Chapter 23

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2d stayed completely silent as he climbed the tree that grew next to his bedroom window. Whenever he snuck out, he always took this route, though he never thought he'd be using it for this. This was the same tree he fell out of and lost his hair...He shook his head. Don't think of good memories right now. He opened his bedroom window silently and hurried inside. He was quiet and swift as he threw open his closet and looked frantically for a duffel bag. His mom was downstairs doing laundry. Oh my god, my mom...what would she say? He was so scared and confused, but what choice did he have? It was either this or jail time though he was innocent. They'd probably only be arrested because of how well Paula and her so called brother could twist the story. He shook his head once again, pulling out a black duffel back and setting it on his desk. He opened it and grabbed all of the clothes he could of all types. He grabbed his drawing shit, phone charger, phone, and pulled out his secret stash of food hidden under his bed. He had kept it for Murdocs in case his parents didn't feed him and he didn't have any extra cash. He tossed it in the bag as well before taking all the polaroid's off his door with care. Tears filled his eyes and he suppressed a sob, taking out a random pen and a piece of paper.


I'm so sorry, i'm so so so sorry. Something happened and...I won't be coming back for a long long long time. I love you so much, please don't think this means you failed as a parent, I failed as your kid. Don't come looking for me, you won't find me. You'll hear about us on the news, do not believe what they tell you it's most likely not true. You'lll see me whenever I get famous yea? here's that last picture you asked for. I love you.


He sniffed quietly, wiping his face with his hand. He quickly changed into jeans, a shirt, and a very baggy hoodie before grabbing the duffel bag and leaving the note on his desk. "Bye mum..." He mumbled, opening his window and crawling down the tree again. God, how was he ever gonna get enough time?! His gaze shifted to the motorcycle parked by the side of the house. He ran over to it and grabbed the keys from the satchel on the back of it. They obviously couldn't take it, it would be too risky, but it would be fine to drive to the cemetery. He shoved the keys in it and kicked it to life, not caring if he knew how to drive it or not. He sped off under the moonlight, practically hearing the police sirens coming for all four of them. He parked the motorcycle a few yards away and flung himself off, rushing over to the other four who came running in at the same time. Everyone had a bag. "We gotta get somewhere, and get there fast." Murdoc pointed out, looking back quickly. Noodle was on her phone. "We can catch a train car up north, and see where we can stay from there. The train arrives in seven minutes, we can still make it." She suggested, shoving her phone in her pocket. "How much money do we have all together?" Russel asked. "We'll figure it out in the car, come on!" 2d exclaimed. Everyone nodded in agreement and began running together toward the train tracks. 2d felt around in the dark behind him. He found Murdocs hand and grabbed onto it for dear life. He was leading the way since he was the quickest on his feet, though he wasn't too happy about that at this moment. The cold night air stung all of their faces, their hearts beating in sync together. Were they going to make it? They were all absolutely fucked if they didn't. This panic just made 2d run even harder, gasping for breath, trying to ignore the jabbing pain in his side. "We're almost there look!" Russel exclaimed, pointing to the tracks, and the train parked a little bit in front of it. "Chest..." Murdoc wheezed as they followed the tracks. And then there's that. "Just a little longer." 2d mumbled, urging him to push through. They all came to about the last train car and stopped, all heaving for breath. Russel grabbed the hinges and pulled it open, signaling everyone there was someone coming. They all jumped inside as Russel slid the door shut. They huddled against the wall as they heard footsteps approaching. They stayed deadly silent as the person checked the lock on the door. "Alright, ready to go." The voice called, walking away. They all waited till the footsteps left entirely and collectively released their held breath. There was a moment of silence as the train slowly started moving before they all adjusted their sitting positions. 'Ok, recap!" Noodle said. Everyone nodded in agreement, ready to sort out their own thoughts. "2d got into a fight with Paula's brother in self defense, so we started helping. Her brother started suffocating him, so Murdoc did the only thing he could do and attacked." She finished. "This is correct yes?" She cocked an eyebrow at the two who just nodded. "All on prom night dawg." Russel said in a surprised tone. Everyone nodded, equally surprised. "Talk about high school drama." 2d joked, lightening up the mood. "Alright, lets see how much cash we got." Murdoc suggested, slinging his bag off his shoulder. Russel and the others nodded in agreement, also taking off their bags. 2d felt around in his pockets and pulled out a ten pound. "Just set it in a pile, we're sharing anyways." Noodle shrugged. 2d threw it in the middle and sighed. "That's all I got." He explained. Russel set about 49, Noodle 92, and Murdoc about 200. "That makes our total 351 pounds." Noodle calculated sighing, "I'll hold the money." Russel volunteered, gathering it al up and putting it in his backpack. "I brought some things we might find useful." Noode chirped, opening her bag. She took out hair dye, scissors, a shaver, and a whole piercing kit. "Where the hell you'd get this shit?" 2d asked. She shrugged. "Had them around my house. You're first Touchie!" She grinned. "Just don't shave one of my eyebrows off please..." He begged, getting up and sitting closer to her. "No promises!~" she sang. "You aren't gonna dye my hair?" He asked. "Mm, just highlights!" She said. She turned on the shaver. Welp, you only live once I guess. She ended up going with an under shave, and black highlights. He looked damn good, but nothing could be done about his eyes for the time being. "Alright, whos next?" She asked. Russel nodded, as 2d moved from his spot. Murdoc blushed heavily seeing his little bluebird without long hair. He placed a gentle kiss on 2ds forehead as he once again leaned on Murdocs lap. "Sleep well blue jay." He whispered as 2d fell into a deep sleep, now feeling the pain of the fight setting in.

"Alright, grab your stuff, welcome to the middle of no where!" Noodle sang, standing. 2d opened his eyes, and sadly did not see his bedroom ceiling, but the train cars ceiling. "So, it wasn't a dream..." He sighed. He just wished this could've been. Murdoc shook his head, petting 2ds cheek softly. "Come on, we gotta go before they take off again." He exclaimed. 2d sat up tiredly and stood up stretching. He grabbed his back and jumped off the train with everyone else. They all walked into a large forest area together, ready to form some kind of plan for once. He took this time to examine everyone's changes. Murdocs hair was now permanently up out of his face, cut and slick back greaser style with no highlights. He was wearing colour contacts so his eyes were now a gray. He liked his mismatch eyes much better. Russel was wearing a backwards baseball cap, also with contacts so his eyes were now a bright popping green. He had what looked like fake tattoos littered on his arms. He turned to Noodle lastly. Her hair was now an eye-catching orange, and cut way shorter, men's style. They all looked quite different despite only having minor changes. "There should be a broadcast about us right about now." Murdoc pointed out. 2d pulled his phone out. "Lets watch it then, see how bad the story got twisted." He suggested. They all nodded, standing around 2d and his phone. He pressed on his news app and scanned for the story headline. Fight breaks out at prom, students at large. He reluctantly pressed on it as they all prepared themselves for impact.

Last night was truly a shocking scene as a fight breaks out between nine students at Nicklots high during prom night. After stabbing one of the attackers, the four teenagers fled the scene. They remain at large with no sign of them left besides a motorcycle. The students who provoked the attack are still being questioned, more on this story later.

Murdoc finished reading and sighed in shock. "What else can we do?"

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