Chapter 16

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2d sighed as he laced up his high-tops. Of course they weren't the easiest to run in, but he knew how to sprint without breaking an ankle in heels. Murdoc leaned on the palm of his hand in admiration as he watched his angry little songbird lace up his shoes. They decided that since the haunted house was in walking distance, they could just walk to 2ds house and then walk to the house. 2d leaned back and angrily crossed his arms like a tired puppy. "Awww what's wrong? Chin up Dents!" Murdoc cheered sarcastically, moving over to 2d. 2d rolled his eyes like the edgy teen he was. "Yea yea, whatever." 2d groaned, wanting his anger to mask his actual fear. Sure he didn't get scared by the props if they weren't up to par, but he couldn't handle jump scares up close. So, he was actually shaking like a madman. Why did I agree to this...He thought. Murdoc turned to him, sensing a slight hint of fear. "You aren't scared are you?" He asked, a bit of seriousness in his voice. Sure he'd make fun of 2d when they were around Noodle and Russel, but he was kind of worried for pressuring 2d into this using manipulation. I'm going soft damnit...Murdoc thought, immediately regretting asking him at all. 2d looked at him like he was off-the-rail crazy. "N-no, course not!" 2d said, screaming at himself for stuttering. Murdoc gave him a snarky but playful smirk. He leaned in and placed a small kiss on 2ds mouth. 2d wrapped his arms around Murdocs neck a bit surprised. "I'm not scared." 2d mumbled, leaning his forehead on Murdocs. "Mhmm and I'm the queen of England." Murdoc referenced. 2d laughed, remembering his night at the skating rink. "Touché." He giggled, trying to pull Murdocs hair out of his eyes. Of course it just fell right back into place, but 2d still liked looking at his counterparts eyes. One a dark black, the other a light pink from something he'd never asked about. Their small moment was interrupted by a swift kick at 2ds door and a loud "HYYYYA!" From Noodle. They quickly jumped off each other and flung themselves to the opposite side of the couch. "Sorry to interrupt you guys' makeout session!" Russel said, stepping in behind Noodle who was looking proudly at 2d and Murdoc. "We were just talking!" 2d denied. Well, that's half true. He thought bitterly. "Yea yea, you don't need to eat each others faces to talk!" Noodle shot back, jumping in between them and smiling widely. Murdoc rolled his eyes as 2d let out a decisive sigh. "Mmm, I smell edgy teens in here." Russel continued, leaning on the back of the couch. "You're about to smell 2ds flooring when I knock your ass out! Now come on!" Murdoc laughed, standing and stretching. 2d reluctantly stood, not wanting Murdoc to start any trouble with Russel before they could even get out of the door. "Yep, no time to waste!" Noodle agreed. 2d pulled out his phone and checked the time. 7:38 pm. "Trick-or-treaters should be out right now." Murdoc said, leaning over 2ds shoulder as he locked his door behind him. "Bonus points if you scare one." Russel mumbled to Murdoc before they both started laughing. "Heyyy!" 2d and Noodle said in unison. "No being mean, let kids have fun, you'll get arrested." Noodle warned. Murdoc shrugged. "Not the first time, won't be the last." He chuckled darkly, high fiving Russel. "What a bad boy." 2d mocked as they all jumped off his steps and began to walk down the sidewalk. "You know you love it." Murdoc cooed. "No, I don't." Yes, I do. "Mhm, sure thing D, you know you're wrapped around Murdocs finger." Russel pointed out. 2d groaned. This was going to be one long night.

2d stood in front of the haunted house, shaking miserably. He still kept his snarky persona up for now, he didn't want to look like a coward. Noodle and Russel were busy handling the tickets so Murdoc and 2d stood a little feet away. "M-Murdoc?" 2d asked. Murdoc threw his cigarette down and stomped it out, turning to 2d. "Can" 2d couldn't form the words he was trying to say as he twisted the ring sitting on his middle finger. Murdoc smiled. "You want me to hold your hand once we get inside?" He finished. 2d nodded, thankful he found someone that somehow knew what he was trying to say. "Sure thing, try not to drag me down when you get scared." Murdoc teased, trying to lighten Murdocs mood. "Mmm I'll try!~" 2d sang, as Noodle waved them over smiling maliciously. They both walked over as the ticket lady signaled them to go inside. Russel went first, then Noodle, then Murdoc, and of course last, was 2d. He sped walk when they were in the dark and nearly ran into Murdoc. He calmed himself down and felt around for his counterparts hand. Murdoc looked up, a little shaken at seeing 2ds expression. He wore a look that breathed panic and frustration all into one. He intertwined his hand with 2ds and he could feel his pulse going a million miles an minute. They all walked through the of course clammy and cold house together, Russel bravely leading the way. This is definitely not below par...2d thought, examining his surroundings and clenching his teeth. The room was darkly lit except the path they kept following and he could hear more things up ahead. He didn't expect it when something reached out and grabbed his ankle. "FUCK ME." He screamed, jumping onto Murdoc. Everyone immediately busted out laughing their asses off. "Love...we're in the middle...of something, maybe...later!" Murdoc said in between laughter. He could hear the actress who he screamed at laughing too as he heated up. "Sorrryy!" He wailed as they walked on. He was burning up as the group tried to control their obnoxious laughter. After a while of just looking at spooky props they came into a room with a single electric chair, and a person sitting in it. Yup, that's definitely gonna jump at us. 2d thought as they passed slowly. He was right, the sound of electricity went off as the person in the chair jerked like they were having a seizure. 2d cringed at how painful it would actually feel, but laughed when he saw Noodle jump a bit. "That was electrifying!" Noodle exclaimed as they left the room. Everyone groaned and 2d knew she was wearing that shit-eating grin, even in the dark. They kept stumbling around for a bit longer as 2ds grip on Murdocs hand got tighter and tighter. He constantly checked just to be sure he wasn't hurting him, and he always said "I promise you aren't love." Which for as hard as his grip was, he didn't believe it. He hadn't felt Murdoc jerk once until one particular room that left 2d a little confused. It was a room where a girl lay on the table and fake insides were coming out of her. Vampires sat around her, pretending to tear at her. 2d could feel Murdoc cringing, and didn't seem to understand why. She let out a blood curdling scream at the end, and Murdoc jerked in place. Though he wasn't very loud, 2d heard a little yelp escape his throat. Half of the rooms they'd been in were worse, why did that one freak him out so bad? He decided he'd ask him later, though, he probably wouldn't even get a solid answer. He let out a sigh of relief as they saw the end on the maze-like house. Thank Satan, I don't think Murdoc wants me clinging to him like a sloth for much longer. 2d thought, as they got closer and closer to the exit. When they stepped out into the night air, it seemed like a whole new universe. "That was so fun!" Noodle cheered, spinning around and jumping all around. "Yea, not that scary though. You could definitely tell the props were...well props!" Russel pointed out as they all stopped to talk. Murdoc nodded, and dug his hands into his pockets. Of course he looked daddy as hell (When does he not) but he looked so bothered. Like, he'd seen an actual ghost, and not one made from sheets. Noodle stretched her arms above her head and grabbed Russels arm. "Lets scare some kiids!" Russel whined. Noodle sighed. "Fine, can't exactly get arrested if they don't have proof. You guys coming?" Noodle asked. Murdoc quickly shook his head. "Nah, sorry guys, though I love tormenting little fetuses, I'm gonna have to pass." Noodle gave a pouty look before turning to 2d. 2d shook his head. "I have to clean my house, mums coming back home for prom." He explained. Russel nodded. "Alright then you guys, see ya'll later!" He smiled in an understanding tone. "Noodle, make sure ya film some of their reactions, I wanna see!" Murdoc called laughing. Noodle laughed as well, nodding as she bounced off with Russel down the streets. Murdoc turned to 2d and sighed. "Well, I suppose since you'll be cleaning I can't sleep over?" He said. 2d smiled and looked at him like he was the stupidest person in the world. "Of course you an still come over? It's not like cleaning supplied are gonna kill you." He laughed, letting go of Murdocs hand and beginning to walk down the road. Murdocs footsteps quickly followed as he walked beside the taller boy. "They might." He sighed, taking out his cigarette pack and lighting two. He handed one to 2d who gladly accepted. "Hey 2d?" Murdoc asked. "Hm?" "Can I hold your hand?" 2d smiled and offered his hand politely. "Of course you can."

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