Chapter 13

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2d woke up softly due to the sound of rain softly tapping on his glass windows. It was raining? Huh, strange for the area they lived in. He heard a soft mumbling from behind him and froze in place. Oh right...he was being cuddled again by one of the hottest and dangerous people in the school. Nice. The boy in question had on of his arms under 2ds head, and the other wrapped around his waist near the hem of his shorts. He sighed and gently flipped over, careful not to wake him up. He looked at him sleeping. Creepy, he knows, but he couldn't help it. He looked so strange sleeping. So calm...almost melancholic in a way. He looked kind of weird whenever he wasn't angry or flirting. He noticed his shirt was pulled down just a bit, barely exposing his collar bone. He noticed something else the longer he looked. It looked like a tank top strap, but a lot thicker. He cocked an eye brow to himself and thought if he should risk it and look closer. Why would he need to wear a tank top under a shirt like that? Pretty pointless if you asked 2d. He slowly snaked his hand up to the bottom of Murdocs shirt. If he wakes up, he was absolutely positive he'd loose his hand. He tried to calm himself down as he lifted up his shirt carefully. He became even more confused as he didn't see anything like a tank top...? He shifted his gaze up to Murdocs chest. What...What the hell is that? It looked like a crop top but...not? How had he never noticed it before? It was just plain black...and it seemed to be restricting his breathing. He had never seen anything like it before...why did he have to wear it? What even is it? He felt Murdoc shift in place and felt his soul leave his body momentarily. He quickly but cautiously put his shirt back down and shut his eyes. Fuck fuck fuck, please don't tell me he was awake for that. "Mmmm...Dents? Are you awake?" He mentally panicked but put on his best performance. He sleepily opened his eyes. "Mm what? Yea, now I am..." He faked. Murdoc bought it, much to the relief of 2d. He felt Murdoc pull him closer and hugged his back. 2d slowly sat up. "Come on old man...we got to get up." He said. Murdoc let out a groan and sat up too. 2d blushed. His hair was sticking up in all sorts of different directions as he let out the cutest yawn he had ever seen in his life. Who knew the devil himself could be so fucking cute? He shook his head and stood up slowly, feeling the tiredness slowly shake away from him as he did. "What time is it?" Murdoc asked looking around. "Mm..." 2d took his phone off the couch and examined it. "Uh....five in the afternoon..." He admitted, a little embarrassed. "Bloody hell you sure can sleep..." Murdoc sighed giggling. "Oh whatever, be sure to grab your walking cane granddad." 2d giggled, sitting on his couch, putting his legs on Murdocs shoulders. "Yea yea whatever, you're lucky I don't start calling you kitten again." Murdoc said, not thinking. 2d cocked an eyebrow. "Why did you stop calling me that anyways?" He asked. Murdocs eyes went wide. 2d didn't know he was there when Russel and Noodle agreed to stop calling him that..."U-uh...I figured that since it bothered you so much I should lay off it?" He lied. He could feel 2d roll his eyes from behind him. "Since when do you care about me?" 2d asked. Murdoc gasped dramatically. "Dents! What makes you think that?" He asked, bending his head backwards so he could look at 2d. "Lotsa things morning breath." 2d commented, pretending to hold his nose. Murdoc laughed moving his head back. "At least I don't smell like cigarettes." He commented. 2d joined in his laughter. "Ok ok surrre I haven't even smoked since Thursday." 2d said. "Yeaaa but today is only Saturday." Murdoc pointed out. 2d sighed at them not being able to be straight functioning humans. "Useless bear." He commented. "Useless twink." Murdoc shot back. 2d shrugged. "Fair enough. I'm going to get dressed." 2d decided, moving his legs off of Murdoc. "Do I get to watch this time? After all you wouldn't even let me buy you dinner." Murdoc smirked devilishly. 2d turned dark red, not wanting to remember last night that much. "Fine, you win. No touch." He said sternly as Murdoc stood up tiredly. "Awww no fun." He laughed as they both walked up the stairs.

They both walked down the sidewalk, holding hands like the useless gays they were. After 2d had gotten dressed they both decided to go out since it stopped raining then come back and watch a movie or something. It wasn't too cold, but 2d was still cold enough to complain about his hands so instead of making a dirty joke, Murdoc just held his hand instead. 2d wore a light gray hoodie with bat ears on the hood and bat wings printed on the back. He also had black skinny jeans with pastel blue converse, his inverted cross necklace, and of course his pentagram ring. Murdoc wore a leather jacket with the words "bad influence" on the back, with studs and rips, all the typical Niccals fashion. He actually wore rings in his various piercings today. He always claimed to be too lazy to do it but when he did he basically made everyone in a 10 mile radius pregnant. He had a Nirvana shirt with blue jeans and black boots that went up just a bit above the ankle. 2d couldn't deny it, they must've looked like a strange couple. Couple? Could he even call them that? I mean he did say he's whatever 2d wants him to be..? 2d also couldn't deny that he looked hot as hell. He'd never give Murdocs ego a stroke and tell him he actually lived for the bad boy look he pulled off so well, but holy hell he looked like he could make out with 2d and win a knife fight at the same time. New date idea? 2d shook his head, trying not to think about his own stupidity. They were walking behind 2ds house so they weren't afraid of being seen by anyone from class. He noticed that they were nearing a forest that was behind 2ds house. They both knew the woods pretty well since they went out there sometimes with the band to talk. He smirked getting an idea. He let go out of Murdocs hand and began sprinting to the forest. "Catch me if you can old gaffer!" 2d shouted. A smiled grew across Murdocs face as he began to run as well. "Heyy no fair, you used to be on the track team!" He whined. He could hear 2d laughing as he disappeared into the forest and tried to speed up. Damn binder, I really need to get this thing off soon. Murdoc thought. He ducked under a branch and followed the sound of footsteps. 2d jumped over a fallen tree and looked for a good place to hide. Where would Murdoc be too lazy to look? He examined his surroundings best he could for the sun going down. He saw a large rock and quickly ducked behind it, controlling his laughter poorly. He heard Murdoc laughing and breathing. "Ya little shit where'd ya go?" He heard him. He cupped a hand over his mouth and tried to suppress his little giggles. "Aughh 2d I'm dyyyinnnggg!" Murdoc yelled making fake gagging noises. 2d let out a small giggle and immediately bit his sweater sleeve. He heard the crunching of footsteps and knew the gig was up. He felt hands on his shoulders and let out a girlish squeal making them both laugh harder. "What....the fuck was tHat?" Murdoc choked out between laughter. 2d wheezed and slumped down farther, clutching his sides. "Ya scared me!" He exclaimed trying to calm down his laughter. After they stopped laughing like dumb thots, they stared at each other just smiling happily. Murdoc hadn't felt like this in a long time. No one night stand could ever compare to a relationship like this one. "You ready to go home now blue bird?" Murdoc asked leaning on his arms. "Yea...Yea." 2d nodded. He was so excited just to be around Murdoc...nothing else really mattered at that moment to him.

Don't sleep in your binders kidsss, bad Murdoc.

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