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I walk into the kitchen alone, Loki wanting to stay behind before coming out.

"Ana, we couldn't find you this morning," says Steve. "Everything alright?"

"I appreciate your concern, but I suppose I just got a little overwhelmed by being in everyone's presence. Here you all are, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and I'm just an ordinary woman."

"We're just as human as anyone. Not above any of the people we're supposed to protect."

"Speaking of being above people, have you seen An-Tony. Have you seen Tony? I need to speak to him about a ride home."

"He'll be in his lab. Just ask FRIDAY in the elevator to take you down to the floor. Are you sure you don't want to eat anything?" I think back to the state of euphoria I was in earlier, the way my stomach has never felt so full.

"I'm not hungry, but thank you. I'll need time to convince him to let me into his lab," I say, giving him a short laugh.

"Okay, then. Brunnhilde? Training?" She nods her head and the two head out.

"Nice outfit." Natasha takes a sip from her mug. "Where'd you get it?" 

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.

"I stumbled upon her first thing in the morning. She looked horrible so I gave her appearance a much needed refreshment." I turn to see Loki walking nonchalantly into the kitchen.

"I didn't look horrible. Just slightly dishevelled after a round of drinking."

"Agree to disagree." Oh, he is going to regret saying that when tomorrow night comes around.

"Anything else you want to say before I show you why you shouldn't say things like that to a woman?" He stops making his tea, thinking over the situation in the training room on Friday -- the one where he ended up on his arse.

"I was merely voicing how I viewed the situation. No need to get antsy. Wouldn't be surprised if it's your time of the-" I don't let him finish the sentence.

I stride over to him, backhanding him across the face, the tea he was holding spilling all over the counter and floor. It's lucky the mug doesn't break.

"Gods, woman! Are you quite mad?!" His green eyes twinkle playfully. Oh, Loki. This isn't the sort of game I play.

"Too. Far." I walk away from the scene of the crime, head held high.

It's on the way to the lift when he appears in front of me again.

"Ana, please I had to-"

"You had to what? Do your best to humiliate me? Or is this your playboy shining through? I'm not a damsel in distress you can just save -- if that's what you call saving --  whenever you want!" I keep walking, knowing he's just an illusion.

"I suppose tomorrow is cancelled?" I scoff at the new clone he's placed in front of the lift.

I press the button, the doors immediately opening.

"I don't believe you. I know exactly the type of man you are. FRIDAY, the lab please."


"I am not your love," I spit. The doors close before he can get a word in.

I slump against the wall, crouching in the corner. I suppose relationships just aren't meant for people like me. I was naive to think someone like him would ever go hand in hand a stuck-up business woman such as myself.

The doors open and I pull myself together, regulating my breathing. I knock on the glass walls surrounding Stark, but he doesn't flinch. In fact, I'm surprised to see his son, Peter, ignoring me too.

Anathema Reneau  [1]Where stories live. Discover now