Chapter 7

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(Disclaimer! In this au 2ds birthday is in October, not May! I just wanted his birthday to be spooky oK) 2d sat on his bed staring up at the ceiling. His head was pounding out of his skull and he couldn't move at all. He forgot to take his pills today, and they were all the way downstairs in his bag from when they'd gone roller skating on Friday. It was...Sunday? Saturday? He had no clue. He groaned in pain. He knew he had to take them if he wanted to feel better. he sat up and yelped in pain almost instantly. "Sweet Satan..." He mumbled, standing up as slowly as humanly possible. He started slowly walking until he got to his carpeted staircase. fuck. He tried to make it down slowly, but lost his balance at the fifth step and was sent flying down into a mess at the bottom of the staircase. "Ow, fuck!" He yelled. "You should learn to watch your mouth." 2d looked up in surprise. "Murdoc?" He asked, picking himself up and dragging his feet over to the couch. It's not the first time Murdoc had come in without warning, so 2d was pretty much used to it. He grabbed his bag and started digging through it. "Well mate I came to check on you since you haven't answered your phone since Friday. Thought you were dead." He chuckled at that last part making 2d roll his eyes. "Ha ha. Funny." 2d replied flatly, finally grabbing his pill bottle. Murdoc raised his hands in defense. "I know I know, a comedian in training." He nodded. 2d laughed slightly taking two pills. "I uh...also wanted to give you something." 2d looked at him strangely. "Uh...for what?" He asked in complete shock. Murdoc got something? For him? "Cause! Look at the time dents, it's technically your birthday." 2d grabbed his phone and turned it on. Sure enough it read 2:37 a.m., technically his birthday. Murdoc was now holding a small black box in his hand. 2d examined the box for a second before taking it gently. He shook it lightly just to make sure it wasn't alive or an explosive. "Oh come on now, I'm not gonna kill ya!" Murdoc exclaimed with slight defense to his tone. 2d laughed. "I have to check everything you give me grandpa." He reasoned, putting his hand on the neat red bow holding it together. Murdoc definitely did not wrap this. He untied the bow and put his thumb under the lid. He took off the lid and grabbed whatever was in the box, pulling it out carefully. It took him a moment to realize what it was but when he did he let out a girlish squeak of joy. It was just like Murdoc inverted cross necklace, but instead of being plated in gold it was silver. "You like it?" Murdoc asked, laughing at the noise he just made. 2d didn't even know what he was doing before he flung himself onto Murdoc and pulled him into a tight hug. "I love it so much! thank you!" He thanked. Murdoc was in a daze at his sudden excitement. "The pills must be setting in." He commented, as they broke away from the hug. "Whatever mr. man." 2d scoffed, and opened the necklaces clasp. "D'ya mind?" 2d asked, handing him the necklace. Murdoc gently swung it over 2ds head and closed the clasp together. He could swear 2d was going to break down crying. "y'know... if you want to you can just stay the night." 2d more asked than offered. Murdoc considered his options. Go back home and most likely get beat up for sneaking out, orr stay the night with this beautiful blue hair songbird. Yea, he knew what he was going with. "Sure. Wanna watch a movie?" Murdoc asked. 2d nodded. "You pick I'm too lazy." 2d sighed, leaning onto the back of the couch and sprawling his legs out. murdoc chuckled and nodded, walking over to his dvd shelf. After a moment of looking he decided on pirates of the Caribbean, mostly cause it was 2ds favourite.2d had basically already fallen asleep by the time Murdoc had taken a seat next to him. He didn't look comfortable at all. Murdoc thought for a second before gently moving 2d to the side. Murdoc lay down then lay 2d on top of him. "Wha...are you...doin?" 2d asked sleepily. "Shh..." Was all Murdoc said. 2d sighed and snuggled his chest onto Murdoc unaware of what the hell he was actually doing. Murdoc looked calm but on the inside he was flipping his shit. 2d was so warm...and nice. They're breathing became synced after a while and it felt nice. Murdoc eyed 2ds hair. He'd never touched it besides ruffling it right after 2d had 'fixed' it, and he was curious as to what it felt like. After a few moments, when he was sure 2d was out cold, he cautiously reached one of his hands up and felt a tuft of his hair. holy fuck, it was so soft! He messed about with his hair for a while, careful not to wake the sleeping 2d. The hours seemed to drag on before Murdoc was also out cold.

The next morning 2d was the first to wake up. he almost yelped in surprise at being just inches away from Murdocs face, but quickly shut himself up so he didn't disturb him. How long had they been cuddling? He certainly didn't go to sleep this way. he sighed, just listening to Murdoc steady heartbeat, and basking in the warm sun pouring through the window. he gently placed a small kiss on Murdocs cheek before getting up cautiously and walking to his room. It was definitely Sunday. he found a random outfit, just a 'good vibes' tee shirt and some skinny jeans with of course his black converse. He walked downstairs to see Murdoc sitting on his phone. "Hey dents." Murdoc greeted, turning his phone off and setting it on the coffee table. "Hey Mudzie. you wouldn't happen to know why we woke up cuddling would you?" he asked sweetly, leaning on the door frame of the kitchen. murdoc hummed before turning to face 2d. "I dunno 2d! You wouldn't happen to know why I woke up to a lovely kiss would you?" He replied smirking.2ds face flushed. "U-uhhh I didn't think ye were awake..!" 2d squeaked, loosing all of his previous snarkiness. Murdoc laughed and got up from the couch. "You know...I didn't exactly mind it." Murdoc exclaimed, walking painfully slow over to 2d. 2d gulped. "Wha- what are you...doing?' 2d asked as Murdoc gently pushed him against the door frame. "I dunno, what are you doing?" he teased. 2d was baffled. "Murdoc please, I know you aren't gay." 2d sighed with a bit of disappointment in his voice. Murdoc grabbed 2ds chin a bit awkwardly because of the height difference, but nonetheless still had 2d falling over himself. "Says who?" was the last thing said before a kiss was placed right on 2ds lips. He yelped in surprise as Murdoc put his hands on 2ds waist. They sat for a moment, only breaking away when they needed breath. Murdoc smirked up at the boy, and pushed off of him turning on his heels and walking to 2ds fridge. "So, what are we doing for your birthday today love?" he asked. 2d just clung onto the door frame in surprise, not saying a word. "Whaat? Am I really that bad of a kisser? Murdoc asked, taking out a redbull and cracking it open (with the boys-), taking a seat at 2ds table. "I- what the bloody hell was that?!" 2d asked, completely shaken up. "What you want me to whip out my dick and prove im bi-" "NO! Nono thanks!" 2d squeked taking a feeble seat across from Murdoc. "Like I was saying, what you wanna do for your birthday songbird?" Murdoc repeated. "I...dunno?? We could go to the arcade with the band togetha'." 2d suggested. "Alright sounds good love." What the fuck?

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