Chapter 12 (slight smut warning)

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It was Saturday now. 2d lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling as the moonlight shone through his window curtains, reflecting off of the messiness of his room. He couldn't sleep. His thoughts were buzzing around his head too quickly for his taste. He could either give up fighting and have someone come over or take some sleeping pills and have a migraine since those meds didn't mix with his other meds. He sighed and sat up. He begrudgingly took his phone off the night stand and turned it on. the light basically blinded him, causing him to squint at the screen hard. After his eyes adjusted he looked through his contacts...but he already knew who he wanted to come over. he felt bad for being so he was always up this late unlike Russel or Noodle. He sent him a quick "Wanna come over?" text, and set his phone to the side. He stretched his lanky arms above his head as he waited for a reply. He examined his legs in the moonlight, carefully pulling up the baggy basketball shorts he'd borrowed from Russel for gym a few days back. His scars were pretty faded, and they didn't hurt anymore. He traced his fingers over every one of them gingerly, then sighing. It's no wonder nobody likes're such a freak...He thought to himself. He jumped at the sound of his phone but relaxed realizing what it was. He put his shorts back down and felt around his bed for his phone. After a second he found it, and looked at the message. It read "Sure, be there in ten." He shut his phone off and heaved himself up grunting. He probably should put a shirt on....He finally flicked on his bedside lamp to look for something to throw on. He opened his pajama drawer and looked through it haphazardly. He grabbed a random gray shirt that just said "hail satan" on the front. Deciding it was fitting, he threw it on and ran a quick comb through his hair though it didn't do much. He thumped his way down the stairs and walked into his kitchen. He opened the fridge and looked through it for a second. He took out a coke and opened it, chugging half of it, then setting it down on his kitchen table. He walked into his living room and threw himself down on the couch, flicking on the TV lazily. Waiting for Murdoc was always so boring but exciting. 2d loved seeing him...hearing him talk...listen to him...even if he did sound like he was going to have a heart attack and die from a coughing fit it didn't bug 2d at all. There was no doubt in 2ds mind he was absolutely head over heels and now here Murdoc is confusing the absolute bleeding hell out of him. One minute he's yelling, then the next kissing him and telling 2d he's bi? He sighed, knowing he would never understand this complex man. I'm just something for him to do...Murdoc kisses everybody why do I think I'm different? He thought. He lay down further on the couch on his stomach and buried his face into the couch. Stupid man...with amazing bass skills...and perfect hair...and a great smile...and abs damn those abs. What could he be hiding? He watched TV in silence for a few more minutes before the front door handle jiggled before it swung open. Murdoc stood for a second, putting his spare key back into his pocket and walking in, closing the door behind him. "Evening love." Murdoc sang, walking in and sitting in front of the couch so 2d wouldn't have to move. 2d smiled as his face burned hot. "H-hey Mudz." He said, clearly embarrassed. "So, what would a lovely boy like you be inviting me over at this time?" Murdoc asked, turning to look at the lanky pale singer. "I dunno...jus' bored I guess." He admitted, also turning to look at Murdoc. Murdoc nodded and turned back to the TV for a few minutes. They were both quiet for a while before he could feel 2d shaking, obviously cold. His house was always freakishly freezing. "Why don't you come down here with me?" Murdoc asked. 2d cocked his eyebrow before shrugging and getting up, sitting on the spot next to him. Murdoc shook his head and opened his legs, patting the spot between them. 2d gulped quietly, earning a small smirk from Murdoc. "Alright." 2d nodded slowly, sitting in between Murdocs legs, facing away from him. He was tense, but after a few seconds he finally relaxed and leaned back into Murdocs body, leaning his head back onto his shoulder. Murdoc smiled triumphantly though 2d couldn't see him of course. He gingerly messed with 2ds hair fluffing it up this way and that. 2d was giggling like a little boy. "W-what are ya doin?" He asked, holding in some laughter. Murdoc was smiling so warmly at his little laugh so he continued doing it. "You have soft hair Dents." He said almost seductively into 2ds ear. Goosebumps raced across 2ds skin as he bit his lip fighting the hairs raising on the back of his neck. "Th-thanks." He mumbled, squirming slightly. He felt Murdocs hand running softly up and down his sides and his nails slightly tracing the skin above the hem of his basketball shorts. 2d couldn't say he wasn't enjoying this, because he was, very much. He felt Murdoc lean in closer to his ear and nip at it gently. He let out a small gasp, but quickly clapped a hand over his mouth. The fuck was that?! He could feel Murdocs smirk on his neck as he gently pulled back. "I knew you were enjoying it." He said lowly. 2d gulped letting out a shaky breath, and nodded carefully. "What are you getting at?" 2d asked, a bit more confidence to his tone. "Whatever you want me to be getting at." Murdoc chuckled. 2d knew that this was headed south, literally. "Why don't you turn around so I can look at you when you gasp like that?" He heard Murdoc mumble. This pervert...well I'm not exactly gonna say no am I? 2d thought decisively. He turned around slowly and lifted his legs carefully. He was now straddling Murdoc, shaking ever so slightly. Murdoc licked his lips smirking. He gently put his hands on 2d thighs, holding him in place. Murdoc looked up at 2d. He'd know that look anywhere. He wanted something to happen, badly. Murdoc leaned up, pulling 2ds shirt down slightly, revealing his collar bone. He looked up 2d who just nodded, biting his lip. "Jus' letting you know...I..I've never done this before." 2d warned quickly. Murdoc smirked. "I figured." He said softly. Murdoc connected his teeth to 2ds collar bone and started going to work. 2d wrapped his arms around Murdocs neck loosely, suppressing any noises threatening to spill out. Holy shit, it was nice. He let out a small whimper and quickly shut his mouth. Murdoc wasn't having it. He bit down harder and snaked his hands up the back of 2ds shirt. He let out a breathy moan, clinging to the back of Murdocs shirt. Murdoc pulled back triumphantly looking at the mark he had left. 2d whined a bit before he even knew what he was doing. "Take it easy there Dents." Murdoc soothed, gently running his hands up and down 2ds thighs. 2d shuttered burying his face into Murdoc hair in embarrassment. Murdoc leaned back so the other boy was slouching in down on him. 2d propped his elbows on the couch and admired the view. Murdoc could feel 2d through his pants and smirked up at him, making him turn a deep red in guilt. Murdoc suddenly grabbed 2ds wrists and pushed him forward so he was on top of him, straddling him. His inverted cross dangled from his neck, resting on 2ds chest. He leaned down and connected their lips. 2d squeaked, leaving room for Murdoc to snake his tongue inside. 2d made no effort to fight him, and gave in rather quickly. Murdoc practically drank up the moans as he tried to take it easy on him. He didn't want to bruise his lips after all. He could feel 2d shivering below him like he'd wanted this for a long time. He suddenly bucked his hips up involuntarily, and broke the kiss for a second. "W-wait wait, im sor-" Murdoc shook his head and traced a thumb against his lips. "Don't be sorry for what you want darling." He said. He grinded slowly back against 2d who moaned loudly, not expecting the contact. Murdoc reconnected their lips as they grinded together in sync. Murdoc could feel the grip tighten on his shirt and he sped up the pace slightly. He slowly reached a hand down, placing it on the hem of 2ds basketball shorts. 2d took no notice, so he continued, fiddling with the elastic. He rubbed him through his clothes causing him to break contact again. "M-Murdoc!" He yelped. "Oh, I do quite like the sound of that Dents..." Murdoc nodded. He rubbed faster, practically begging for a reaction like that again. He got what he wanted as 2d threw his head back, clutching tightly at Murdocs back. He didn't stop, he kept going much to 2ds pleasure and dismay. "Murdoc I-I'm-" He didn't have time to finish his sentence before it just happened. Murdoc smirked taking his hands off of 2d. "That was fun, wouldn't you agree?" He asked, lying down next to 2d who was shaking. He wrapped his arm around 2d and rubbed soothing circles into his back. As 2d fell asleep, he could've sworn he heard Murdoc say "Sleep tight Dents."

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