Chapter 10 (Slight trigger warning)

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Murdoc sighed as they walked out into the warm night air. They had driven all the way to a small ice cream parlor a few streets away from the arcade and it was a lot calmer now. Murdoc was so much more relieved now that they hadn't been caught by Paula, but he could sense something was wrong with 2d. He looked...sad. he hid it well of course, but Murdoc noticed it. His movements were slower, he had a slightly lowered tone when he spoke, he walked a bit slouched. What was wrong? it was obviously getting to him, he had to get to the bottom of this. No one deserves to be sad on their birthday. They all walked into the shop as the neon signed flickered open on the glass reflection behind them. The lights were tinted slightly red, giving the place a warm protected feeling. The man working behind the counter looked up and smiled sweetly. "Hey guys, what can I get you?" They came in here often since no one usually went here and it was really relaxing. Everyone examined the menu for a second. "hey Murdoc, do you want to split a milkshake with me?" 2d asked. Murdoc smiled at him. "Sure Dents." He nodded softly. "I'll take a double scoop vanilla cone!" Noodle decided smiling. "I'll take a banana split." Russel shrugged. The man nodded, and began working behind to counter. Murdoc glanced down and noticed 2ds hands fidgeting in his place. he was tugging very harshly at his sweater sleeve and had a look of concern on his face. What was he...? It took Murdoc a moment to realize he seemed to be going into another depression swing for whatever reason. He wanted to hurt himself. He couldn't let that happen. After seeing him on his bathroom floor...he couldn't handle it. Murdoc glanced at the other two who were talking about some new video game that just came out, and reached his hand down gently but swiftly. He rolled up the sleeve of the sweater above 2ds palms and held his hand. He looked at Murdoc with a mixed expression of thankfulness and confusion. Murdoc looked at him with a gentle soothing expression that breathed security into 2d. On one hand, he didn't think anyone would notice his emotions, but on the other hand that meant Murdoc was looking at him. His face was hot as the man handed them their milkshake, and smiled at them. He went on and handed Noodle her ice cream along with Russels, so they paid and they all went and sat down at a booth near the door. Noodle had noticed them holding hands and was trying to contain her obvious excitement. Russel cocked and eyebrow at her and she just smiled happily. Murdoc bent the two bendy straws, one blue on green, and handed the green one to 2d. 2d smiled weakly at him and began drinking. It hurt to watch him hide seems like he'd been doing it for years. It didn't even occur to Murdoc that Noodle had asked 2d a question when he watched 2d turn to face her. "How was your birthday toochie? Everything you hoped?" She asked eagerly. 2d smiled widely. "For sure! Thank you all so much guys, this has been one of the best birthdays ever!" He confirmed, giving Russel a hug. "Aww, anything for our Dents." Russel laughed, fluffing up 2ds hair. 2d giggled and took another sip of his milkshake. Noodle reached down and carefully picked up the cross necklace hanging around 2ds neck. "Who gave you this toochie?" She asked, eyeing me then throwing a smirk at Russel who just threw one right back. You could practically see the life draining out of 2d as his face turned cherry red. "U-uh..." He turned to me desperately looking to me for an answer. I shrugged and smiled. "I did." I admitted, taking a drink. "Woah what? I thought you didn't do that?" Russel asked. Murdoc thought for a second. "I figured...I better get somethin'....ya a thanks..." He finished, glaring harshly at the ground. 2d looked back at Murdoc with a hidden smile plastered in his expressions. "A thanks hm?" Noodle cooed. The red lights reflected off the necklace as Noodle let it dangle back around 2ds neck. She went back to eating her ice cream and talking to Russ and Murdoc gently caressed his thumb over 2ds hand. 2d was obviously still shaken from the surprise spotlight. So was Murdoc, but he of course hid it much better. Murdoc was completely drowning out of the conversation as he stared blankly into space. He felt 2d sigh in contempt as he finished off the rest of their milkshake. They were the first to finish since they were sharing, so they'd have to wait for the other two to finish. Murdoc let go of 2ds hand and threw away the plastic cup. He walked back and could tell 2d wanted to talk to Murdoc alone. He nodded and turned to the other two. "Hey guys, 2ds got to talk to me for a sec, we'll be out in the car." Murdoc said. Russel nodded as Noodle gave 2d a hug. "See you in a sec birthday boy!" She sang. 2d smiled and pat her head before standing and leaning on Murdoc as they walked out to his car.

Murdoc got in the drivers while 2d of course got into the passengers side. They sat in silence, watching the flickering of the hazy fireflies bouncing around their car. He heard 2d sigh, and turned to him. "2d...please tell me what's wrong." He asked. "No, YOU tell me what's wrong!" 2d suddenly snapped, scaring the absolute Jesus out of Murdoc. 2d turned back and stared at his feet. "I'm sorry for shouting...It's feels like you're always hiding something from me..." 2d said. Murdoc held his breath, pressing 2d to continue. "Do you trust me?" 2d asked grimly. Murdoc looked him in the eyes. "Of course I do-" "Then why won't you just bloody tell me whatever you've been hiding! You really make it seem like you don't even give a shit about how worried I've been all night!-" 2d quickly cut himself off, covering his mouth. Murdoc sat in stunned silence for a second before letting out a sigh. "It's not that I don't trust you...I just..." 2d looked at him hopefully. "I just....can't tell you." he finished. 2d gave him a hurt look before shaking his head and slowly turning to look out the window. Murdoc screamed at himself to do anything, say something, just admit it. But he couldn't bring himself to let the words leave himself. "You're just like everybody else." 2d muttered. The words pierced him through the chest, making his emotions a mix of frustration and sad. They sat in silence before Noodle and Russel both got in the car. Noodle immediately lightened the mood, but that made no difference in their argument. Just another Paula Cracker. 2d decided.

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