Chapter 19

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He looked at him in disbelief. "Uh- what do you mean?" He asked, taking a step backwards. He was shaking as he took in a deep breath. "Look, come to my house." He said, grabbing his hand and walking back down the street. 2d cocked an eyebrow. "What are you on about?" He mumbled. Murdoc didn't reply or even look back at him as he led him back to his window. He helped 2d in, then pulled himself back up. As he shut his window 2d crossed his arms in a motherly way. "You better have a good explanation for this." He growled. Murdoc turned to him and sighed. "Look, I'm not...what you thought I was..." He started, unsure of how this conversation was supposed to go. "Well?" 2d pressed, leaning on the dresser in front of the door. They stood in silence until Murdoc finally walked over, and gave him a small hug. "Uh-?" "Just in case it's the last time we ever see each other." "You're worrying me." He stepped back and sat on his bed. He finally snaked his arms to the bottom of his shirt and took it off, tossing it to the side. "Wh-" "I'm trans." Was the last words mumbled before a complete utter silence broke out. No noise interrupted them, and Murdoc could feel 2ds cold stare on him. He refused to meet his gaze as he took a step closer. "Murdoc Alphonce Niccals." He finally looked up. "Why the hell didn't you tell me before!" He yelled, grabbing him by the shoulders. "I knew you would react this way-" "I'm not mad about this! I know you're a man, I'm angry you didn't tell me before!" He said, looking seemingly lost. "I knew something was up..." 2d sighed, sitting on the spot next to him on the bed. "I'm...not sure what to say." Murdoc managed to choke out. "I do. I still love you, you know that right? Even if your parents don't, even if the people at the school don't. I won't tell a soul." 2d said, picking up Murdocs shirt and handing it back to him. He gratefully put it back on before he continued. "Paula...was blackmailing me." He said, standing up. 2d cocked an eyebrow and turned to face him, sitting criss cross. "What? That skank! How?!" He asked, ready to throw hands. "She threatened that if I didn't stay away from you she'd show the whole school a shirtless picture of me." He explained, sighing and rubbing his temples. More silence. "I have a plan." 2d mumbled, standing. "It won't happen till prom night, don't you worry about a thing." He said, pulling Murdoc into a tight hug. They sat there, clinging onto each other like it would be the last time they'd ever touch each other. "Oh, and 2d?" "Hm?" 2d messed with Murdocs hair waiting his reply. "Would you go to prom with me?" 2 d giggled, taking one of Murdocs hand and holding it. "Of course." He hummed, putting little kisses all over Murdocs face.

The next day 2d, noodle, and russel sat in the old abandoned elementary school once again waiting for Murdoc. "You two are totally together!" Russel exclaimed, pinching the bridge of his nose. " Yea! Just admit it already, you two cling to each other like your lives depend on it! " Noodle agreed. 2d was flushed, and quite embarrassed to say the least. "We are not together! I swear if I hear one more-" "Hey babe!" He was interrupted by an abrupt kiss on the cheek and Murdoc taking a seat next to him. Russel and Noodle looked at them, both looking smug as ever. "Oh come off it!" 2d whined, leaning his head on the back of the wall. "Soo Murdoc..." Noodle began, crossing her legs and leaning on them. "You and 2d are close right?" Murdoc cocked an eyebrow. "Well I'd say so, we're sitting right next to each other. " He smiled. "You know that's not what she meant! How long are you planning to keep this up?" Russel groaned. "Keep what up?" 2d joined in. Noodle and Russel sighed while 2d and Murdoc smiled innocently. Noodle quickly got a wicked smile on her face. "Hey guys, how about we play a game!" Murdoc did not like where this was going. "What game?" Russel asked. "Hmmm...truth or dare?" She suggested, smugly looking at Murdoc. Russels lips curved up into a sadistic smile as he nodded. "Sounds like a grand idea. I'll go first." He offered. 2d twisted the ring on his finger in anticipation. "Hmm...Murdoc, truth or dare?" He asked. Murdoc bravely smiled. " Dare. " Noodle smiled back. "I dare you to kiss 2d right now...passionately." He added, nudging noodle. "Wh-what? !" 2d stammered. He turned to Murdoc who had a confident smile. "In front of you guys?!" He asked again. Noodle nodded. "We won't judge! It is just a game after all." She Grinned. 2d sighed. "Murdoc-" he didn't have time to talk before he grabbed 2ds chin and connected their lips. He bit onto 2ds lip and asked for entry as he sat there in shock. "M-mudz!" He wailed, before Murdoc took the chance and started a full-on makeout session. Noodle and Russel silently high-fived as Murdoc grabbed 2ds thighs and pulled him closer. They disconnected after a few moments, leaving behind a very disheveled looking 2d. "You happy you weirdos?" Murdoc asked, wiping the saliva off his bottom lip. Russel nodded. " Great, now, admit you like each other! " He exclaimed. Murdoc rolled his eyes. "In your dreams pedro." 2d strangled out, also wiping his mouth, the taste of murdoc still left behind.

"Here, take my jacket." Murdoc said, beginning to remove his leather jacket. 2d placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You're not wearing a binder today! I can't..." He warned. Murdoc took his jacket off. " So what, it's not my fault if some people stare at my man tits. " he shrugged. "Plus, my little sub is cold." He grinned, handing 2d his jacket. 2d couldn't help but laugh. "I may be bottom but that doesn't mean I always need your jacket!" He defended, grudgingly putting the jacket on. "That reminds me...I got something for you." Murdoc turned to him quizically. " Uh- why? " He asked. "Cause! You need it my good sire!" 2d stated. They stopped in front of his door. "I'll give it to you...after you talk to my mum..." He sighed. Murdoc nodded. " Ready to walk into certain doom! " Murdoc joked. "As long as it's with you." 2d laughed, opening his door with uncertainty. They had decided that they had to get on better terms if 2d and Murdoc were ever going to be an official thing. 2ds mom knew he was gay, he'd come out long ago, but he was always foggy about telling her his love life. "M-mum, I'm home!" He called, shaking like a mad man. Murdoc stroked his hair gently before he heard the defending clack of her heels across the kitchen floor. 2d shoved Murdoc into the living room before giving him an "I'm sorry" look. Murdoc just side smiled and shrugged in an understanding manner. "Stuart!" His mother exclaimed, grabbing 2ds hands and pulling him into a tight hug. "Hi mum!" He greeted, happily hugging back. "Stuart oh my god, please tell me you brought your prom date! " she asked, grabbing him by the shoulders. He sighed, looking down. "I did have to promise me something." She gave 2d a strange look, urging him to continue. "You can't say anything before we explain." He turned to Murdoc and motioned him to come in. "Ok hon... " his mother said, unsure of what the hell was going on. Murdoc rook a deep breath before walking out and beside 2d. "Hello Mrs. Tusspot..." He said lowly, looking at the ground. There was a complete silence before his mother spoke. "Marcie???" She asked. 2d could practically feel Murdoc cringe as he turned to his mom. "I'd like to you meet Murdoc Niccals." He said, trying to get his point across. It took her a moment but she quickly got a disapproving look on her face. "Stuart Tusspot! What in your right mind would make you think dating the person who crashed their car into your face TWICE is anywhere near ok?!" She basically screamed. "Mom please! He's changed, I promise! He is really sorry for everything he's done!" 2d defended. She crossed her arms and shifted her weight to her hip. Ah, I see where 2d gets it from...Murdoc thought. "Young man." She glared at Murdoc before her face went a little soft. "I hope you actually are sorry for what you've done to my son. I do not forgive you yet, but I accept that you make my son happy. " she snapped. Murdoc looked up. "I promise I'd never hurt him on purpose ever again." He said truthfully. "Now. Would you boys like some tea? We can discuss prom plans." She smiled. 2d grinned in relief. "Of course mum."

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