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I'm scared to walk into my penthouse. Foolish, I know. I asked Stark to drop me off at my office yesterday, which is where I spent the night. I'm thankful that Zach has Mondays off, so I didn't have to see him all day today.

However, it's now 07:36 PM and I know Renata has left the food ready on the stove, plating up the only thing left. Zach and Violet will be here in nine minutes, so I have some time to get changed.

I unlock the door and I can instantly smell the salmon for tonight's dinner. The heat is still on, but only at a two; low enough to keep it warm.

I go into my bedroom, dropping my handbag onto the desk next to the door. I enter my walk-in wardrobe, peeling off my clothes until I'm in my underwear. I open the drawer I have reserved for nights in, taking out some leggings and a jumper I stole from some guy years ago. I also pull on some warm socks, the September evenings getting colder.

I head back out into the open plan kitchen and dining room, plating up the fish with some potatoes and string beans. The moment I put the plates down, the doorbell rings.

I freeze, take a deep breath, and head to open the door, bracing myself.

"What were you thinking?!" Zach barges into the flat, Violet following in straight after.

"Yeah, Ana," Violet continues for him, "you disappear on Friday night and then the next day there's photos of you and Tony Stark on the front page of every magazine in the hospital?! What happened?"

"Oh, just a small car accident. I'm fine." They walk over to the table, both of them fuming.

"Car accidents aren't common!"

"Well, actually-"

"Where did you go?!" Zach's taken a step back, letting Violet lead the conversation.

"Stark took me back to his house. Provided me with 24-hour care until this morning when I asked him to take me home."

"Well, don't do it again, okay?!" She marches up to me and envelopes me in a gigantic, rib-crushing hug.

"I promise. Now come on, let's eat." I sit down at the end of the table, the kids on both sides of me.

All of us start eating normally, but the way the other two are stuffing their mouths means they're hiding something. Children really think they're so good at keeping secrets.

"So, are you going to tell me what's on your minds, or do I have to shake it out of you?" Zach gulps before opening his mouth.

"Well, there's this party at the NYU and, well, we were hoping..."

"That you could go? You're eighteen, Zach. I'm not your legal guardian or anything."

"We know," starts Vi, "but we've never really cancelled a Monday night dinner. Not for such a stupid reason."

"You're young. This really doesn't come as much of a surprise. Go live your college life while you can. The business world isn't that exciting as I make it seem," I smile.

"Are you sure? 'Cause we can stay if-"

"No, no. I don't want you staying here out of pity. I'm pretty sure I can find some company for tonight, seeing as Stark's having someone deliver my new car at eight."

"You'll take care of yourself from now on?" asks Zach hesitantly.

"I'll be fine. Now, go." They look at each other across the table, before jumping out of their chairs.

They both give me a kiss on the cheek and run out the door, a wave goodbye barely noticeable in the flurry of clothes and hair.

I start stacking up the plates and cutlery, making my way to the dishwasher fitted into the kitchen counter. The dishes slide into their proper places without too much of a hassle and I start the practically full machine.

I lean back against the island, thinking about those two idiots. It's nice to think they care enough about me not to leave to go somewhere they'd rather be.

My phone buzzing takes me out of my trance and I take it out of the hoodie's pocket.

"Is this Ana?" I recognise the voice instantly.

"Who's asking?"

"Someone who is very sorry about how they acted. Would you please open the door so we could speak?" I walk over to the door but I don't open it – not yet.

"We're speaking right now, aren't we? Why would I need to see your face to discuss whatever we need to?"

"Please, Ana. I was a fool for saying the things I did. It wasn't the right way to act and I know that now. Stark, um... well, he gave me a lecture."

"If that really is the case, you're here early. Nearly three hours early."

"That is why I come bearing gifts." Now that piques my interest. I open the front door and end the call.

"When did you get here?"

"I was supposed to come up after your children had left, which they did far earlier than expected. I brought you your car." He hands me the car keys and I place them on the counter, not really interested.

"You drove here?"

"I did. Beware, there may be some tickets being delivered for ignoring a couple rules of the road." I bow my head, smiling slightly, the corners of my lips pulling upwards against my will.

"Come in, then." I move to the side, letting him in.

He looks around carefully, admiring every detail of the way I've decorated. His fingers trace the marble countertops, eyes glancing from wall to wall.

"You have a lovely home."

"It's the first place that was ever really mine. I've made sure to cherish it." There's no warmth in my voice, the statement adding to the chill in the air.

"I can see that." He turns around to look at me leaning against the kitchen island.

"Right now, I don't know whether I want to kiss you or kill you."

"How about we talk a little before you come to a decision." He walks over to the sofa and the both of us sit down next to each other.

"I think it's best if you start." He takes a deep breath, before opening his mouth and letting the words he was keeping inside, out.

Anathema Reneau  [1]Where stories live. Discover now