Chapter 1

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2d watched in absolute confusion as murdoc slammed his locker shut. "K-kitten? Pardon me?!" He asked, not sure if he'd heard the previous comment correctly. "I said-" Murdoc grabbed the taller boys shirt sleeve and yanked him down slightly. "Whatever you say kitten." He repeated. 2d quickly got out of his grasp. "Uh-?! Why-" "Since you won't tell me who this crush of yours is, your new nickname will be kitten." Murdoc grinned demonically. 2ds face burned bright red. He couldn't believe the words that we're escaping this satanists lips. Little did Murdoc know 2d was staring straight into the eyes of his crush. He was almost positive Murdoc didnt swing that way, and no way he was crying or being heartbroken today. "I told ya, i can't say!" 2d managed to choke out. "Then guess you'll have to get used to the new name." Murdoc shrugged. 2d couldnt believe what he was hearing. He couldnt even grasp what he had done to deserve this pet name out of ALL of them! "This isn't fair!" 2d groaned. Murdoc smirked. "Since when is Murdoc Niccals fair?" He asked. 2d eyed the ground. Fair point. "Y-you aren't gonna tell noodle and russ?!" He begged more than asked. He could see the danger gleaming in Murdocs eyes. "I hadn't even thought about them." He chuckled darkly. 2d gulped hard. As if being forced to follow him wasn't bad enough, now he had a nickname too?! Guess he really was becoming the king of the school's pet. As if reading his mind, Murdoc spoke. "I think it suits you.." He smiled dangerously , tracing his thumb across 2ds jawline. What was this?! Some sick joke?! Suddenly the bell rang, signifying time to head home. Murdoc grabbed 2ds arm and dug his nails into his arm. He leaned into 2ds ear. "Text me if you feel like putting a stop to the nickname kitten." And with that, 2d was left a shivering mess. The hell?! This couldn't be happening! He could feel the frustration surging through him as he left shortly after. 2d grabbed his things and began his walk home. The worst time to be left alone with thoughts. What did he even see in him? There was just no way. Besides, it's not like the nickname would go any further, right? ...

The next day 2d woke up to the sound of Murdocs car horn. He groaned, and covered his face with his pillow. Why did Murdoc have to have a drivers licence?! He's the reason I'm fucked up anyway...
After a few seconds he removed the pillow and sat up begrudgingly. He opened his nighstand and found his pill bottle. He shoved it into his backpack and looked around his room for something to wear. He picked up what looked to be a white shirt and smelled it. It smelled cleaner than the rest of his room, so he slid it on without looking, and threw on a random pair of jeans. He slung his bag over his shoulders and quickly raced to Murdocs car. He opened the door and threw himself in, preparing himself for the screaming match to come. "You're late..." Murdoc growled. 2d gulped. "I noticed." Was all he said. Suddenly he saw murdoc giggling. What was this psychopath on about now? "What?" 2d asked curiously. "Uh..hey kitten...look at th' shirt you've got on." He said. 2d looked down and his eyes widened. It was his hello kinky shirt he was about to wear to school. "Hey- let me go change!" He quickly said, trying to unlock the door.

Murdoc rolled his eyes. "We havent got time! We're already ten minutes late!" Murdoc sighed, and suddenly took his leather jacket off. 2d looked at him quizically as he handed the jacket to him. "Here kitten, just cover up." He said, adjusting the plain white tank top he had underneath. 2d was a little shaken, but put the jacket on. I smelled surprisingly ok. Like...his cologne and a hint of cigarette smoke. It was a little big on him but he wasn't about to complain. Ever since the rumor about 2ds crush had been going around Murdoc had been...well... Jealous. He didn't know why, but he couldn't stand the thought of his little songbird with someone he was basically marking territory. 2d of course didnt know this. So, he sat in confusion as they rode in silence to school. He couldn't help but notice the tank top Murdoc has on was slightly see through. He caught himself eyeing the abs he had, and couldn't help but wondering what it looked like below...he shook his head violently which was a mistake. His head was hurting bad. Time to take pills. He clutched the side of his head and shakily grabbed his bag, opening it quickly and fumbling through all the trash inside. Murdoc reached inside and handed him his pill bottle. "You should just take them when you wake up kitten. " Murdoc cooed. 2d snatched the bottle and rolled his eyes. "Shut up Grandpa." He muttered, downing the pills.

"Hey kitten!" Noodle greeted cheerfully. 2d groaned loudly as Murdoc caught up to them. "Not you too!" He sighed. Murdoc smiled gleefully. 2d turned to Murdoc as the three waited for Russel. "Who all knows?! More like how do they know?!" 2d asked. "Ohh only the whole school. The king has his ways." Murdoc hummed, tapping 2d on his nose playfully. 2d scrunched up his face. Why was Murdoc so...schoolgirlish all of a sudden? It was almost like he was jealous of something..."I will hurt you." He threatened. "Whatever kitten!" The three turned to see russel there. "NOT YOU TOO!" 2d wailed, causing the entire group to burst into a fit of shared, loud laughter. This was going to be one long stressful day.

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