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We've been talking for a long time. Well, he's been talking, I've been listening.

He's explained why he feels better when he's in control, when the situation is going as he plans it. I suppose I don't blame him, not really. After all, I'm pretty sure we'd all act out if we had a father like Odin.

"So, I guess I'm trying to say I'm sorry," he finishes.

"The good news is I no longer want to push you off a bridge. We've got time to figure out what this is, though."

"So I'm forgiven?"

"Yes, but tread lightly. Women here on Earth are fiestier than you're used to." He chuckles under his breath.

"I can't argue with that, not after living with the women I do. So we're okay to have another go at this, whatever this is?"

"Yeah, we are. I don't know how it worked on Asgard, but there are ground rules to being in a relationship with someone. Being faithful, showing your love, things like that."

"Then I can assure you, our relationship is in good hands." As if on cue, he takes mine in his. "Anathema Reneau, will you do me the honour of being my goddess?"

"I'd be delighted."

"I think we should seal the bond in some way. Any suggestions?" He's crafty, I'll give him that.

"How about this?" I lean in, our lips meeting delicately.

"That works," he whispers.

"Come, there's something I'd quite like to show you." We get up holding hands, and I lead him out onto the balcony next to my bedroom.

It's late in the evening, but the colours of the sky are still there. All the pinks and purples, swallowing the sun disappearing behind the autumn clouds.

"You're graced with quite a view."

"Manhattan always looks beautiful during dawn and dusk. It's one of the greatest pleasures of living here." He stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my small frame.

His chin rests upon my shoulder, lips playfully kissing their way up my neck until they get to my chin. I turn my head to meet his, our lips entangling in a hot passion.

"I think you're a better pleasure."

"You really think you're quite the ladies man, don't you?"

"I do try." I twist around completely, allowing his touch to embrace me fully.

"Now listen, I know we've already slept with one another, and I only met you properly on Friday, but that does not mean I'm easy, got it?"

"Whatever you say," he says, leaning in. I place a finger on his lips.

"Not. Easy."

"I can't even kiss you now?"

"I'll think about it," I smirk. "But not yet."

"Well, what would you like to do?"

"Lie in bed, talk, get to know the man I've let into my home."

I take his hand and lead him back inside the bedroom. We settle onto the bed easily, me laying my head on his chest so he can run his fingers through my hair.

"How many people see this side of Anathema Reneau?"

"Not a lot. Women in the business industry aren't really allowed to be soft, not if we want to succeed."

"Being vulnerable is what makes us human."

"Says the alien. How did you and Thor end up back on Earth anyway?"

"Are you sure you want to know? It's quite a long story."

"It's a long night."

"Very well."

He tells me everything, from his father's passing to Sakaar, to the end of Asgard. By the time he's finished, dawn is rising slowly.

"Do you and Thor ever visit your people?"

"On occassion. They're doing alright under Heimdall's care."

"Uh huh. And how many people know you fucked the Grandmaster?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well how else could you have earned his favour?"

"Through promising him the riches of Asgard. But, if you don't believe me, then perhaps it would be best f I went back to the compound," he says, lifting himself out of my hold.

"Please don't. I'm sorry." He flops back down. "Forgive me?"

"Perhaps. On one conndition." He turns so that he's hovering over me, muscles in his arms evident.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I ask, rolling my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Don't tease me, love." His voice is husky, face inching closer.

"I'm doing nothing of the sort." I do it again.

"You're going to get yourself into all sorts of trouble, darling."

"Is that a promise?" I whisper breathlessly.

"With me? Always." His lips come crashing down far too quickly for me to comprehend.

One hand cups my face whilst the other one roams freely, exploring every curve, every crevice, every part of me on offer. I can feel him attempting to lift up my jumper, so I go to help him help me out of my clothes.

"No touching," he says, removing his lips off of mine. "Arms above your head." I do as he says and the shirt is off. My bra follows straight after.

His eyesight lingers on my stretched out figure, my body on offer like forbidden fruit just for him. I can see the mixture of lust and worship in his eyes.

"Bottom right drawer," I murmur.

"Oh, I don't think so. You might just slip out of mortal confines. No, no -- we'll use some magic instead." He pulls my hands closer to the headboard and I feel something strong as steel, yet soft as silk wrap around them to make sure I can't escape.

"Do you treat all of your women like royalty?"

"Just this one."

He nips at my neck slowly, making his way down to my breasts. When he starts suckling on the buds, well, that's when I think my soul starts leaving my body.

"We are never doing this drunk, ever aga- Oh my, God!" His tongue lips a stripe up my stomach, the sensation surprising me.

"You talk too much, love. Let me take care of you." He peppers kisses down, slowly removing my leggings at the same time.

"Your wish is my command, my king," I breathe.

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