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There's a nurse fiddling with the heart monitor when I open my eyes.

"Good to see you're awake. We were worried you'd go comatose." She gives me one of those practised smiles.

"How long was I out?"

"Six hours. We had to go to surgery; you'd lost a lot of blood." I can now see I'm in a private room, just me and the nurse. Truth is, I don't remember much from last night.

That is until Stark walks in, with the most ridiculous bouquet of flowers.

"How's my favourite target doing today?"

"Mr. Stark, I do believe I told you to wait outside."

"It's fine, nurse. I'll handle him." She lets out an exasperated sigh, as though she really hates dealing with the rich, but leaves all the same.

"How are you feeling after two hours of surgery?"

"How should I be feeling, exactly? Also, did I call you Tony last night?"

"Oh yeah." He seems way to happy about this.

"You're never going to let that go, are you?"

"I think it's nice, me and you bonding when you're near death."

"No no, I'm gonna live forever. You won't get rid of me just with a stab wound."

"Not to mention your thumb that was dislocated not too long ago. Seriously, how did that not hurt?"

"I've mastered the art of drowning out the pain. Now tell me, what are you doing here? Doesn't Iron Man just visit the sick and in need?"

"He does, but you are sick right now. Not to mention, you're in need of some terrific company."

"If that were true, you wouldn't be here."

"You wound me, Ana," he says, putting his hand over his heart. "Hey so listen, it's family movie night at the compound tonight and I'm kind of obligated to go."

"I'll be fine on my own until they release me. It's not like I'm scared." I hear myself say those words, but I know I'm lying to both him and myself. I am scared what will happen if I am left alone.

I'm breaking apart slowly, these people coming after me putting cracks in my foundation. Trusting people is difficult when it really does seem like everyone's out to get you.

"Yeah, about that. You see, you kind of classify as part of the family right now and they're all counting on you to be in the cinema room tonight."

"I just got stabbed. I'm in no condition to start walking around good as new."

"Oh that's fine, it's better if you're asleep for this anyway." He pulls out a syringe with what I assume is something to put me to sleep.

"Stark," I warn.

"It'll just be a light prick. You'll barely feel it." I can't stop him before the needle is in my arm and my head feels light again.

"I'm going to get you back for this." The drug takes effect quicker than expected and everything turns a splendid shade of black.


"Do you think she's gonna be mad when she wakes up?"

"Considering she's been out for nine hours and it's now 5:32 PM? Definitely."

"Okay, so I may have used a bigger dosage than you said. She's still alive though, Bruce!"

"Not if you keep trying to kill her!"

Men. So loud.

"Can you guys go argue somewhere else, please? I'm trying to pretend to be asleep so that I can avoid everyone."

"Not a chance. The movie starts in-" he checks his watch- "twenty-seven minutes. Plus, Cassie wants to meet you."


"Scott's kid. Said something about opening a soccer club for girls that she's grateful for. Bruce, do me a favour and get the wheelchair." He disappears behind a wall.

"I don't need a wheelchair, Anthony." I attempt to get out of the bed I'm in and end up failing miserably, landing in a heap next to the bed.

"Yes, you do. And it's Tony. We established this at around 2 AM." He helps me into the chair and only then do I notice my clothes.

"Am I wearing leggings and... an 'I survived my trip to NYC' oversized t-shirt? I think I might cry." Tears are about to be welling in my eyes from these fashion choices.

"If it makes you feel any better, I only picked out the clothes. I had Natasha dress you."

"It doesn't," I grumble. "At least you had the common sense to give me plain black socks." He starts to push me out of the door, down the long corridor towards the movie room, I presume.

"Scott also brought Hope tonight, so you get to finally meet the most of the gang. Clint's kids are sick, so he's staying home to take care of them. Also, Peter's over here tomorrow so you'll see him too."

"You know the kid looks up to you, right? Sees you as a dad?"

"I'm not much of a father figure."

"And I'm not much of a mother figure. Still got two grown arse children clinging to me."

"Cassie, don't-" The wind is knocked out of me after a little girl crashes into me, enveloping me into a hug.

"So you're Cassie, huh?" I stroke her hair gingerly as she pulls back slightly, arms still wrapped tight around me.

"I just wanna say thank you, thank you, thank you for the soccer club!"

"It's nothing. Us girls need to show these boys who's boss." I hug her back as well as I can, considering I'm still sort of waking up.

"I like you, um..." She looks shy now, not knowing what to call me.

"Call me Ana." She hugs me again tighter if that's even possible. "You're big on the hugs, huh?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I-"

"No no, it's fine. Tell you what, why don't you sit in my lap while we watch the movie, hm? I'll even braid your hair for you." Her eyes light up.

"Can you do a fishtail? My dad tries, but he's not very good. Don't tell him," she whispers.

"My fingers can work magic. Come on, up you get." She jumps on, seating herself immediately.

"Sorry about her, she's not always this eager," says Scott, rubbing at the back of his neck. I notice Hope's not with him.

"You've got a wonderful daughter, Scott. No need to be ashamed."

"We picked out Atlantis for tonight. It's my favourite. Come on, let's watch!" She hops off the wheelchair, pulling me with her. We settle down on the sofa, the lights dimming and the movie starting.

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