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I slip out of the building with a silent anger, Ross' opinions something I can't argue against in this form. I cross the street to where I hid my car and open the door with a certain roughness I know I didn't have this morning.

I let Amelia's fawcett blonde fade away, replacing it with the higlighted brown I'm used to. I feel the change in my vocal chords as well, not to mention my eyes adopting a darker blue. I let myself breathe, trying to chase the image of a small, angry man out of my mind.

I imagine it was the first time a woman's dumped him in a long time, but I couldn't hold onto that contact any longer. It was toxic, both to me and the people I've come to know better over the last week.

I close my eyes, the feeling of sickness slowly drifting away. I don't start the car until my mind is clear enought to dirve, but even then I'm not too sure about my state. I push those thoughts to the back of my mind, focusing on the road back to work.

It doesn't take me longer than usual to get there, but even so, traffic is heavier than I expected it to be. I park behind the building, my parking space specially reserved.

I enjoy the sound of my heels clicking on the pavement, making me feel more powerful than a queen. My purse is swung carefully over my shoulder, making sure nothing important can fall out.

I'm greeted in the lobby by Mike, who happily escorts me to the lift and comes inside with me.

"It didn't all go to shit during my absence did it, Michael?"

"Everything's alright, miss. Just that, well, Baraz was insistant on having a meeting today." I sigh with a smile.

"He's in my office now, and I don't have the necklace he bought me. You didn't think to inform me this was happening?"

"He, uh," Mike coughs, "he only dropped by about twenty minutes ago, during your meeting. And I have the necklace with me, miss. Managed to get it before he could see." He hands it over and I clasp it hurriedly around my neck as the doors start opening.

"Oh, you're an angel. Has he been seen to?"

"Coffee has been served. Will you be having anything, miss?"

"No, thank you. Make sure we aren't disturbed," I say, stopping a few metres from the office door.

"Not a problem, miss. Good luck."

"Thank you, Michael."

I push on the glass, my body cautiously entering. He turns around at the sound.

"Ana, darling! It's been a while." There's some cheek kissing before I make my way to my chair, sitting down gratefully.

"It has, it has. What brings you to the States this time around?"

"Well, I was here to finalise a deal with someone, but that's unimportant. I heard about the accident, Ana. Are you alright?" His accent is warm and comforting, but I know he'll still want something at the end of the day. He is a cartel man after all.

"I'm fine, just a business deal gone wrong. Stark found me, brought me to the hospital, and made sure I was taken care of. I'm doing my best to be more careful."

"In this business, that might just be impossible. I do suggest more men, though. It guarantees better protection." I chuckle gently, knowing he wants me to.

"Yes, I suppose so. Don't know how happy Michael would be about some new recruits, but at this point it's necessary."

"Speaking of necessary," here it comes, "I need to get some paintings into the US. Priceless, but perhaps it's best if they weren't seen by some specific people."

"Not a problem. Air or sea?"

"Sea," he smiles.

"Then I'll make sure whatever docks you need to be clear, will be. Just send me the location, date, and time, and I'll sort it all out. You won't have to worry about a thing."

"What would I do without you, Ana? Saving my life when I need it most, no matter what."

"Ah, well, I won't be here forever." Lie. "I will, however, make sure that whoever takes over is ready to do business with the Baraz family."

"I like that girl, the one that hangs around you sometimes. Violet?"

"Yes, Violet."

"She's doing well for herself, what with remodelling Stark Tower and being your right hand. She's one of the good ones."

"I can't deny that. I wonder what it would be like if I had Vi and Zach share the reigns of this place. Hopefully, they'd do a good job."

"Considering you raised them, I wouldn't doubt it," he smiles. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some... business to take care of. Not the fun kind."

"Since when is anything in this business not fun?"

"You've got a point there. I'll make sure to have some when I'm threatening someone."

"Better than feeling regret." He chuckles, knowing I want him to.

"Better than feeling regret indeed." He stops short in front of the door. "Beautiful necklace, Ana."

"Thank you, Mateo. Nice cufflinks." He grins slightly, before making his way out.

I turn on my laptop, keen on getting some emails finished and employee application forms reviewed, eager law students looking for experience. I kick my shoes off and relax, knowing I'm going to be here a while.

"Hey, Ana, I, uh, I need a favour." I lower the screen and look at the hardworking boy standing in front of me, the door to my office open again.

"Everything alright, Zach. Did something happen? Do I need to get you out of something?" I search his face for any tell-tale signs that he's in trouble.

"No, no, I, uh... oh, God, I don't want to disappoint you," he says, running his fingers through his hair and making it just that little bit more greasy.

"Zach, you will never disappoint me. Trust me. Just spit it out."

"I, uh, I need some time off work. School is really hard right now and I just... I can't focus on the stuff we're doing while working here under you."

"Zach, you can even quit for all I care if it makes you feel better and less stressed. I'll still pay for your studies no matter what."

"No no no no no. I don't want to quit, just not work until I'm sure I can handle the pressure from both sides." I get up from the desk and give him a quick but tight hug.

"You needn't have been scared to tell me. Now go home and get some rest. I don't want to see you working here until you're feeling capable, got it?"

"Yeah sure, mom." I smack him lightly upside the head. "Hey!"

"Go study, Zach. I'll see you soon."

He smiles and walks out, making me wish he was my son even more.

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