Chapter 21 (Prom part 2) (VIOLENCE WARNING)

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(Uh mood changes ahead lmao, be warned of horrible writing and sensory language) "So, is that a yes?" 2d looked at her with marble eyes as if she was bat-shit crazy. "W-what?" He asked, needing a second to process what the fuck she'd said. "Will you go to prom with me!" Paula re-asked, propping her hip on the lockers confidently. He could've punched her square in the jaw right then and there, but he obviously refrained. "U-hmm, sorry to say but...I've already been asked..." He tried to choke out politely. He closed his locker and was beginning to walk away when Paula moved in front of him to stop him. She slammed her fist into the lockers in an attempt to intimidate him, but he didn't respond. Hell, Murdoc could probably dent these lockers if he wanted, some puny punch wasn't gonna scare him. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!" She yelled. What a temper. "Well I thought I was talking to Paula cracker, but it looks like I'm talking to some skank!" 2d barked, surprising himself. Paula gave him a dangerous look before 2d felt a stinging pain across his face. "Did you jus' fuckin slap me?!" He asked, holding his now red cheek. "I did! That's NO way to talk to a lady! You talk to Noodle like that?!" She asked. 2d smiled. "No, only disgusting liars like you." He hummed sweetly, shoving her out of the way and continuing his way down the hall. "You better get back here NOW or-" 2d sighed, getting increasibly irritated. "Or what? I've got Murdoc who's twice your size and could kick your ass, try me." He hollered, turning the corner. Paula would've continued screaming at him if he didn't walk the fuck away. 2d wasn't even looking when he felt himself ram into someone else's body. "Ey, watch where you g- Oh! Dents!" He felt a hand land on his shoulder and he finally looked up. "Oh, hey Murdoc." 2d greeted, smiling warmly, glad to see him instead of that lying fox. "You look like you've seen a ghost, are you sick?" he asked. 2d shook his head. "Nah nah...I'm aight'." He nodded as they began to walk down the hall. He grabbed onto Murdocs hand, and sighed, leaning his head on his shoulder. "If you say so bluejay..." He chuckled, intertwining their fingers. "You brought your switch to school?" 2d asked, examining the familiar shape in Murdocs back pocket. "Not even gonna question why you were looking there, but yea." Murdoc said nonchalantly. 2d rolled his eyes. "You're cute when you act angry." Murdoc commented. 2d sighed. "Am I just cute all the time to you?" He asked. Murdoc nodded happily. He let a small chuckle escape from his lips. "Where you headed?" Murdoc asked softly, as they walked literally no where in particular. " is lunch time, don't wanna leave Noodle and Russ alone for too long." 2d shrugged. Murdoc nodded, and began leading them out the backdoor of the school so no one would see them. "You got a lighter?" Murdoc asked, grabbing two cigarettes from his pocket. He nodded, feeling around in the pocket of his backpack and pulling it out. He flicked it open and held it out as they came to a stop. Murdoc leaned down, connected his cancer-stick to the flame, then drew back. He handed 2d one who gladly accepted, lighting his own then putting it back with ease. He sighed, taking a drag and turning to Murdoc. The gray clouds blocked the sunlight out, but his outline was still captivating nonetheless. They finally approached the elementary school as Murdoc held his cigarette between his fingers coolly. They let go of their hands hesitantly and walked inside. "Mudz! Touchie!" Noodle exclaimed. Russel turned and smiled at them. "Hey lovebirds." He giggled, before turning back to Noodle who had her acoustic guitar. Murdoc rolled his eyes. "Awe yea yea, don't-" "You know you are Mr. prom kings." Noodle smirked. 2ds face went pale as he let out a breath of smoke. Murdoc chuckled, kissing 2ds hand. "Gayyy." Russel teased. 2d shook his head. "Believe what ya want." He sighed, slumping down against the wall. The conversation dropped as Noodle went back to picking at her guitar absentmindedly. She started playing the base line to Sex On Fire by Kings Of Leon, so 2d decided to sing along while she did backing harmony. Murdoc just sat, listening to their beautiful voices together while burning his cigarette down. 2d put his cigarette out while he lay his head on Murdocs lap gently. "Don't get ashes on me..." He mumbled, half-serious. "I'll try dove..." He chucked. Soon enough he had fallen asleep listening to the soft chords of some random song, and the feeling of Murdocs soft breathing.

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