraterrestrial brothers stand behind them, arms folded across their chests.

Looking to my right, I see Sam and Rhodey sitting at the island, Bucky leaning against the wall next to them. Standing next to him is a woman I don't know, which must mean she isn't from here.

The warm lighting compliments her dark skin, brown locks in waves lightly tossed over her shoulders. Eyes like glossy brown buttons shine brightly along with her skin. A natural beauty.

"So you're telling me this isn't all of you?"

"Like I said, no idea how we're still functional."

"It's nice to see the band back together again after two years."

"Didn't quite catch your name," speaks up Natasha, rising from the sofa and coming to stand in front of me.

"Anathema Reneau." I take her hand and shake it firmly. "Pleasure to meet all of you."

"So how'd you get Stark to take you here?" This times it's Sam talking.

"If you were to put a name on it you'd say blackmail. I prefer business opportunity."

"I distinctly remember you mentioning you'd call Ross and the press if I didn't agree to your terms." I need to turn this round fast.

"And I told you, I was backing off the clean energy business so you could give Pepper some good news."

"You were going to call Ross? S-Secretary Ross?" Banner barely gets out his name.

"I merely commented on his interest in vigilantes."

"So, are you with us, or against us?" Natasha's voice is laced with poison.

"I haven't told him a word and I have no intention of doing so."

"Good, because we don't take so well to threats."

"I don't do threats, Miss Romanoff. I do deals - partly why I'm so successful."

"Forgive us for being so cautious," pipes up Vision. "As you know, we have good reason to." I don't have to ask why.

The world loves the Avengers, sure, but they are also afraid. These heroes hold so much power that the people they're supposed to protect don't know whether to be thankful or angry after the battles are over.

After every win, destruction is obvious. People lose homes, jobs, family. They don't want to blame their heroes, but who else can they blame?

"I understand. I have no intention of causing you harm and to be honest, I wouldn't even know if Stark hadn't told me." Eyes glare at the billionaire.

"In my defence, it just slipped out."

"Tony," starts Rhodey, "how exactly does the fact that you're about to be harbouring wanted fugitives just slip out?"

"Hey, Miss Reneau here is a very sly woman. I still don't know how she tricked me into telling her."

"It's simple, Anthony: I played on your weakness. Everyone has one."

"Mind telling me yours? I mean in all fairness, I did agree to hand over my baby."

"Now where's the fun in that?"

"Hey, uh, Tony?" asks Steve. "What baby?"

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