Chapter 6

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2d ran a hand through his messy hair as he stared at himself in the mirror. They all decided to meet at the roller skating rink at 6, so he had 30 minutes left to get ready. He was gonna get hot easily, so jeans were out. Though, he could just bring a bag? Yea, I'll do that. He thought, grabbing a duffel bag from his bed. He looked around his room for something to wear. Do I have any shorts? He wondered, digging through his drawers. He pulled out a few pairs of jeans until he came across a bright green article of fabric. He curiously pulled it out. It was a pair of green booty shorts, though he had no memory of ever buying them. Maybe Noodle bought them for him? No clue. He shrugged and shoved them into his bag, and turned to look for a shirt to wear. He dug through his closet, looking for something actually clean. He pulled out random shirts until stumbling across a shirt Murdoc had accidentally left. It was a plain grey shirt with a pentagram symbol on it. It was a little big on Murdoc, so it was gigantic on 2d. He loved it a lot, and Murdoc let him keep it because he "Infected it." He tossed that into his bag along with a bottle of water, his phone, and wallet. Looks like he was all set. He turned to the clock to see the time. 5:45. He stretched his legs, and hissed in light pain. If he wanted to heal he wouldn't do this, but since when was he healthy? He debated on taking pain meds, and decided to do it just in case. He took his pain pills and tossed them inside his bag. He grabbed everything and walked onto his porch. He saw- well more like heard- Murdocs car coming down the road. Not only was the engine loud as fuck, but he was blasting some pop music as well. he slung the bag over his shoulder and jumped down the steps as the car halted to a stop in his driveway. Murdoc rolled down the window and 2d leaned his head in. "Ey mate! Taxis here!" Murdoc chuckled. "Hey toochie! Get in!" Noodle yelled from the back seat. 2d opened the passengers side and let himself in. "We gotta go get Russ then we'll head out!" Murdoc shouted over the music. 2d nodded, glad he'd decided to take his pills before he got into the vehicle.

They all screamed the lyrics to the killers somebody told me together as they sped down the highway. "SOMEBODY TOLD ME, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND, WHO LOOKS LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND-" They all screamed at the top of their lungs. Hey, don't judge, this song is a banger. Russel lived on basically the complete opposite end of town from everyone else who were literally only blocks away from each other. It took about ten minutes to get there when traffic was good, but hell, traffic was always good when Murdoc basically bashed everyone else out of the way and ran red lights. Speaking of which, he just did and almost hit some rich lawyer. Whoops. They finally came to a stop in front of Russels house, who was waiting on his front step with a backpack. He heard the new song playing, man after midnight, and immediately jumped in the back seat. "Drive man, let's sing!" He screamed. Murdoc just nodded and hightailed it out of the grass where he'd lazily parked his car.

They finally made it to the roller skating rink after two more songs and Murdoc flipping off some senior kid for yelling at them. They all got out laughing with each other. For the first time in a long time, everyone was happy. They were all grinning like idiots as Noodle held the door open. "Ladies first." She announced. 2d was not fazed by being called a girl, why should it be offensive? He placed a sassy hand on his waist and walked in, dramatically swaying his hips. "Thanks hon!" He called in a feminine tone, earning a laugh from the three. "Yes, thanks darling!" Murdoc joined in, over dramatically stepping in. Russel rolled his eyes also walking in "You guys are insane." He laughed as Noodle joined them all. "Ok ok, I got this guys." 2d said, trying to calm down his laughter and digging his wallet out of his duffel bag. Everyone followed him to the counter giggling like idiots. They knew the teenage girl that worked there. Her name was Connie Jolee, a real nice pretty girl. She had short curly blue dyed hair, and bright brown eyes that looked honey coloured in the light. "Hey gang!" She greeted happily. "Hey Connie! All four of us on one ticket please." He said, handing her 50 bucks. They each told their shoe size and got a pair of white roller skates with red wheels. 2d was basically a skate master, but it had just hit him he'd never seen Murdoc skate in his life. Oh he was so ready for this. "I'm gonna go get changed into my outfit, see you guys in a sec!" 2d called. "Same!" Noodle cheered. 2d walked into the mens changing room. Did he mention this place was also connected to a gym? Anyways he changed into the shirt and shorts and put on his roller skates. The shirt almost fell off of one of his shoulders and hung low on the left side of his waist. He was ready to go so he skated past all the other men in the locker room and skated back out to the tables by the rink. It wasn't terribly busy, but more than a few people were there. He spotted the group at a table and flew over to them. "I'm back!" He sang, taking a seat. "Hey! Lookin' good D!" Russel complimented. 2d smiled. "Thanks Russ!" He thanked. Murdocs face was heating up at every second. Why was 2d acting so...flirty? Happy? Whatever it was it was making Murdocs stomach do flips. he quickly tried to distract himself. "We're only waiting on Noodle now." Murdoc said. 2d raised an eyebrow. "Just Noodle? You sure?" Murdocs face was getting hotter and hotter. Murdoc was still wearing his school clothes. "Didn't you bring something else to change into?" Russel asked. 2d leaned on the palm of his hand and smirked. "Oh? Why don't you go change? We have the time." 2d asked. "2d I swear to god I will-" "Mudzieee. Noooo we aren't fighting tonight." We all turned to see Noodle whining. Murdoc sighed. He signaled to me and dragged a finger across his throat before grabbing his bag and marching off to the mens changing room. 2d turned his attention to Noodle to get a look at her outfit. She had on a cropped tank top that read "Princess" and some black hot pants. Her hair was up in pigtails, but even so she looked so grown up. Russel wiped a fake tear from his eyes in a proud manner. "Yes girl! You're killing it!" He cheered. She took a seat next to him and smiled. "You think?" She asked a little embarrassed. 2d nodded. "Definitely, you look like some senior!" 2d said honestly. She smiled. "I wonder what grandpa brought to wear." Russel wondered out loud earning a nod from 2d and Noodle. "Probably somethin' cheeky or offensive." 2d decided earning a giggle from Noodle. "Cheeky? Well isn't exactly the word I had in mind 2d but whatever you want." 2d turned around in surprise and turned pale seeing Murdoc standing there. "Ah! H-Heyyyy Murdoc!" 2d greeted, awkwardly waving at him. He took a seat next to them and everyone took a moment to examine what exactly he was wearing. He had a very loose black tank top, ripped up blue jeans, and his signature upside-down cross necklace. "At least he's modest." Russel sighed in relief earning a laugh from everyone else. "Well come on then, we didn't come here to sit around!" Noodle exclaimed, jumping up and skating into the rink. 2d chuckled and watched as Russ joined them. He stood as well, and steadied himself on the table. He noticed Murdoc still sat, so he turned around. It took him a moment to realize that Murdoc couldn't skate at all. 2d smirked. "Well, this is certainly the sight." 2d laughed. Murdoc rolled his eyes. "Yea yea, sod off faceache!" Murdoc said sarcastically. 2d put out his hand for Murdoc to take. Murdoc glared at him for a second before sighing. "I don't need your help." Murdoc snapped, taking his hand. "Right, and I'm the queen of England." 2d scoffed, pulling Murdoc harshly to his feet. Murdoc clung onto 2ds shirt and steadied his feet. 2ds face was a deep shade of red, since Murdoc had basically almost pulled off his shirt. "Here, let me show you." 2d said, trying to keep his voice from breaking in embarrassment. He held out his arm which Murdoc clung to for his life. "When this is over your head will be hanging on my wall." Murdoc threatened quietly. 2d smiled. "Hope your wallpapers nice." He said thoughtfully, and started to skate to the rink. "Alright." 2d announced as they rolled out onto the floor. "Just follow my lead, kinda slowdancing." 2d explained. Murdoc laughed a bit as 2d began to move. He watched 2ds feet and tried to mimic the technique. He eventually got it, but was too scared to let go of 2ds arm. He wasn't going to bust his ass in front of satan and everybody. Speaking of asses, Murdoc couldn't help but glance down at 2ds every now and then. Whoever bought him those shorts definitely knew what they were doing because they clung to him like cling wrap, damn. He was snapped out of his thoughts as 2d began to turn. "Ah fuck, wait!" Murdoc whispered urgently. Too late. He accidentally pulled on 2ds arm and they both got pulled into each other closer, trying to hold the other up. By the end of this, they were in a slow dance like position, chest to chest. 2ds face burned hot as he was inches away from Murdocs face. He let out an involuntary yelp causing Murdoc to smirk. "Oh? Where's your confidence gone now?" Murdoc chuckled evily. "Oh sod off, if it weren't for your awful skating skills we wouldn't be here." 2d snapped. Murdoc scoffed and relaxed into the slowdance position. "Look, I can't skate but I can slow dance. C'mere." 2d had no time to protest before Murdoc put his hand on his wait and grabbed 2ds hand. The other was already on Murdocs shoulder, so he harshly pulled in 2d closer. The only thing between them were their clothes but hell 2d wasn't complaining. He was never allowed to get this close. Murdoc stared leading them around the rink, steadying himself on 2d. He was right, he led a fantastic slowdance. 2d found himself entranced at the way Murdoc stared back down at him. He seemed so kissable. He could've danced with him for hours. He suddenly leaned into the crook of Murdocs neck causing a slight jolt. "D'ya mind?" 2d asked. "No..." Murdoc mumbled. God damnit dents you're making avoiding you very difficult. Murdoc thought to himself. He leaned his head onto 2ds and sighed. Might as well enjoy it. This would probably be the only time we'll ever get this close. He decided.

A few hours later the group finally met back up, all changed back into their normal clothes and handed the skates in. Noodle elbowed 2d as Murdoc and Russel handed their skates in. She signified 2d to lean down so she could whisper something, so he did. he cupped a hand over his ear. "Get some 2d!" She whispered before shoving him back up and skipping out the door. "N-Noodle!" Was all he managed to choke out. Murdoc patted 2d on the back. "What was that about?" he asked. "N-nothing Murdoc, nothing..."

(W o a h two posts in a day technically? Sorry, I just want to write when I have the motivation! Anyways, just wanted to write an extra long chapter for you guys! hope you all enjoyed! byeee)

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