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"Hey, Steve, glad I caught you." Steve stops short before the training room at the sound of Natasha's voice.

"Natasha? Everything all right?"

"Oh, I'm fine, but someone else might not be." They both take a peek to see Thor giving the punching bag everything he's got.

And, as a God, he's got a lot.

"He doesn't look so good. Have you tried talking to him?"

"No. I'm not looking to get the bones in my body broken, even if it would be by accident. Plus, I figured he might need some guy time. I think he's missing his brother," she whispers.

She pats Steve on the shoulder, before heading away. He takes a deep breath before going inside.

"You're worried about them, aren't you? That they're rushing into things?" Thor turns away from the punching bag at the sound of Steve's voice.

"Of course not. He's happy and that is what matters." He continues his hits.

"I think the bag disagrees." They both take a look at the cuts in it, the sand seeping out.

"There just happens to be a lot on my mind."

"Are any of those thoughts related to Loki?"

"Perhaps," says Thor, practically shrugging off the question.

"It'll be good for him. Having someone, that is. Someone he can talk to freely without either being judged or just someone who's experiences are different. Why'd you think Buck keeps seeing that Wakandan therapist long after we've left?"

"I suppose you make a valuable point. I just... I don't want to see my brother hurt. Not after our bond has just been reestablished." There's a hand on Thor's shoulder in an instant.

"You're worried he's replacing you." Thor averts his gaze. "He's not. He's just finally comfortable around others. The moment Bucky was able to talk to the others, I was proud of him. You should be too."

"It's hard, I suppose. Knowing that I can't always be there for him. I am happy for him, really, but it... it was always us together. I'm not used to him having someone else to spend his time with."

"He came back to you on Asgard after Sakaar, Thor. He cares for you a lot, he just... he needs someone else too. It can't always be brother and brother. I should know."

"Thank you, Steven. I appreciate the effort greatly. I expect Loki is tired of me sticking by his side constantly. It will be good for him to spend some time with people more... his speed," he chuckles.

"Yeah, Ana seems to keep him on his toes a lot. And not only him."

"What do you mean?" Thor walks to the bench to wipe off some of the sweat left from letting his emotions out, Steve following.

"I don't know, I just... I guess I just feel like we don't know a lot about her. At least not too much more than the press knows."

"The lady probably has her reasons. After hearing what happened to her cousin, I... well, I can see why she would be reluctant to open up. Other than us being famous worldwide, she doesn't know too much about us either."

"Yeah, I get it. I wish there was a way for us all to bond."

"Well, perhaps when they come back, we can have a party. An opportunity for everyone to get to know each other."

"Sounds good. I'll talk to Tony sometime today before having him let them know. If he's in a good mood. Otherwise, I'll wait for him to be sleep deprived."

"Probably a good idea," chuckles Thor.


"Thank you for the drink, darling. You know, if being with the Avengers doesn't work out, you could open up your own bar."

He sits on the deckchair next to me, sun glistening on his toned stomach, which is covered in ocean water. He looks so gorgeous, it makes me regret not coming on the trip sooner.

"Yes, well, it does help when you can rely on magic to do things for you, love."

"You're not wrong. But your magic is really fantastic with flavours." I take another sip of the fruity alcohol before placing it on the beach table next to me.

"I appreciate the compliment. If it wasn't for your villa, we'd never have found out."

"Thank you for pushing me to come here. I really needed this break." I reach out for his hand and it's easy to find.

"It is a boyfriend requirement, is it not? To make sure you don't work yourself to death and spend some time with the people who care about you?"

"Well, considering the boyfriends I had, I wouldn't say they tried very hard to make that happen."

"Then it's a good thing you met me. I can show you the proper way to treat a queen."

"Say that again." I turn to face him, the distance between us non-existent.

"A queen. My queen," he smiles, before leaning in along with me.

Unfortunately, the insistent buzz of a phone tends to be very interrupting.

"I'm going to kill whoever is calling if it's not an emergency."

"I agree. But I suppose you've already called dibs?"

"Sorry, darling. We'll continue this in a minute." I turn back to the small table, checking my phone.

"Hey, Ana, darling, first of all: please don't murder me."

"That depends on what you have to say for yourself, Stark." I can hear Loki beside me huff with frustration.

"Okay, so it may not be what you classify as an emergency, but-"

"Seriously? You're interrupting my me time for something stupid?!"

"Hey! I just need to know what flavour of Absolut Vodka you prefer: Ruby Red or Mango?"

"I can't believe you! It's obviously Ruby Red."

"Really? I would've pegged you for a Mango girl."

"Just get both. Aren't you loaded and an alcohol lover?"

"You're not wrong. Oh, also, the alcohol is for the party that happens two days after you guys get back."

"Party? What party?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you? Yeah, the team's having some kind of bonding party and everyone is being forced to go. Unless you're Clint, Hope, or Scott. Or Pepper. Or in Wakanda. Or-"

"I get it, Tony."

"Hey, you called me Tony! I'm so proud."

"And I'm hanging up now. Buh-bye." I press 'end call', huffing out myself.

"So it's Stark we're murdering?"

"There will be no murdering. You'd be homeless, and the party needs a host."


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